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Guild Leader
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Everything posted by Kadi

  1. Would it be possible to open the front porch to withdrawls until the end of the week? It seems like that'd be a lot easier than pestering an officer... there is a lot of stuff there that hasn't left the front porch in weeks.
  2. Nope, just Kalea and I. We're borrowing a healer (Tokane) from Winter Wolves. So there should be someone out there for you. They must be playing hard to get.
  3. Rawr! Hope you have a wonderful day!! :nub:
  4. Grats guys! Woot! Go go go!
  5. I have firefox and AdBlock plus and I didn't get the link either. I should start using NoScript again, but I've found it to be a PITA and my lazy gene took over.
  6. Agreed. I think we've all been spoiled rotten by how easy Naxx has been for us to conquer, and how well we did at learning Maly and Sarth up to 2 drakes. And if I remember right, Thursday was our FIRST serious attempt at trying to learn 3 drakes. Wiping is part of raiding, and that will probably become more clear as we start to enter Ulduar. Don't send hate to Calendar because we wipe. It's probably not his fault, and he certainly doesn't deserve it. Either tighten up your belts and suck up the repair bills as we all learn together, or just step aside as we go through the next phases of our learning processes. Yes, we get frustrated. I don't think anyone will disagree with that. And while I can't speak for Cal, I'm sure constructive suggestions for changes in tactics will always be welcome, although unfortunately, not every idea will be able to be used for various reasons. We're all humans here and aren't perfect. To expect to conquer everything on the first night from here on out is rather unreasonable. Please keep that in mind as we move forward. -Kadi, lover of Volcanoes (especially the green ones in Black Temple)
  7. GIT OFF MAH LAWN, ya young whippersnappers! /lightsabershake Kailand, I was going to send you an ice cream cake for your birthday, but they told me it'd melt before it got to Canada. I tried to explain that it was still COLD up there, but they wouldn't listen, so I just took a picture of it before I ate it myself! nom nom nom nom I guess you'll have to settle for the shipment of scrunchies I'm sending instead. I'm sure you'll make good use of them! Happy Birthday, Kailand! Hope you have a great day!
  8. *HUGS* I certainly understand. You've been a little stressed out this week. Take care of yourself, and I look forward to continuing to run with you in Team Speckledust!
  9. I'd love to go, but unfortunately with my job situation, or rather the lack thereof, I can't afford to do any traveling. I hope you all have fun though! And Orcala, if Lagduff asks you to hold his knife again... SAY NO!
  10. Kadi


    I hope you had a great day, Kalea! It was fun spending the day before and after with you in Naxx trying to keep people alive! And chocolate martinis are DELICIOUS!!
  11. It's a great day for the Blood Knights! Congratulations! I have my scrunchie supplier looking for something special, and non-flammable *peers at Kailand* for the occasion. Glory to the Sin'dorei!! And I see that you found the baker who uses bloodthistle in their bagels. That's why they're so addictive!
  12. I think the hardest one is going to be the timed Malygos one (<6 minutes), but I look forward to doing this!
  13. Congrats Maube and Katak! *hugs both*
  14. I do a little bit of both, really. I took a couple of pieces, knowing they weren't best in slot and would have to pay DKP 'twice' for the slot for a couple of reasons. 1) I was replacing a blue or taking a large upgrade, even with the 'lesser item' 2) The 'best in slot' item isn't going to drop any time soon (like when we were just starting naxx, and the 'best' item was off Malygos, or Sarth +2) Right now I have the 'luxury' of being able to hold out for the 'best in slot' items for the remainder of what I pick up, but there are a few things: (hat, shoulders, gloves, boots) that I took 'incremental' upgrades. Had I not taken the 'incremental items', I'd have that damn sword, but overall, I would have been dragging down the raid while I ran around in blues waiting for it. So, it's six of one, half-dozen of the other. I think most people in this raid wouldn't take a bow from a hunter if the hunter had less DKP and it was an upgrade for them, so in that respect, I think just about any system we choose would work. And please, no matter what we do, DO NOT go to a 'loot council' situation. That's just asking for trouble. Not to mention, it takes FOREVER!
  15. The Strawberry Marshmallow Monkeys!
  16. You traitorous, lootwhoring !@*#(!@!! I'm never going to talk to you again!!! Just kidding. I know that things have been stressful for you lately, and hopefully this will clear some of that up for you. Just don't be a stranger, and I look forward to doing the Monday 10-mans with you, so I can call you noobface on TS and laugh at you when you die. Thanks for keeping us monkeys together through the expansion, but now its time for you to take care of yourself, and don't stress out about us. I know Zuworty will do a good job of keeping things together, and I know there are others who will step up if Zu needs a hand. PS: GIMME AN "A" DANGIT! I NEED TO SET UP PALLY POWER BEFORE PEOPLE START ######ING ABOUT THEIR BUFFS!!!!
  17. As one of the healing leads, I very much appreciate the time that many of the healers have taken to speak with me, and I hope that I was able to address most of your concerns when I spoke with Baracko and Zuworty last week. I agree with most of the Healers in that I don't like the rotation idea. I've experienced what happens in guilds who use it firsthand, and I've found in my own experiences that it usually creates more problems than it solves. I do understand where Baracko is coming from with his reasoning, and while it may not be my first choice, as long as the rotation is done in a fair and consistent manner, that we aren't going to be 'left behind' in terms of gearing, and as long as some healers, if they want, can respec DPS to spread the 'sit out' burden on to more of the raid than just the healers, then I personally am fine with it. I believe Baracko's initial post covered most of this. Myself, I still worry about gearing since for every piece that is not plate, I have to compete with many of the DPS in order to get it. Part of it is because of my own choices for how I want to gear my character, but I know I would be sorely upset if the spellsword dropped off Kel'Thuzad, I had the highest DKP of those who wanted it, and I was sitting outside because it was my 'sit out' night. While that is one 'selfish' example, I think it does illustrate why so many people, especially healers, have gearing concerns. I do think Waldy also touched on something with the 'we feel like slots not people' comment that resonated with me. I think it, more than anything else, is indicative of why this has become such an unexpected firestorm. I am sorry to hear that Waldy doesn't feel like talking to us anymore, and I hope that can be fixed, but I certainly understand where he is coming from. I'm with Holyssa in that I don't come to raid JUST to see new things (though it's certainly fun when we do!) but to spend time with a group of people I have come to know and hate, er, love. I personally do NOT find the instance to be 'boring'. Yes, we rolled it pretty easily and I am certainly looking forward to new challenges... but I think that those challenges wouldn't be nearly as fun if I didn't have all of you guys to share them with me. We're in 'easy' content right now. I say we all take the time to have fun, relax, and reforge the bonds that made our raid so much fun in the first place. -Kadi
  18. Hey there all! I know there has been interest among Crushers to be able to expand into 25-man raiding, but haven't been able to for various reasons, and unfortunately, our current "Hateful Raid" is full. A friend of mine from For Horde , Genraku (who used to raid with us in Hyjal and BT as his warrior, Thraykeroth), is putting together a second run for his guild, and asked if anyone from our guild would be interested in joining them. Hopefully I'm not stepping on anyone's toes by posting here, but I thought it was the best way to find out the answer to his question. From my own experiences in grouping with them, I have found that they are a good group of people. I have had fun helping them in the past, and thought this would be a great opportunity for more Crushers to get involved in stomping evil and having fun! Raid details are posted on For Horde's website: www.forhorde.org (raid posts in their forums) or drop a line to Genraku. Right now it is in the early planning stages, so details like dates/times/interest/etc. haven't totally been ironed out yet. Thanks! -Kadi
  19. A few suggestions: Toys/Pets: Mister Dwarvish Potatohead Slinky Lawn Darts (you'll put your eye out!) - throw them at people! Paintball gun - shows a 'splotch' on other people's armor for a few minutes Mounts/Vehicles: Shaggy Dog pulling a skateboard (street surfing!) Gnomish Tricycle (engineering pattern, maybe?) Vanity Items: Crayons (recolor your gear or yourself!) I'll add others as I think of them.
  20. Kadi

    Winter Veil

    I got a frostweave bag so I have more room to store scrunchies! Woot! I must have been very good this year.
  21. Kadi

    PTR is up!

    Pics of the new DK weapons: http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images...eeldefender.jpg - Lots of Defense. http://static.mmo-champion.com/mmoc/images...eldeflector.jpg - Lots of Parry. Ooo, more blacksmithing stuff! HOoray!
  22. *hugs* Take care out there, Xeno. Hopefully RL treats you well, and I look forward to seeing you again when you're ready to return.
  23. I'd like to go as Burana if I can get her leveled up in time (since I'm already rostered for the other raid with Kadiana). I'd be willing to make her resto if needed but of course I'd prefer elemental. I'll push to get some leveling up done while I have more time than usual on my hands for now.
  24. I love this video. So much truth to be found there.
  25. Kadi

    Kel'Thuzad Down!

    Lies. Pally healers suck remember? ZOMG no AoE heals or HoTs!
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