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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. I'm keyed, and I would sure like to help others get keyed too.
  2. Ok, I'll take a shot at it: The picture, my best guess, with an emphasis on guess is at the horde logging camp in Ashenvale. 1) Name the greatest druid ever to live! (Hint: He's Illidan's twin brother). -> Malfurion Stormrage (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malfurion_Stormrage) 2) Place the following events in chronological order: (cobbled from http://forums.thehonorempire.net/index.php?showtopic=11039 and http://www.wowwiki.com/Burning_Legion) Thrall takes command of Orc forces Orcs colonize Kalimdor Birth of the Skullcrusher Orcs The Burning Legion returns to Azeroth Skullcrushers Orcs are exiled Skullcrusher Orcs form a pack with Taurens & Trolls Skullcrusher Orcs refuse reconciliation with Thrall Skullcrusher Orcs defend Warsong operations Volonazra campaigns to bring the Lorderon Pirates into the Horde Beginnings of the Clan Skullcrusher Portal to Outlands re-opens
  3. In my opinion, the best hunter talent is Readiness - the 41 point talent in the Survival tree. It really lets survival hunters DPS effectively by popping all cooldowns and using 2 rapid fires one after another, as well as Ice cube 2 mobs, and wyvern sting twice in a row.
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