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Everything posted by Jeroabem/Sabrianica

  1. Deleted for an inability to express myself properly. No popcorn.
  2. Any Iron I come across is yours.
  3. Deleted for an inability to express myself properly. No popcorn.
  4. Hate work too except it pays the bills...leaving now, fill my spot if you must, please save venoxis - maybe I could slip in for that fight only and no loot?
  5. I will be leaving work 15 minutes before invites go out. I could be there in time for invites, I could be 15 minutes after you start - it all depends on traffic. I can't get out any earlier than that or I would. If you can't hold a spot for me, I understand. Not really there for anything other than the Perfect Poison quest, so it's no biggie. Thanks!
  6. Sabrianica needs Volcanic. Jeroabem will supply the three essences of fire and two essences of earth. Just need the appropriate core, but will attempt to obtain one in the DKP free time tonight.
  7. ((Backing up a tad, and then moving forward...)) Magmadar lay dead on the floor. The Guard Dog of Ragnaros the Fire Lord had been a challenge, but had been slain. Inside his body had been found wondrous treasure, possibly from some unfortunate fool who had wandered into the Molten Core alone and been stupid enough to get too close to the great beast. Jeroabem sat there, sipping the conjured water while he listened to Sabrianica prattle on about the battle. This was her first large scale assault on any of the many threats of Azeroth, and as a grizzled veteran of many campaigns in all corners of the world, he simply sat there regaining his strength and smiling at the young Rogue. She was recounting the fight, almost blow-by-blow to him and although he was fond of the Undead Rogue for her passion and spirit, the prattle was beginning to annoy him. Something felt not quite right. The battle, although fierce, had been almost a little too easy. Where were the two lieutenants who had helped Ragnaros defeat and then enslave Thunderaan, Garr and Geddon. Both represented elements of the Earthmother who had been twisted and corrupted by Ragnaros, and Jeroabem was not quite sure the young Rogue was ready to face them, despite the bravery she exemplified. Tazzak wandered up to him, dragging in his wake the Chieftain, Maube, and Uglutz, the Shaman who had communed with the spirits at her Elevation Ceremony. Greenbull and Alhazad also came up. The Cheiftain wasted no time explaining the next assault. Scouts had noticed that another lieutenant, one Ghennas and his guards sat over another rune needed to summon the Fire Lord. Maube explained that although the Father of the Core Hounds was dead, his sons still roamed the Core and they would need to be dealt with. Advice was asked for, tactics reviewed and the rallying cry issued. Sabrianica, in her youth, pulled the Battle Standard from the ground where it had been planted and ran forward to the front of the pack. Maube, Tazzak, Uglutz, and Jeroabem all laughed at her. Enthusiasm was one thing, yet she took it to a whole new level. Alhazad and Greenbull took up flanking positions alongside the young Rogue, and the mood of the war party lightened at the humorous procession…until the battle resumed. A pair of Molten Giants, attracted by the titanic battle in Magmadar’s cavern had taken a blocking position along the path of the party. Alhazad and Greenbull exchanged knowing glances before yelling their battle cries and charging the enemy. Again, the magical energies were unleashed. Druids and priests through our healing. Shaman alternated between their own calling on spirits of the Earthmother and their own healing to support the party as they could. It was then that Jeroabem saw the unthinkable. Perhaps taunted by her brazen approach, perhaps she had been blinded by her enthusiasm and lulled into a sense of security in a core still dangerous to the grizzled party, Sabrianica had wandered too close to a Firelord. His anger was ignited and he began to mercilessly pummel the Rogue. Jeroabem did what reflex demanded. He called upon the Strength of the spirits of the Earth, the Grace of the spirits of the Air and the protection of the spirits of the Water before he began a suicidal assault on the Firelord. His weapon, the mighty Earthshaker, enhanced with the Rockbiter Spell diverted the attention of the Firelord from the young rogue, but he himself was no match. His plight grew worse as the Firelord spawned a miniature version of himself. His life draining away in the searing heat, he managed to utter “Vanish” before he fell to the ground. The war party was galvanized. Jeroabem was known for his heroics, which some thought he had taken from the book he lovingly called “The Libram of Stupidity”. The Giants were dead. The spawn was handled and even the Firelord soon was eradicated from existence. Tazzak laughed at the young rogue as he began to resurrect Jeroabem. Uglutz wasn’t so kind. He knocked the young Rogue to the ground and put a firm, heavy foot on her chest. “Latz nub du dat agin. Nub aggervate dem Fireys agin. Yu clomp only wat Alhazad an Jero am clompin. Nub listen? Me clom yu, unnerstan?” The party moved on. Ghennas and his two lackies came into sight. Maube maneuvered the party around the room, clearing an area large enough to battle the foes. The plan was set, and the battle for this rune began. The guards were separated from Ghennas. He called out curses while calling down a deadly rain of fire. Mages countered the curses as best they could while still sending out deadly magicks into his body. Without his guards, it quickly became a battle of wills, and while he was strong, Maube’s War Party was stronger. Although some fell during the fight, Ghennas was slain, and Jeroabem grinned when he looked across the now open chasm past Firelords, Core Hounds, Molten Giants and Destroyers and saw his favored prey – the Earth Elemental Garr.
  8. ...and Sabrianica could get attuned for Onyxia, get Shadowcraft, learn how to be a rogue in a group, help out guildmates... ::starts twitching:: Or even unplug and go outside...there's a RenFaire coming to the local area - I think the second largest in the nation... ::more twitching:: Or even - go have coffee with some new people!
  9. I feel you Wuulf! In UBRS at 58, I popped AR + BF + SnD all at the same time on Anvilcrack, and for the brief time he lived, cranked out 600 DPS - and the tank held aggro. It was beautiful man.
  10. I'm with Alhazad on this. I can bring Jeroabem, but I would prefer to get Sabrianica geared and equipped. I know most dungeons, but still am still trying to learn my place in the party as a Rogue! =P I'll step up and do that - lord knows I need the practice. If da Chief will give her blessing, I will set up a raid or two with Jero with the express intent of farming trash. If we have enough people interested and signed up, we can do boss attempts on a DKP or DKP free basis (again - with the Chief's blessing). If she holds fast to the September date, I would have no problem with opening up 10 or so spots in the MC#2 raid for ringers...err....fillers-in. Again, she would have to sign off. I love Molten Core. It's my all time favorite place. If I could get a good group together and raid it every night, I would...but I am also a little sick in the head. I need the Chief's blessings for these two edits before they become valid.
  11. You said you had 111 in your bank, I thought you were offering them to us. No biggie if you gathered it on behalf of Ani Ayastigi - I'd even stealth in and smelt it for them! Whatever floats your boat amigo!
  12. /smack Houli Hockey causes cancer! I signed up for Fantasy Football.
  13. Nobuyata contributed 21 Dark Iron Ore Sabrianica contributed 36 Dark Iron Ore & 2 Large Brilliant Shards (she still has 4 more to send). Sabrianica smelted and sent 20 Dark Iron Bars to Maube this morning. Gorrin - send those to me and I will get them smelted and off to Maube ASAP.
  14. Sabrianica is in. She should hit 60 sometime tonight or early tomorrow morning. I have hit revered with WSG, friendly with AB and want exalted in all three BGs. I also decided that I would like to push for the PvP1 set. Can I play too?!
  15. Seal Fate is the gimp! I am now 16/33/0 - Combat: Daggers build. Yes, positioning is key here, and I might respec to be swords, but the numbers stay. Why? Adrenaline Rush = unlimited energy for 15 seconds. Blade Fury = Rogue AoE and faster attack speed. Relentless Strikes = Free CPs Ripost = You have no weapon fool! Popping AR + BF + SnD = unlimited CPs = carnage, pure, unadulterated, unmitigated, irrefutable carnage. You go play all Sealy Fatey. I'll get up in their grill and have a conversation about DPS. mmm'kay? Sleyvas, you're still the special one.
  16. I need a BRD run that would last between 20-30 minutes to go in and fetch the Schematics for the Repair Bot. It's an extremely easy and close boss to get to, even though the plans are on the floor. If you wanted to go further than that, I am by all mean game for that. Can even turn into a full Emperor/Attunement Run. General Angerforge is in the vicinity as well, and drops a druid idol (ferocity I think) and the Force of Will Trinket (a tanking must-have). Wanna kill him too? Seriously, though, it should only take about 20-30 minutes to get to him. Full Emperor Run = 2-3 Hours Short Attunement Run + 2-3 Bosses = 45minutes - 1 hour Just the guy I need killed to get the plans I need: 20-30 minutes, max. So...?
  17. Let's do both. Seriously. Let's go farm MC for "X" amount of time, then head to ZG and start cleaning house there too. We can get items to DE and rep at the same time. I believe there are also Thorium Nodes to hit and some special fish that can be cooked for raid support.
  18. Sabrianica would like to come and will be in either her 59th or 60th season by then. No DKs though, please.
  19. The Horde Warriors had assaulted the beginning of the lair of Nefarian, Black Wing Lair. Grethok the Controller and his guards were soon slain, but their reinforcements could not be kept at bay while Sandrock used some magic to control Razorgore the Unnamed to destroy the hatchery. The battle was epic in proportions, but the stalwart party was not successful. Licking their wounds, but still burning with lust for battle, the decision was made to go after Nefarian's sister, the Black Dragon called Onyxia. Her name was used to scare children into obedience. More than one band of adventurers had tried to kill her, and what was left of their corpses lined the halls to her lair. Forty valiant horde of all classes stepped into magical portals to be transported to Thunder Bluff. The flight to Dustwallow Marsh was brief, the cool night air invigorating. The stench of the bog was ripe in the humid air, yet there was no thought of turning back. Forty strong, the pack rode southwest through the swamp to the mouth of her lair. They formed up inside the cave, Feoler the Undead Warrior gave the final marching orders and they were off. Four of Onyxia's Warders were unable to deter the progress of this pack. The forty made very quick work of their death's. She was napping when they arrived at the mouth of her lair. So confident in the supremacy and security of her lair, she had no clue that her time had come. "How fortunate! I usually have to leave my lair to feed," she said as Feoler charged her. Behind him cam the rest of the forty. They all rushed in, right and left as the battle cries were issued..."For the Horde!" "Rend flesh with me!" "Blood and Thunder!" "For the Forsaken!" All the races of the Horde were represented. The black dragon breathed flame like a volcano bent on destruction. How Feoler could stand to the onslaught was incalcuable. Priests and Druids healed the warrior. Warlocks smiled as they mumbled curses. It was fitting that the curse they cast was called the "Curse of Doom", for Onyxia was doomed. Maybe she had thought she would be safe in the air, maybe it was her arrogance that led her to leave the ground and attempt to obliterate the group from flight, but no one missed her voice saying "I grow tired of this exertion." Somehow, the titanic battle had caused her broodlings to hatch, and tiny whelps emerged and attempted to defeat the forty. They could not. They were handled quickly. Mages, Warlocks, Shaman, Druids, Hunters and Rogues all turned their attention to her in flight and used whatever means of attacking at range that they had to bring her down. And bring her down they did. The mountain itself seemed to feel her rage at the onslaught. The floor threatening to give way as she began an enraged attempt to destroy those who had wounded her. Despite many wounds, despite tattered and broken wings, she still fought back ferociously. Flame issued from her mouth and the floor. Some of the horde began to gete panicky, yet they did not completely lose their resolve to kill her. Feoler stood his ground, refusing to yeild to Onyxia. Onyxia in turn stood her ground, refusing to yield to Feoler. She was, however, only one and we were forty. Rearing up out of the Horde came the battle cry of Razor Hill and a shaman known as Stormhand summoned the strength of his people. The battle had inflamed him and he gave in to his blood lust for a moment. He dodged the dragon's cleaves, and resisted her flames several times. He renewed the lives of his party with his totems and heals. Then the opening presented itself. Jeroabem charged in between her legs and brought his hammer down with all his strength on an unprotected place on her neck at the base of her spine. Scales were shattered and her neck cleanly broken. Dead before she knew it, she fell. Cheers erupted inside the cavern that were heard in Lorderon, Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff. This dragon was dead. Jeroabem claimed his trophy, her head, and after conferring with the other members of the pack, decided to make a gift of it to the Warchief. A magic was cast on the head, making it so it could be easily transported to Orgrimmar. Now, as he rode into the city, confidence eminated from Jeroabem as none other had ever had. Maube, the Cheiftan stood to his left. Sabrianica, his friend to the Right. Behind him the rest of the Clan as they marched into Thrall's chamber. Dipping into his backpack, Jeroabem felt the cold scaled head of the dragon that was still dripping blood and could still sense the hatred in her being even past death. "For the Horde" was the eruption of the Clan as he held high his trophy, the Head of Onyxia.
  20. Sabrianica needs to kill Rend for the Onyxia Attunement Chain. If we can put together a run at Rend prior to the MC run, I could turn in that quest on her for the Warchief's Blessing. I could then swap over to Jeroabem and turn in the Onyxia Head to Thrall and get the Dragonslayer Buff for everyone. I would like to do the turn-ins between 7:30 and 8:00pm friday in order to give everyone in that raid a chance to get both buffs and still be on time for the MC raid. Is this something we can make happen?
  21. I should have Sabrianica attuned to MC by then, so I will put her at your disposal. Gonna attempt to solo attune her tonight. I'd bring Jeroabem, but I don't want to risk getting saved to that RaidID and missing out on the raid I am scheduled for.
  22. To be completely honest with you, the first few weeks will probably be pretty rough. If you don't have the MC bug, this is not the way to get it. Maube is gonna shoot me for this, but if you want to "experience" Molten Core to see if you will like it before you commit to the raid, I would ask you to ask her if you could tag along with her raid for one week. You'll get a deeper appreciation for what needs to happen and will be able to gauge whether or not you are willing to put in the effort and consistency that will be required to build from there. I'm not necessarily looking for people who are driven to be the "end-all-be-all" raiders, just people who want to be a part of the endgame content. It's ok if that isnt you for whatever reason. As to the second part, that isnt a problem at all if you want to be a part of the raid.
  23. Seal Fate is PvP spec. It's Tier 0 dungeon spec. It works in MC and BWL, but you have to work damned hard to keep up with Combat Tree Spec'd rogues for DPS - which is what we are there for. Naxx will be all about the Subtelty (Serated + Hemo) + Assassination (Imp KS) Rogue once 1.12 goes live: +X% damage from ALL sources for the next 1-5 seconds on mobs that can be stunned. I might end up taking less points in Combat so that I can pick up one or the other, probably Imp KS, and just use Tea for getting more energy. Don't mess with me kid, I'm a lawyer...ok, I'm really not, but I have done all the research in the world that I care to do, gotten advice from far better Rogues than I will ever be, and have found the spec that works best for what I want to do with my Rogue. You go play your rogue how you find it fun to play. Waldonnis said it best: This Spec > That Spec...yawn. You play your Rogue how it is fun for you and I will play mine how I like.
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