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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. My internet connection is still down, and it looks like kadiana and tokane can not make it tonight, so I am going to cancel tonights raid. We will do some hardmode stuff on sunday night (considering we won't be able to turbo through fast enough to get in enough attempts on vezax to make it worthwhile to try to get to him), so be prepared. Also, could I have somebody let destinystar know, and that she is invited for sunday. See you all when I get my internet back. Kailand
  2. *curses loudly while typing from the office* My ISP is down, and has been since this morning. I just called and they say that it probably won't be up again until tomorrow morning (which sounds like somebody cut some cables or blew up some server hardware), so that means I won't be able to be there tonight . Good luck in there tonight.
  3. I'm starting to use WoW Meter Online for the combat logs (less buggy than WWS). The link is http://www.wowmeteronline.com/user/loglist...XFUVDFmY0E9PQ==
  4. Happy birthday kadiana
  5. I've been talking with a few people and reading a few strats, and it's pretty much you want the least amount of healing possible, and as much AoE as possible (that doesn't take away from single target DPS much) in the arena. The idea is by the time the champion/evoker/warbringer is dead, the commoners will be dead from the AoE. in anycase, we cannot afford to get behind on waves. As for the guantlet, having at least 1 hunter in there is more useful then blink pulling since it saves the mage in case of the 'omg, taunt resisted moments', plus the extra misdirects make it easier to burn stuff faster. We already have our long cast time classes in the guantlet, so the slow effect is not an issue to getting things down, and in fact aura of celerity will make that even more of a mute point. The silence effect (more like a stun) effects specials in general, so physical DPS is in the same situation there. As for DPS order, it varies a bit, but most tend to agree that evokers before warbringers and all DPS should be focus firing the SAME target(using AOE abilities when available like fan of knives, whirlwind, divine storm, chain lightning, seed of corruption, multishot, etc). As for the champions, a few guides say take them down first. As for purging the shield, as long as someone that can purge is on the DPS target, its a non issue The key seems to be focus fire and generous use of AOE effects..
  6. I also noticed one thing from the WWS. We had 8 Healers!!!. This fight requires DPS and not healing, I'd suggest having our healer priests MC for that fight to cut us down to 6 healers, that would be the step up we need to get this down. all the previous times we have gotten him down we have been with 6 or 7 healers. That also explains why things went better in the middle when we moved a DPs from the guantlet to the middle.
  7. WE are still looking for 1 more DPS with interupts, and since we have 1 other that is going to be away on wednesday, with a few possibly late shows, I've decided to cancel wednesday this week. We will turbo through on sunday, skipping the optional bosses. If anyone knows of a melee DPS, or even a healer (tokane has volunteered to go kitty if need be) that is free on wednesdays/sundays, have them contact me. Gear is not an issue (as long as it is reasonable... i.e. minimum heroic level blues, hit capped), interupts and play ability is.
  8. All the crap I need is off the bosses we havent beat yet... oh and will we have enough orbs for my boots on Thursday? Gotta keep my dps up there! I sent you the orbs! Check your mail you newb! Also...by the looks of it we'll start skipping some of those initial bosses sooner rather than later. Auriaya is one boss we shouldn't skip... I can almost guarantee that we will be accidentally pulling her frequently if we don't kill her.
  9. Due to Eigun's extended absence we are now looking for a full time DPS for my 10 man Ulduar run (we also do 10 man VoA if we have wintergrasp). We need somebody with a low cooldown interupt, preferable a rogue/DK/warrior/Enh Shaman/feral druid. We are currently up to Vezax, and are doing a few of the hardmodes. We run Wednesdays and Sundays from 7:30pm to 11:00 pm. If you are interested, please contact me, either in game, replying to this post, or pm. Kailand
  10. If we want to do better at Flame leviathan, people need to stick to the role that best suits them, and do the task that that role requires: Demolisher Gunners (AKA 'ammo'): your task is to get your self launched and kill the turrets ASAP. Caster DPS are best suited to this role due to range requirements (Mages/elemental shamans/shadow priest/warlocks/balance druids), hunters and melee are not appropriate to be 'ammo'. having _ONE_ healer up there could be useful too. Once you are off the leviathan, wait for a chopper to pick you up. Demolisher Drivers: your task is to nuke the leviathan at range, preferable MAX range, and to launch your 'ammo' as soon as you can when the leviathan starts moving. Save your fuel for when the leviathan shuts down, since it will do more damage (spam that button during shut down). at no time should you be ramming the leviathan. Choppers: your only task is to pick up the 'ammo' people when the flame leviathan stops, and then heal them up. you must get near them and make sure they hop in, and then deliver them to a free demolisher. if this isn't accomplished then we fail. Seige engine driver: your task is to interrupt the flame vents, any other damage you do is secondary. save enough steam to do this. you should also start moving away from the leviathan when your boss mods say he will switch targets in about 5 seconds to minimize damage. use your speed boost to get back into range after he selects a new target. Seige engine gunner: your task is to DPS the leviathan, and to use the shield if your demolisher is targeted and within close range to the leviathan. As for doing other achievements, there are some fun and easy ones related to the leviathan, and for razorscale. In my opinion early hardmode encounters (like XT002) are easier than mimiron/vezax normal modes, and we should start thinking about doing it, although our DPS needs to improve (alot... we need atleast 5-10k more DPS to have DPS race enounters to be viable) as it becomes a DPS race, as well as a situation aware fight... 1 mistake can wipe the raid in hard mode.
  11. We did a great job tonight, inspite of having 3 replacements. We got Dwarfageddon, the speed kill for Ignis, XT002 hard-mode, and Thorim hard-mode. Congratulations, and thanks go to Anamarie, Felrikk, and Foroshell for subbing in. Hopefully we can down Vezax on sunday (after knocking off freya and mimiron of course) before we take our break.
  12. We don't have much on 'farm' yet... we still seem to be struggling with ignis, xt002 to some extent (too many people dieing), council, hodir, crazy cat lady, and kologarn. In my opinion farm content is something that we don't really have people dieing on (maybe 1 or 2 deaths, but no need to call for a battle res), and we one shot it easily.
  13. We will miss you both, and I hope you have fun playing as a family on the new server.
  14. I'll come. Must collect them all!
  15. I like the bottom left one. the other ones look like they come from square-enix games.
  16. np, we've snagged draegloth for sunday.
  17. Ok gang, I'd like everyone to go through the various achievements and look for ones that you can think that we can get easily. So far on the list we have: Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare Dwarfageddon Nerf Engineering Rubble and Roll With open arms
  18. While bored I was browsing youtube and came across some nice wow videos. Nightelf Pimp comercial parody: Van Damme Troll Mage commercial (in french): Obama V. McCain: Forsaken: Elekks of Nagrand: Birth Control: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbU1EBYh0ZQ Kailand
  19. Hi, I'd suggest running some heroics/normal instances to continue your gearing, as well as enchanting any gear that you will be keeping for a while (lvl 80 epics, etc). You still have a few pieces of lvl 70 gear which you should really replace (and will probably come across upgrades from just questing alone). There are probably some nice upgrades you can get from the reputation vendors as well as the head/shoulders enchant from Knights of the Ebon Blade/Sons of Hodir respectively. Most raid leaders will not really consider you for a regular position unless you've enchanted all your gear, as well as near exhausted your options from instances/questing (i.e. try to get mostly suitable ilvl 200 gear, whether it be purple or blue). I hope this helps. Kailand
  20. *pokes Rhoach with a stick* He's alive!
  21. I definately noticed the improved damage last night, but It's really too bad that ammo/weapon damage don't play into a good portion of our abilities (Serpent sting, arcane shot, explosive shot, black arrow, pet damage, fire traps). The abilities that ammo/weapon damage applies to are autoshot, steady shot, multi-shot, aimed shot, chimera shot, and killshot. This works out that roughly 55-60% of hunter damage is not based on weapon/ammo damage, and partially leads to the fact that for a hunter in wrath that upgrading their melee weapon(s) yields a larger DPS boost than upgrading thier ranged weapon. With this recent boosting damage of ilvl 226 and higher ranged weapons now makes them more desirable to upgrade, and is definately an easier way for blizzard to scale hunters with respect to other physical DPS classes. Unfortunately this could have the side effect depending on how far blizzzard carries this in the future of putting us in the same situation that warriors are in, in that hunters will scale mainly dependant on our weapons damage, although that is probably an improvement of pre 3.0.3 (or whenever they nerfed pets/steadyshot) where our DPS was too pet heavy, and reliant on 1 shot. It'll be interesting to see what blizzard finally decides to do with ammo, and whether they follow through on some of the hunter communities speculation on how blizzard should change pet scaling (i.e. pet gets no buffs directly, but inherits more stats from its master, like ar-pen, haste, crit, etc. which would make ar-pen and haste benefit us more similarily to warriors and rogues). I wish blizzard would also look at having haste for hunters affect our global cooldowns like it does for casters. That alone would probably boost BM to MM/SV DPS levels, and bring hunters overall closer to where the other pure DPS classes currently are.
  22. We missed you last night, even Uglutz showed his concern. I hope you get well soon, and hopefully the extra unintended sleep helped out.
  23. ...says the guy topping the dps charts in the Speckle Dust raid! Hunters on average are in the middle of the pack behind DK's, rogues, ferals, mages, and warlocks....
  24. Good news hunters (from http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...4543&sid=1)
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