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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. Added your stuff.... except for the stuff that comes from 10 mans, 5 mans, and the tribute run/heroic ToC (just like I did for everyone else... I only wanted loot from ony 25, ToC 25 normal, and Ulduar 25. Let me know if I missed anything for anybody.
  2. Ok, Here is a nice firefighter video (hard mode mimiron) from the perspective of a ranged DPS. From the looks of it from our few attempts a month ago we were on the right strat. The key thing is being in a loose clump, and always be kiting the various stuff around the room. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeik1bdA5F0 Here is the tankspot video with a nice explanation:
  3. Kailand


    toonwise, about any of your toons.
  4. Kailand


    *kailand walks up to the camp bulletin board, followed by kthylus and posts a note, with many words scratched out, especially one big bah scratched out, followed nice elven hand writing listed below* Clan Skullcrusher Campfire Story Contest Skullcrushers, rise, and tell your stories around the campfire. The contest starts today, and ends the 19th of November. There shall be many prizes and much glory to be had, so make sure you submit a story! The rules are simple: -must be a story about yourself -must fit the theme of stories told around the camp fire ((pretty much open ended here)) -Use proper language ((RP speak use when possible, if it fits)) -post the stories here *Signed in horrible, barely legible, troll script* Kailand
  5. Good job guys... Here is some videos on spider killing for future attempts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSJcl00Q57g (sort of reminds me of orcala)
  6. Hi, For the physical DPS, I'd like them to send me thier lists via PM. I'd like them to include their 'desired items', as well as thier second choice items for both ToC (normal only as we are still far away from attempting heroic)/Onyxia/Ulduar. I would also like the physical DPS to join a chat channel so that we can discuss stuff among each other, so lets make the channel SDPDPS (short for speckle dust physical DPS). Kailand
  7. OMFG Orcala! A) You already rolled for your Crusader Orbs B) If you've rolled for them, then I assumed you knew what you were rolling for C) If you had gotten Orbs by this point would they currently be sitting in your bank gathering dust?! D) You only get 2 Orbs, you have to buy the other 2 or wait till your turn comes again E) All reagent / roster info is on the google spreadhseet link (see first post) F) You're in 2nd last place to get 2 Orbs G) LOL
  8. Ok, good job tonight. We got FL 4 towers, steel breaker last, and crazy cat lady out of the way. Next week when we continue the ID, we will be doing hodir, freya (2 elders for a few shots), mimiron (normal), vezax (try for his hard mode achievement depending on time) and yogg (with all the keepers). once we get the third person with the alagon key quest we will make serious effors at freya 3 elders, fire fighter, vezax hard mode, and yogg with only one keeper. Forgot to add that we need to get christra 12 more dwarfs for the razor scale achievement, and kologarn's disarmed achievement.
  9. Here is my entry... not entirely happy with it, but since the deadline is here: There were evil Gnomes from Bal'Zern, for whom death was a real concern. So they ditched their bodies, morphed their souls to scrunchies, and so to them all, you must burn!
  10. They also stealth-buffed hunter's volley so it scales as it did prenerf http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...31167&sid=1
  11. Great job everyone. For those that would like to know, we tried it the 'normal' way, but after Sartharion decided to put us on farm, we changed to the zerg method. After Ascoli having a few failed attempts at kiting tenebron (kited because when sartharion hits 25% the drakes enrage... pretty much one shotting everything... 38K bite against holyssa), our tree cat tokane proved to be worthy of the challenge. Thanks to Markenhoof for substituting in, we really appreaciate it. Congrats holy on winning the first drake mount. Kailand P.S. Holyssa has hacked dice, beat my roll of 93 with a 97... nerf paly dice
  12. Ok gang, now that we have Yogg-Saron down, the direction I'd like to take this raid is as follows: 1. Get Yogg-Saron down one more time on normal mode. 2. Get people their Sarth + 3 drake mounts who want them 3. Get 3 people keyed for Alagon, and work on getting him down. 4. Work on the achievements required for the Rusted Protodrake. After these are mostly met then we will start working on Heroic Trial of the Crusader (10). I'd really like to get most of these out of the way before november so we can phasing out ulduar, and concentrate on the onyxia raid, as well as the heroic version of onyxia and Trial of the Crusader. I'm hoping we can do it in the next 2-3 Ulduar ID's. To meet this, we will do Flame Leviathan 4 towers up next week, as well as steel breaker last, and Crazy cat lady (killing Auriaya while leaving her kitties up). Your raid lead, Kailand, RawR!
  13. Everyone did a great job dodging clouds and tentacles, and a big thanks goes to Draegloth who subbed in for Skywatcher who couldn't make it on Wednesday. It feels good to get the big mouth down (I think he sort of looks like Oscar).
  14. Found this on MMO-Champion, and found it slightly amusing. http://www.pvpaymon.com/2009/09/paladin-ca...-in-school.html
  15. I just uploaded them thismorning for this week karrock. Trial of the Crusader (25) wasn't logged, but I fixed it so it should be logged next time. For those interested in logging the fights and uploading them also, you can create your own account on WMO and use the loggerhead addon (it'll prompt you on each zone on whether or not you want to log). after you log your character out, you can upload the log (located in your wow folder under the log directory, called Wowcombatlog.txt) to WMO using the upload log link (or split the log first if you forgot, then upload the portion you want). To make the upload share the same raid listing as mine, make sure you put the guild name as 'Clan Skullcrusher' for the log and also make the log public, and it should show up with the rest in the calendar of events in WMO. Kailand edit: Cal, can you change the link at the top to http://www.wowmeteronline.com/browse/guild.../32819#calendar, its the calendar link and its a bit better at choosing which raid/instance then the log files directly.
  16. Kailand


    Happy birthday smed!
  17. Congratulations Gang! I wish I could've been there. Kailand
  18. The tokens are priced very close to what thecost of the gloves/shoulders are (I think they are about 130 DKP), so you are saving at most 1 DKP per badge (45 badges +token for gloves/shoulders, 75 badges + token for head/chest/legs). As it is for most classes the badge gear is superior to the tier gear in stats (comparing like slots)... about the only thing you gain by spending DKP is the set bonus. I personally think the DKP cost is a bit on the high side. Additionally people who take the tokens, without taking into account the badge cost, and haven't planned accordingly (i.e. haven't done the heroic dailies, aren't saving badges, etc) are hurting the raid. Don't forget the new VoA boss is coming out soon, should the people who take the tokens and use thier badges pay the same price as those who get the tier piece from the boss drop? That being said, there are a lot of people in the raid who will pass on an item if somebody could use it more than they could, which is good for the health of the raid overall, but it tends to also amplify the DKP discrepencies between people. Unfortunately this is the draw back of DKP, about the only fix is to 'reset' or 'normalize' the DKP periodically. anyways these are my thoughts and ramblings on the subject.
  19. *chuckles* what zuworty did was update info on one instance, and then copy pasted it through the calendar, and the calendar functionality deleted the old raid, and created a new one in its place. So no, they aren't cancelled, its just software being software, and zuworty being lazy .
  20. Not all are stuns/interrupts, but.. Bats (Sonic Blast, 2 second stun) Ravager (Ravage, 2 second stun) Owls/Birds of Prey (Snatch, a 6 second disarm. Might help on the warrior/pally/DK) Nether Ray (Nether Shock interrupt) I got most of these from http://www.wow-petopia.com/html/skills/skills.html, which is bound to have a few more ideas. The stuns/interupts are on too long of a cooldown to be much help. even in PvP, most hunters use a DPS pet, or go with a crab (for thier root effect in an emergency situation). The biggest problem we are having is STAYING AWAY FROM THEM. Of course a Person is going to die if they don't move away from the big sword wielding warrior, etc.. That mean melee or even the interuptors if they have something that can take them out close by, they need to move without delay. We are laying down frost traps and using other slows to help out with this, and most classes have some sort of snare or get away techniques: use them. This fight is all about movement and situational awareness, as well as doing your part (i.e. purging/rooting/snaring/dispelling/tranq shot/ healing debuff/interupting/etc).
  21. Ya, Jaina to be played by Harne's mom. (sorry, couldn't resist that one )
  22. My condolences Evila, take as much time as you want.
  23. We finally got Vezax down, and seemed to get phase 1 of yogg under control. We will be resetting the ID next week, since there is some nice gear off of vezax that people can use.
  24. My internet is back up, so I will be around tonight As for Evila and Draegloth.... Don't shadow priests/balance druid provide a spell hit debuff of 3%? That would mean that evila and draegloth are fine, and that our other DPS casters are 3% over their hit cap.
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