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Everything posted by Crikrunner

  1. Me be wurk'n til da 10pm as usual, but me be danc'n fer lat frum der. See lat at ten!
  2. Thank you Odenn. Here lies several well written guides to the fight: http://www.bosskillers.com/cgi-bin/bbguild...;sid=B32BNkEb4f Another point I forgot to mention, limited invulnerability potions (( paladin bubble )) can also remove the garrote. ( 2 blind weed (easy) 1 ghost mushroom (rare) )
  3. Thanks to all for the suggestions here are some from Odenn: 1. Warlock save soul stone for the first person to get garroted, this way instead of healers spending lots of mana keeping them up simply ss them, and let them die and repop. Without a pallidin to remove it there is no way out of it except person death or the death of Moroes. 2. Priests there is a macro you can use to target you shackle target without loosing your healing target: (( need to look it up ill edit it back in once i find it )) this will allow for better cc 3. Mages if you get garroted you can ice block out of it Some groups kill 2 or 3 targets then Moroes, then the remaining adds. Key is just keeping 2 mobs shackled or ice trapped till Moroes dies, can't allow them out of cc for more than a second.
  4. Crikrunner's in the same boat. I'd be glad to come heal for you guys this Saturday(i usually work 2-1030 on sat), but weekday nights or Sunday nights would all I can commit to regularly. Any interest in a late 10pm est start time weekday run anyone? or if I started up an 8pm est sunday run?
  5. Update: Crikrunner now key'd, dabu to all that helped. Also i'm full resto spec'd now with +954 healing gear atm.
  6. Dabu, latz fer the advise currently i'm 40 ele/ 21 resto for ns, but next time i respec I think i'm going for 41/0/20 http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...050005000000000 After 2months of being enhance and almost 2 years of being resto i'm really enjoying the change to elemental. It plays completely different, like Gwen said I just cast even when they're on me. My dps went up as did my ability to heal do to gear and better mana regen. I think i'll keep this spec for a month or two and gear up this way, have about 1/2 enhance gear on still. Shaman are a really diverse class as I have 2 whole bank bags dedicated to off spec suits of armor, and depending what dress I pull on for the day it really changes what your best at. Besides who doesn't like spending 100 gold a week on respecs its fun (( sorry for the poor grammar no coffee yet, trying to cut down ))
  7. Crikrunner has shard 1 of 3, and would love to get key'd and is always up for helping others do the same
  8. Many muun hab me been spoiled by da blessing ub weapuns. Me nub sur wat da earth mother intends fer us shaman des days. Thinking of this spec mostly for pvp/arena combat: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...000000000000000 I dont like having to spend 4 points in dodge but couldn't see any of the other talents mattering much in the short duration of combat there, like wise the 4 spend in lightning on crits could be spent maybe on the elemental soak and then 1 point else where? any ideas comments? Also I can't decide what a shaman is best at anymore for 5/10 man raids. I can come close to healing as well as a druid or priest but still can't replace them. I can make a great back up healer I can do this with out spending 41 points in resto even, as long as I save all mana for healing and pay attention. Though I can see in a 10 man you and a priest + pally could keep everyone alive allowing the druid to be feral, and more dps to come along. Elemental spec has always interested me but lack of +dmg mail up till now has prevented me from exploring that build and roll in a 4/10 man. Having spec'd enhance for so long I went back to resto 41/20 enhance last night and found pve pure torture, killing enemies took on average 5 times longer. Can't decide what I want so I'd like to hear the other shamans stories of their specs and what that like/dislike of them. Dabu
  9. if me nub at wurk, count me in
  10. Dabu latz dah spiritz be happy
  11. Crikrunner


    Volonazra and I braved the cold snow but after waiting in several lines got our copies. Installed fine. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Failed to connect to update server. Your account has been upgraded! patch, relog, patch...., relog I'm in !!!!!
  12. *gives the water spirits a nudge frum his cheek* dabu, frend
  13. Belated happy birthmuun mighty warrior, may all latz enemies fall ober deed, and frend bring lots of booze to celebrate!
  14. AQ20 these are optional but make the boss easier Kurniaxx (1 nature pot per squishy unless you've been a few times and can bubble dodge well) General (1 nature pot for any one below friendy ie not getting the healing buff) Buru 20 nature pots 1 for each raid member minimum and 2 pots to dps classes helps too, also a shaman will need 20 fish oils per attempt to keep water walking going Moam (Greater Arcane Pots) moam is cake if everyone brings 2, however these being expensive we've killed moam using only 5, 1 for each tank, 1 for each warlock. Rogues should get potions next if you want to use 8/attempt Ayamiss 60 nature pots / attempt 3 per person Ossirian just health/mana pots + anything to up your ranged dps
  15. Another fact to consider depaa unless i miss read your post is yes shaman's 41 talents may be weaker than other classes, but the 61-70 spells and abilities aren't out yet so perhaps these will bring more power to the shaman? Earth Elemental, Fire elemental cant wait to see how these work out
  16. I would only see this a long stun being balanced is if it were the 41 point elemental talent so you'd have to give up good heals and melee ability for it. While we dont have a stun we can snare with frost shock ( you know that other shock next to earthshock ), heal ( those rarly cast "healing wave" spells what ever that means ), nuke ( that really rarly cast "lightning bolt" unless you're a larper ) or combine all 3 and kite. A shaman's strength is their ability to do all these at the same time. Use space between you and your target to heal/nuke, void space between and target when they want the space. vs a rogue or warrior you have to have a shield out to win, dual wielding/2 handers are for clothies. Just trying to be sarcastically funny, while were not the best at anything we are a hybrid like a druid and can do it all in limited ammounts
  17. Rawr ug latz dabu to all dat came out this week. We took down the first four bosses np again. Gordy and I will be moving next weekend so no aq20 raid nor windstone unless someone else wants to run it. Pretty much the core people are on easy mode just need someone to direct the general fight n buru, and lots of directing on moam. We'll probably only run 2 more times before the expansion due to the holidays. Looks like killing Ayamiss or Ossirian would require a 2 night run as clearing to each boss takes an extra hour or more ((lots of wipes on really hard trash mobs)) this is the only goal I have left to acomplish before bc comes out. The raid should be way easier after the patch (minus loss of decursive) with the 41 point talents out. Also after this week i'll be done with school for the quarter and will start running a thursday night zg/aq depending on where peeps want to go. Loot will just be rolled for no dkp on the thursday run. Looking ahead I will be running a sunday night 20ish man raid on sundays once were at a level to take on such in the expansion. It will also be dkp free, and remain so, while I like the equality of dkp I think with a 20/25 man run you can just roll for items, and makes the book keeping easier. Here is the latest attendance / loot list sorted by top to bottom epic drops. Btw 2 weeks ago who got what I have Kaz, Sal, Kytae written down but forgot what you got if anything? Katak did you get something too? Yay for great book keeping Gratz to this weeks drops: Ionas got his hilt, Kaz and epic helm for his priest, Scryll a very nice tunic !!! Class Name Attendance Epics Quest Rogue Rhoach 21 21 2 Shaman Crikrunner 21 21 x Warrior Lomar 18 18 18 Rogue Sabrianica 17 17 3 Druid Harne 16 16 5 Warlok Chemmy 16 16 3 Warrior Relikk 14 14 14 Shaman Baracko 11 11 11 Warlok Katakorintha 11 11 11 Druid Halamesh 10 10 10 Priest Kalrash 10 10 10 Druid Oriahtundra 9 9 9 Warlok Vrugz 9 9 9 Warrior Zalkul 9 9 9 Mage Chrysalia 8 8 8 Mage Marner 8 8 2 Priest Evangelina 8 8 8 Shaman Larok 8 8 8 Warlok Electralyte 8 8 8 Warrior Smedlock 8 8 8 Priest Kytae 18 7 1 Druid Salaminizer 7 7 1 Warlok Ghidrah 6 6 6 Hunter Gordantell 21 5 2 Hunter Tonac 5 5 5 Priest Betelguece 5 5 5 Rogue Takenuma 5 5 5 Shaman Depaa 5 5 5 Warlok Tainish 5 5 5 Warrior Gromit 5 5 5 Druid Albinion 4 4 4 Hunter Ralthor 4 4 4 Hunter Odenn 4 4 4 Mage Verissi 4 4 4 Priest Jiris 4 4 4 Priest Naraja 4 4 4 Warrior Gorrin 4 4 4 Mage Maube 3 3 3 Priest Misanthropia 3 3 3 Priest Lefou 3 3 3 Priest Zigge 3 3 3 Rogue Roh 3 3 3 Druid Morgh 2 2 2 Hunter Khanak 2 2 2 Mage Blackburn 2 2 2 Priest Guilozak 2 2 2 Priest Aesculapius 2 2 2 Rogue Sianora 2 2 2 Rogue Ijynx 2 2 2 Shaman Dugand 2 2 2 Shaman Brainah 2 2 2 Warlok Simaetha 2 2 2 Warrior Alhazad 2 2 2 Hunter Goroton 9 1 9 Shaman Revile 8 1 8 Druid Zuato 1 1 1 Druid Sunfeather 1 1 1 Druid Stompzie 1 1 1 Druid Half 1 1 1 Druid Vendes 1 1 1 Druid Amahli 1 1 1 Hunter Taurgren 1 1 1 Hunter Moggaro 1 1 1 Mage Akutu 1 1 1 Priest Tazzak 1 1 1 Priest Molox 1 1 1 Priest Benim 1 1 1 Shaman Raeda 1 1 1 Shaman Aliaszoro 1 1 1 Warlok Xeodus 1 1 1 Warrior Greenbull 1 1 1 Hunter Kazragerg 22 0 6 Druid Ionas 8 0 8 Rogue Scryll 7 0 7 Shaman Hubba 4 0 4
  18. Having played some more... Arena combat is alot of fun when people are equally geared, been getting one shoted by hunters 3k arcane shot crit killsall the fun. There are two arenas one is mostly open with 4 pillars to loose line of sight around, the other has a "jungle gym" in the middle with steps to get on top of it on either side, rangers seem to run up and wreak havoc on melee from on top shaman resto is amazing if your enemy cant debuff your earth shield basically adds 4000 hps to each person you cast it on. and give them 30percent chance to not get interupted while casting granted it wont save you vs being 1 shoted , but vs a rogue solo you win period the extra healing negate their dmg. plus having this for solo pve i dont get hurt i simply cast this buff, turn on auto attack and come back, the heal negates the dmg from soloing a green/yellow mob so you can grind way more efficiently...raiding this is what will keep groups inviting a shaman or two instead of taking pallies enhance dual wield is great pvp , sorta good pve you still have down time just like using a 2hander, yes you do great dmg but lacking a shield pve is kill 4-5, drink repeat . 31 point storm strike got a huge buff, its cheaper to use, faster and swing both weapons at once dual wielding. alot of fun. shaman can now do lots of dmg still less than a rogue/lock/mage/hunter but definatly getting closer. however with only air totem to reduce aggro i see this as a bad raid spec, more of a pvp one imho elemental needs much work the 41 talent is moonkin for your group, but the tree needs more power imho Mage all 3 trees are amazing: water elemental shoots frost bolts for 300-400 and has a aoe frost shock that is ranged target able with a huge aoe circle (bigger or equal to blizzard) pretty fun and powerful, its 45 sec summon on a 3 min timer fire breath is an aoe cone for 500 dmg at 60, but it also disorrients for 3 seconds this is very devisating in 1 vs many fights as a mage or just "stunning" people on mounts to single them from the pack arcane slow is amazing in pvp. whom ever you cast it on is dead, lets you catch people on epic mounts. debuffs whom ever you do catch that you can solo them no problem. no so sure it would be useful raiding, but pve solo be very very nice. rogue didn't do the dagger build dont own any on ghosa to give it a fair review the new hemo build is amazing you just gain a once every 2 mins resist 90 percent of all spells remove all current effect ability. this makes all rogues as evil as dwarven ones. plus the extra points let me do some amazing pvp/pve feets (put all my point in the tree just 5 for crit in other tree)
  19. I'd love to go or help out but won't be home till midnight all this weekend from work. Yay for black friday and working retail
  20. Got all 3 of my 60s copied to the test server. For those that don't know when it goes live pvp rank gets reset. The new system lets you buy all the old gear for honor points and tokens. ie a warlords sword 1h 60dps ish is now 20,000 honor points and 30 arathi basin tokens. You just spend your honor like currency. The arena system is in place and it is a ton of fun, no rewards for it till bc goes live but wow!!! All the dropped spell books from high end dungeons including aq20 are now just trainable at 60 from your trainer. So all the books do now is save you the 4gold. Looks like if everyone pvp's till bc comes out you could get quite a few high warlords pieces. Here is my opinions of the mage/rogue/shaman new 41 talents. Also note your current add ons might not work with next patch. You can't use any of the current ones on test at least ((this may be normal)). Shaman restoration seems to be my favorite so far, the earth shield is amazing in pvp and pve It gives shamans a instant cast hot / heal buff finally(note the shield don't stack so you have water shield lighting or earth up at a time. Elemental spec didn't seem that much better though i'm not geared for it, plus the added elemental totems might make this better at lvl 68. Dual wielding like wise till i get my hands on dual high warlord dagger/mace/axes dual wielding 40dps weapons doesn't seem worth it but if i had better gear who knows. Rogue loving the additions to the already strong combat tree. Not noticing much dps increase (no meters work that i've found on the new test server ) Yet to test the other 2 trees. Mage Water elemental seems fun, but need to play around more with other specs to see what i like.
  21. dis old spirit chaser won be able to mak dit (( class till 8pm est then game night at a friends board game fun )) me home around dah witch'n hour though
  22. Crikrunner


    I entered too, best of luck to us both!
  23. Crikrunner

    It's Time!

    ((Crikrunner was a fan of the cave, plus you still get 1 rep/kill there past honored (when all other kills stop giving rep). Thanks all the helped me out I'm 1 combat mission run + aq run away from exhaulted and my hammer. ))Dabu! Me start send latz mah texts now Rhoach
  24. Gud clomp'n tanks ebery un. Dat was prolly the best general n kurnaxx eber. Gratz to Gordantell on his ring, Rhoach on his hilt he be wantin jer texts now too , and Dirth on a very nice tunic. See latz dis next week. Here be dah roks me hab.... Class Name Attendance Epics Quest Books Druid Harne 16 16 5 4 Druid Halamesh 9 9 9 9 Druid Oriahtundra 8 8 8 1 Druid Ionas 6 6 6 6 Druid Salaminizer 5 5 5 5 Druid Albinion 4 4 4 4 Druid Morgh 2 2 2 2 Druid Zuato 1 1 1 1 Druid Sunfeather 1 1 1 1 Druid Stompzie 1 1 1 1 Druid Half 1 1 1 1 Druid Amahli 1 1 1 1 Hunter Kazragerg 20 20 4 20 Hunter Gordantell 19 3 0 5 Hunter Goroton 8 0 8 8 Hunter Tonac 5 5 5 5 Hunter Ralthor 4 4 4 4 Hunter Odenn 4 4 4 4 Hunter Khanak 2 2 2 2 Hunter Taurgren 1 1 1 1 Hunter Moggaro 1 1 1 1 Mage Chrysalia 8 8 8 0 Mage Marner 7 7 1 7 Mage Verissi 4 4 4 4 Mage Maube 3 3 3 3 Mage Blackburn 2 2 2 2 Mage Akutu 1 1 1 1 Priest Kytae 16 5 3 6 Priest Kalrash 10 10 10 10 Priest Evangelina 8 8 8 2 Priest Betelguece 5 5 5 5 Priest Jiris 4 4 4 4 Priest Naraja 3 3 3 3 Priest Misanthropia 3 3 3 3 Priest Lefou 3 3 3 2 Priest Guilozak 2 2 2 2 Priest Aesculapius 2 2 2 2 Priest Zigge 1 1 1 1 Priest Tazzak 1 1 1 1 Priest Molox 1 1 1 1 Priest Benim 1 1 1 1 Rogue Rhoach 19 19 0 3 Rogue Sabrianica 16 16 16 5 Rogue Takenuma 5 5 5 0 Rogue Scryll 5 1 5 1 Rogue Sianora 2 2 2 2 Rogue Roh 2 2 2 2 Rogue Ijynx 2 2 2 2 Shaman Crikrunner 19 19 x 2 Shaman Baracko 9 9 9 9 Shaman Revile 8 1 8 1 Shaman Larok 6 6 6 6 Shaman Depaa 5 5 5 5 Shaman Hubba 4 0 4 4 Shaman Dugand 2 2 2 2 Shaman Brainah 2 2 2 2 Shaman Raeda 1 1 1 1 Shaman Aliaszoro 1 1 1 1 Warlok Chemmy 16 16 3 3 Warlok Katakorintha 10 10 10 10 Warlok Vrugz 9 9 9 9 Warlok Electralyte 6 6 6 3 Warlok Tainish 5 5 5 5 Warlok Ghidrah 4 4 4 3 Warlok Xeodus 1 1 1 1 Warrior Lomar 16 16 16 16 Warrior Relikk 14 14 14 14 Warrior Zalkul 8 8 8 4 Warrior Smedlock 6 6 6 6 Warrior Gromit 5 5 5 5 Warrior Gorrin 4 4 4 4 Warrior Alhazad 2 2 2 2 Warrior Greenbull 1 1 1 1 Shalaan 2 2 2 2 Vitaron 1 1 1 1 Unam 1 1 1 1 Umonslai 1 1 1 1 Subito 1 1 1 1 Morke 1 1 1 1 Dees 1 1 1 1 Ceteris 1 1 1 1
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