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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. I'd like to remind hybrids that have picked up healing gear, and wouldn't mind healing when we are short healers, to please contact kalea.
  2. I think this helps fix a lot of issues that occurred between 10 man and 25 man raids, now people can't go to both, and don't feel compelled to do both (or feel like they are missing out on loot if they don't go to both). I think this helps cement my decision to only do 10-man content in cataclysm.
  3. eek! I somehow missed this thread, Happy belated birthday Floorlord!
  4. Rejoice, no more Lil'XT sounds!
  5. Hopefully, I will be awake by then. Please be aware that half my shizz is dps gear. Application accepted , and thank you. Read up on the fight eigun. We will be doing BQ first, and you will be the OT for that. as for the LK, I think I'll have you tank LK for the first phase, as its the adds that hit the hardest, and are the trickier aspect of the fight to manage, and I'll try to make it a short night. I'd like for us to be able to survive and master the transition phase between phases 1 and 2.
  6. Hi, I'm short a tank for ICC-10 man this sunday (11 april). We've cleared everything except for the blood queen and the lich king. So if you are interested, and not ID'd, and geared enough, please contact me in game or reply to this thread Kailand
  7. Kailand

    ICC Patterns

    Hi, Just want to start a list of who has what ICC patterns so that if anyone in the clan wants something made they can get it made easily. I can make all the leatherworking patterns: Pattern: Legwraps of Unleashed Nature Pattern: Blessed Cenarion Boots Pattern: Bladeborn Leggings Pattern: Footpads of Impending Death Pattern: Lightning-Infused Leggings Pattern: Earthsoul Boots Pattern: Draconic Bonesplinter Legguards Pattern: Rock-Steady Treads
  8. Sorry. Finishing up the reconstruction of the house wound up taking a lot longer than I (or anyone else) expected. We have our final inspection Tuesday of this week. I will definitely be back on Thursday and there is a possibility I can make Tuesday if everything goes well (I have declined for Tuesday night, but if I am available I'll log in in case you need an alternate). That's good to hear, so no more swimming pool in the living room, and jaccuzzi in the bedroom.
  9. Some more: Everyone likes Moobies! and who doesn't like the Whorde House Baconface and Horrlock Moonkingftw and Pyroslap
  10. A Frost DPS DK (for Improved Icy Talons), or an Enh Shaman (For improved Windfury totem/enhanced Strength of earth) would be nice too.
  11. Crustynuts the patient.... with crustynuts you would have to be patient, and his guild name, wtf. Pokenher was also with crusty.
  12. Hotnuts, and Alchoholock!
  13. Orbs? Do you mean Saronite? The Saronite is only put up for bids on Thursdays. Considering Maalick was the ONLY person to bid for them last week, I'd think your chances are pretty good. Oh yeah saronite. Awesome now I can finally get boots made! Or, if you are not a totally lazy slacker, you could have bought the Saronite on the AH and had them made months ago. But I guess if you have no money for flight point travel, then you have no money for Saronite. or if she bid for at least one the past few weeks, she'd have them by now.
  14. Here is another from a group markenhoof an I were in.
  15. Hi, starting this thread since markenhoof and elrikk are slacking. Take screenies of those horrible but humourous names from the pugs you get into, try to crop those images down too, so that they are reasonable sized. Here is Crotches the shadowpriest... he licked balls: AoE'd instead of focus fired, and AoEd even when new stuff was coming in, with a warrior tank, in Heroic Halls of Reflection. Of course he blamed the tank. This is just a wow guild name:
  16. St. Patties day is your birthday.... damn, you better not be sober.
  17. Hey, Ulgutz, this one is right up your alley, don't let her run away.
  18. I admit, I've been slacking off on getting some fish... I'll see if I can fish up a few stacks sometime this week. Also, you can fish up all 3 types of fish in wintergrasp.
  19. I tend to hop in if I'm not busy with other stuff
  20. Happy birthday Kalea! BTW, these grannies can move!
  21. I Knew it!!!! that also explains the AFKS
  22. That was nice, it had me chuckling at places... especially the bit with thrall.
  23. More tanks are needed, the first post has the people so far that have shown thier interest as well as the roles they said they would be available to play.
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