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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. no problem, I have been in the same crappy situation. Hopefully it's back up, and you are ready to go next week.
  2. Kailand


    Happy birthday Kalea! May you have a fun night with friends and family and get much phat lewts!
  3. well, most people I think haven't bothered with getting inscriptions and such from the guild bank, since the guild bank has been locked down for a while. I think there would be more people using the stored inscriptions (and other stuff as well) if they actually had access. That and most of the inscriptions in the game are junk (for example the guild bank only has one useful PvE hunter inscription: serpent sting, the others are really pretty bad). Perhaps the guild bank should hold on to ones that are more rare and expensive on the AH? I know some of the inscriptions are going for 25-50 gold, while the junk ones are going for under 1 gold.
  4. Well, from a progression point it makes sense, I suppose. It still sucks, as most of the achievements are not gear limited (malygos 6 min, sarth 3D, and patchwerk 3 min are the only ones I can think of) but more of practice/skill limited. Anyways, I'm still looking for more DPS for this run! If you are interested or know of someone who maybe interested, PM me, post in this thread, whisper me in game, or send me an ingame mail.
  5. I like the idea of achievements and yes, I am an Achievement Whore. I disagree with blizzards decision to remove the drakes from the raiding achievements (it's not like the gear is going to improve the chance at getting the meta achievement). The reason I like the achievements is several fold: gives new challenge to the current content, it will provide good training for future content, and it is fun to have a goal other than gear once you beat the last boss. As for the 20 man achievements... blizzard was rather stupid for adding those in, but I'd be willing to sit out one week so that we can all get that one, but I'd rather we aim for the once we can do as a full group instead since as you said the odds of us completing the rest are fairly low considering we have a minimum of 4 raid IDs to do it in (6 min malygos.... uck). The ones I mean that are doable as a full group are: the immortal (no one dieing at all during boss encounters for a full clear), spore loser (do not kill a spore during loatheb), And They Would All Go Down Together (killing the 4-horseman with in 15 seconds of eachother), Shocking (no one taking damage from a charge during thaddius), and Make quick werk of him (kill patchwerk in less than 3 Min).
  6. This run is only going to be Naxx for now. And yes, I agree, 6 min Malygos and Sarth 3D are the hardest 10 man achievements.
  7. No problem there smed, I understand that for some, they won't be able to make the time. For those concerned about the length of time it takes, I expect that the run will take 2.5 to 3.5 hours depending on screwups/wipes (hopefully closer to 2.5 hours). *laughs* Kalea, you responded just as I did. We would be glad to have you... 3 healers will make a few of the achievements easier, and the comedic value you will bring to the frogger boss will be worth it!
  8. Hi, I'm putting together a 10-man Naxxramas achievement run, starting next week on wednesday with a start time at 8:00 pm. This run is solely for the fun of obtaining the achievements. That being said, I'll take characters who are available in the time slot, not committed to a previous 10-man naxx run (on that character, alts are allowed who meet the other criteria), who are atleast heroically geared and have seen most of naxx, who have a PvE spec (or are willing to spec into one) and are confident in thier ability to stay alive. Frost resist set, of course, is a requirement for sapphiron, and usual consummables (flasks for certain achievements required). If you are that person, or know of that person, please respond to this thread or send me an ingame mail/whisper. Full Roster: Tank: Holyssa, Ascoli Healers: Kadiana, Kalea, Tokane DPS: Kailand, Jestin, Evila, Eigun Replacements if available that night (cannot make it every night) Baracko, Foroshell *added kalea to the roster. *added evila *markenhoof removed (GF agro) *added tokane *added Eigun
  9. I didn't realize that BWL was after Gruul. You are on a roll in this thread orcala
  10. Congratualtions maube and katak! I hope that everyone is doing well.
  11. *points at the Edit Post button* I swear, you're blind. I too will be out tonight with everyone's favorite AFKing furry. Do your best in Naxx tonight! I an NOT a furry! So you are a shaved.... not gonna go there BTW: do you mean am, not an?
  12. Sigh, The first encounter looks to be vehicle based. I wish blizzards would remove vehicle based raid/instance stuff, as it still tends to be buggy, and just annoying in general.
  13. I agree with some sort of normalisation/decay, but like you said, it's so far off until the next tier of content, we might as well see how the standings are then. As it is, I think some of us have been cooperatively passing loot, etc, so that the raid as a whole gets geared evenly (of course minus the really competitve items like trinkets and weapons), additionally it's fun watching the competition between karrock and kalea, with ascoli catching up (the fight for the bottom, rawr!)
  14. I'd like to say thank you Baracko for putting the raid together, and you will be missed... Who else will keep the floors of the instances clean? And remember that RL > WoW always. I know that you have been having difficulties living a healthy lifestyle while running the raid, and that is important to you (and probably should be important to us all). And I also know that winterwolves start their raids an hour later than ours, and it'll fit your schedule much better, while the rest of us could probably not accommodate a 9:00 start (a lot of us turn into pumpkins close to 11:00, especially Orcala with her Hearth/AFK macro ). and like others have mentioned, I wish you success with your business and in game endeavours! *** edited to correct spelling.
  15. I've ran with a few holy paladins since wotlk came out, and I'm still waiting for them to go OOM in 5 and 10 mans... unless you are spamming holy light (bad idea) there is literally no reason for holy paladins to OOM in 5 and 10 mans. As for other healing classes, sure Priests and druids have it a bit better, but shamans do go OOM alot more frequently, and even then it's only on longer fights from what I've seen. The change to divine plea is there to offset the changes to the 5 second rule, and also as a nerf to holy paladins in PvP. (The blues mention that divine plea was added mainly for ret and prot to regen mana, but was too powerful in its current form for holy). They've also mentioned that they are nerfing mana regen all around because it's near impossible to run out of mana (in raids) unless you activley try, and even then with judgement of wisdom DPSrs cannot run out of mana! Blizzard has stated they want players to play while thinking about mana conservation, just like warriors/druids/rogues/DKS have to think about thier DPS resource conservations. With DPSrs never running out of mana as it is (except on extremely long fights), they probably do not want wisdom, hence Kings is the superior buff. If a ret is in the group, he should be giving physical DPS Might, not kings, and why should the ret paly spec kings just to satisfy your selfishness of not specing it...? it's in the prot tree, so prot should probably pick it up. The 3 prot palies that I run with regularly and semi regularly pick it up, and they have no issue with threat/mitigation, and that includes when they were still in blues. This change means they have 5 more talent points to spend. I could agree with your argument if they changed back kings to 1 talent point at the first tier in the tree, but in that case, why not make it baseline so that you wouldn't be forced to pick it up? (note at 1 talent point it would be a REQUIRED talent for all specs, and blizzard has stated they are against required talents, and now they can balance stuff around the assumption that kings is available). Note that kings is probably the MOST powerful overall buff in the game, why wouldn't you want it baseline? It gives you more utility, and you only need to assign buffs once (with paly power), and if you have 2 druids of different specs in 5 mans, just give them both kings: they both benefit from it! (making your life easier). As for the hunter whining about kings... did you give him might instead? (note: might is the better buff unless you are SV and half decently geared, even untalented might). If you told him that you didn't have kings and he still whined about it, you can do one of three things, ignore him, don't buff him period, or boot his whiney ass from the group. (note that I usually ask for kings myself if there is a paly, and if they say they don't have it, I ask for might or wisdom depending on if there is a DPS warrior or not). Prot isn't really good in PvP (well, they do have their specialites in BGs - Flag carrier of OMG die already), so the shield change is a BUFF in PvE, and with you screaming at the RP invalidity of the excorism change, this actually makes sense from an RP point of view.... getting hit with a shield in the face would make me probably stop my spell casting for a bit. And having abilities balanced around RP... lol, when has blizzard ever done that. Excorcism is still going to be better against undead/demons than others (it will be a guaranteed crit), and it will effectively balance ret paladins in PvE for future content as Waldy has said. If you want RP justification, just assume that all beings have a hint of evil in their souls (and having a hint of evil, doesn't mean that you are evil, it doesn't necessarily mean that you are good either). The changes to ammo.... now thats sexy, that will save me about 100+ gold a week. and the talent changes for Hunters are nice... not great but nice. I just hope they get around to implementing SV 41 point talent (which they have promised since 3.0.0), which used to be a 21 point talent. overall I'd say the changes are in the right direction, with DPS classes doing roughly the same DPS, healers having roughly the same mana regen/healing abilities (although, yes, holy doesn't have an AoE heal... but they have bacon which is A very nice talent that no other healer class has an equivalent), and balancing of the tanking classes seems in line. (druids got what they asked for, another stat to lookout for on gear (crit), unfortunatley for them it looks like they will be slaves to the RNG. I'm wondering if this shield will apply to magic damage, if so it probably is a nice buff depending on how much they nerf armor. and it will also mean that druids have more room to hit armor cap come with the new content).
  16. A well deserved buff to BM hunters... although I agree with holy, WTF spell casting speed nerfs?!?
  17. This is a humorous post on the official forums: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...47&pageNo=1
  18. It wasn't just AD, alot of other servers were having the same issues.
  19. In terms of the general idea for each talent tree: Arms uses a single big 2-h weapon to cause pain, Fury dual wields to cause pain, and protection uses a one-hander and a shield. for leveling Arms is probably the easiest to do, as you don't need to worry so much about +hit or anything like that, especially if you have a pocket healer. All three specs can be meat shields while leveling, but once you hit endgame, the onely one that can be a meat shield without top of the line gear is the protection warrior. Gearwise, you will be looking for Strength, attack power, and critical strike to deal damage, and defense, dodge, block, parry, strength, agility, and stamina for tanking, but for leveling, just take whatever gear appears to be an upgrade, as it won't really matter too much until you get to northrend. Other than that, just have some fun hitting people with big weapons! **edit I forgot about stances, Battle stance is a balanced attack/defence stance, Defence stance is the tanking stance, and berserker stance is the attack stance. Some abilities can only be used in one or two of the stances.
  20. When I posted initially, my assumption was based on what bar wrote (quoted above), was the whole raid would take turns sitting out with people respeccing,etc. as appropriate, and he was just highlighting the fact that right now it's partially due to a case of having alot of healers. If in the future we required 8 healers, or were short healers for whatever reason, I'd expect that a DPS or a tank would respec healy for a night when a healer would sit out. And similarily a tank would take a night off and would be rotated by a DPS/healer that could tank. Of course this is somewhat reliant on gear. If this isn't the case, then I admit it's unfair and I'd be against against it (and in my opinion so would most I think). Perhaps Baracko needs to chime in and clarify what he meant. In a case of fair rotations, I think its a good idea. in unfair rotations, it won't work as people will not be treated equally and fairly and create resentment. On a personal note: I'd like to see a bean powered, drunk, and cursing Uglutz tossing fireballs and lightning bolts to a very explosive effect on occasion **edited for grammar, clarification
  21. hrm... I think that a sunder armor stack or an expose armor works out better, and I don't think they stack with fearie fire, so it's probably better to have malystryx apply the sunder stack when he is around, or have a rogue do a 5 combo point expose armor. *** hrm, upon more reading appaerantly fearie fire stacks with sunder armor/expose armor, but not with curse of recklessness and wasp armor debuff....
  22. Hit cap for physical DPS melee is 8%, with dual wield at 27%. Comparing Orcala to Eigun talent wise, there isn't much of a difference, and I am no expert on druids, but your rotation looks similar to eiguns from WWS (although with more deaths ), it just seems to be that he outgears you (more AP and Crit). Both of you appear to be above the expertise cap (6.5%). It just looks like something that will be fixed with gear over time, and if you want to min/max some more, do what cal suggests above and visit elitist jerks (their forums are nicely organised but a pain in the ass to sift through posts for that nugget of info sometimes).
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