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Everything posted by Jeroabem/Sabrianica

  1. Sabrianica will shortly be in need of running quests in Scholomance and Stratholme. I think Nobuyata is getting close too. UBRS and LBRS are great spots for farming up shards, essences and dusts of all sorts. Who wants to go dumpster....err....DUNGEON diving with me!
  2. Grim, here is what happened in my deviate little mind. I walked in on a conversation that Jorit, Subito and Boven were having on my Rogue, Sabrianica. They were quietly discussing the potential of a raid. I know that their gear is light-years ahead of where our gear is, yet they did not have any edge in passion or heart. Period. Then I got to thinking, how would a more lightly armed ally be a valuable member of a raid like this - and the instant answer was mobility. Then I thought, what can we do that would rely on mobility, yet still draw attention. That's where your basic structure came in. I'm not trying to supplant you, it's your gig. Understand though, that because I know that people like to talk, the plan I have posted here is only a version of what will really go down if this is implemented. Using your plan as a template, a more diversionary plan on faster, more mobile scale has been put to paper (as it were). If Maube will give the blessing for full planning and implementation, and we can meet in-game to discuss it, I want to go over it with you in detail. Chrys, right now it looks like the big dogs (NL, WW, BFB, BoTB, DD and Schaden) are slightly interested. I'm waiting for permission from Maube to speak with their leadership about organizing and enacting this grander scheme before moving forward. In fact, I think I might have even been in the wrong with the original post. I would like to also run a quick recon mission with Haq, Rhoach, Scryll Zuato and myself and see what is what and where what is and what the best way to quickly and quietly get as many people into where what would be. I'll try to contact you tonight to arrange it all.
  3. Farming Shards should be a relatively easy prospect - 5 60s go into Scholomance. That's a potential 9 Large Brilliant shards for a couple hours work. Same groups go a couple times a week and that is a lot of shards. Just my opinion.
  4. Beastmaster? Nope - I want TSA from Survival. More than spec, I want people who come to play, have fun and get-er-done. Spec falls a distant last place to that.
  5. Exactly what I meant. Let the diversionary raid pickups think they are the main raid but keep the main forces with people we know we can trust not to leak the master plan. Here's something else to consider - what if I want it leaked to the Alliance? The reason I am choosing to involve certain guilds is that I know enough people to get a sense of who would or would not be interested and who can and cannot be trusted. The "Rope-a-dopers" - diversions from the main assault, will need the Alliance to look at them hard, considering them to be the main attack so that when the main attack DOES go off, people would be confused and/or committed enough to the diversionary raid that the main raid kills it's target with little to no resistance. Personally, I would like nothing more than to sneak a couple very low level warlocks into position (the lowest level where you can have the ritual of summoning) a couple days ahead of time and simply summon an entire raid into the middle of Stormwind/Darnassus and go at it like that, but that would be too easy, I think. Like I said, if this goes off, it's gonna be a 4 raid ordeal. Planning with the right people, getting enough people interested would make for a lot of mayhem. Theoretically, it could be pared down to a 2 raid ordeal involving summoning and 1.5 raids (60 people) assaulting the boss in a chosen area. The beauty of this plan is the overwhelming movement and coordination. The bane of this plan is the overwhelming movement and coordination. Getting 160 people moving in the same direction at the same time is gonna be a logisitcal nightmare. I wanna start with this small step first. Once Maube gives her blessing, away we go. And yes, Grimgor, I am drawing on your previous plan as part of the larger scheme.
  6. As far as gearing equivalent to raiding priests, in my full on healing attire, I have 6.7k Mana (buffed) and +317 Healing. I know of only one other healer in my raid that has much more than that, and that's Allentrace (Holy/Disc priest). With the Headmaster's Charge buff, he has over 10k mana fully buffed. My healing gear is part ZG drops, ZG Shaman Quest Gear, Earthfury and one piece of Elements gear. In Resto, my heals are roughly equivalent to a Druid healing, less the Heal over time spells. With a couple talents spent in the right spots, my heals also buff the heals of every other Shaman in the raid (something no other class can do) by up to 18%. It's not the same as being as mana efficient, but it is an incredible boost to the healing for the raid. As an Enhancement Shaman, I have found that I have to pace myself on the healing. Yeah, I can spam heal during the Golemagg and Domo fights and not run out of mana or use a potion, but even I know that they don't have the bang for the buck that Priests & Druids have, yet I still manage to outheal them and I am constantly requested for healing duty. /shrug Go figure. Not necessarily, but it's a good rule of thumb. Bulloney. Last night a Shadow Priest showed me how WRONG this assumption it. It comes down to the player, not the spec. Shadow Priests are like combo-class healers. They make desired Holy/Disc priests look like Easy Mode. While DPSing, they can also heal a tad (Vampiric Embrace) on a slightly better scale than a Shaman's Healing Stream Totem. They can pop out of Shadow Form, save the day with healing if/when things get tight, and go back to dealing damage. If played correctly, they can cause damage that keeps pace with some mages and warlocks based on gear. A Shadow Priest is a utility player. You don't want a full roster of them, but having a couple is invaluable to any raid - just like you don't want a raid full of Light Well/Power Infusion priests either. ((The situation was a level 50 Rogue, a level 60 Warrior and a level 60 Shadow Priest versus about 10-12 level 51 Elite Trolls. No one died, except the trolls. Shadow Priest popped in and out of Shadow Form to kick butt while saving butts.))
  7. Loot: Been bent out of shape over it before. I refuse to let it happen again. Period. You want it bad enough to get excited? I'll step out of the way, pat you on the back, /cheer and /grats you and move on. Why? THE GUILD. Last night, twice, no three times I called on the guild to assist me - not the guild - me with tasks I could not accomplish on my own. Fomor and Cwn came twice, Scryll the other time. The night before, I had mentioned being close to completing the gathering of supplies I needed for the Amulet of the Darkmoon (Epic, Level 60) and Nobuyata and Shalaan stepped up and supplied me with what I needed. Several times since being guilded, I have gone to Maube with questions, ideas and opinions, and everytime she has been accomodating and helpful. I've killed mobs with Odenn's rogue alt, which was a ton of fun. I'm looking forward to diving into the dungeons with you guys pretty soon with Sabrianica, partly for the loot, but more for the experience of running with my online family, my guild.
  8. Combat: Daggers (3/35/13) ala Sabrianica. I think this will be a lot of DPS in PvE, but will be a tad gimped in PvP. It's my plan, I'd like to see other people's plans for comparison. Unfortunately, I will have to wait until I get home to do so. Worldofwarcraft.com just got blocked from the dozen or so of us that play here at work - @ Crikrunner - while I reserve the right to review the talent tree you have above when I get home and change my mind, I have never been a fan of the tri-tree concept, except in the case of my Warrior (26/10/15). Personally, I like doing as much damage in the PvE realm as possible, and seeing as I have neither the time nor inclination to push for HWL, PvP is about rep for me, so I don't really need to have a build that would be viable in that arena. I do pretty well in PvP with my current build, and I like the damage I do against mobs. Below you'll see why I chose the talents I chose. Hope this makes sense to anyone other than myself: Assassination Tree Improved Eviscerate 3/3 - Yummy. 15% more damage on the finishing move du jour means I can kill that much sooner. Combat Tree Improved Sinister Strike 2/2 - Spam for less. Lightning Reflexes 5/5 - Get hit less. Deflection 5/5 - Get hit less. Combined with Lightning Reflexes, that is a 10% chance to NOT get hit. Add in Riposte (below) every time I parry, and I take even less damage. Precision 5/5 - Increase my chance to do more damage than my opponent. Riposte 1/1 - After I parry, I take away the main hand weapon. Fury Warriors and Other Rogues are now just play things. Dagger Spec 5/5 - 5% more Crit goodness Duel Wield Spec 5/5 - 50% more offhand damage goodness Blade Fury 1/1 - Combined with Slice & Dice, this is an absolute MUST for today's avante garde Combat Rogue. AoE + Faster Attacks... Nothing like Eviscerating two targets for the price of one. Weapon Expertise 2/2 - 305/300 in weapon skills means less missing with EITHER weapon, which means more DPS from me. Aggression 3/3 - Sinister Strike and Eviscerate (Combat Rogue Bread and Butter) do 6% more Damage. Combined with Improved Eviscerate from Assassination (15%+6% = 21% more) this is just plain enticing. Adrenaline Rush 1/1 - Rogue self-innervate. Going that heavy into Combat without getting it seemed pointless to me. Subtlety Tree Camoflauge 5/5 - Filler. Sleight of Hand 2/2 - Yummy threat reduction and crit taken reduction Opportunity 3/5 - Filler. Yes, it increases damage from Backstab, but I currently solo more than I raid dungeons, so this isn't as necessary for me as it might be later on. Initiative 3/3 - 75% for an extra CP on opening moves?! i have had this now for a while, and I can't see living without it ever again. I love having 5 CPs before the stun of Cheap Shot wears off.
  9. Priest Spirit to mana regen per 5 seconds = 4:1 ALL OTHER CASTERS regen per 5 seconds = 5:1 This thread was dead, let it return to the grave!
  10. Unfortunately killing the flightmaster doesn't prevent reinforcement from coming in. it just prevents people from running away i think. Exactly. Anyone who responds would be stranded from the closest capital for a few minutes - 4-5 - allowing the raid there to dig in even deeper and make it seem like they are the main attack. When we split for the second FPs, the main attack would be getting ready to start in Darnassus and the main diversion would go off in Stormwind.
  11. Understand something here, please. There are plans for an overwhelming, undeniable response already in the works. This plan is a part of that plan. Depending on which of the two "targetted" capitals are involved, this might also be considered a dress rehersal. Attacking the FMs get's attention. It gets people moving. Being able to simultaneously attack multiple FMs can limit response times between zones. Being able to simultaneously attack FMs while three other major raids are going off sends the message that you don't come after Cairne, Sylvanas and Thrall and expect to get away with it. While we have the heart, we (Clan Skullcrusher) do not have the gear to go toe to toe with the big dogs in Iron Forge. We will be relegated to supporting the raid as a diversion. Our job is to pull bodies out of the capital city we will be close to so that the main diversion (which is hitting that city) gets the attention it will need. That way, when the main attack goes off, most of the PvP oriented crowd will be focusing on the diversionary raid allowing the two other raids to take down their target. If I can get the Chief's blessing, I will set a date and time and start planning this out in full. EDIT: Since I came up with this, I have spoken with Jorit, and I agree with him that the Lag in IF would make it impossible to kill the Dwarf King, and would more than likely cause a server crash. After talking to him, the real target would be Darnassus with the Diversion being Lakeshire, Darkshire, Westfall and Stormwind. Our part in that battle would be the first section of the original post.
  12. I did the turn-ins today, and it is dead on! I have 1237 Tickets, and as soon as I hit 60, I should be able to claim my necklace! Note: Turn in the plumes first. The crafting turn-ins will give you too much rep too quickly, and will prevent you from getting the maximum amount of tickets.
  13. "Well, deadie...dis be your mission! Get in dere and show da chief" Rhoach told Sabrianica as he nudged her through the flap. Sabrianica looked at the inside of the tent, surprised by the surroundings. Somehow, it was different from what she had expected. The Chieftain of the Clan was sitting at her desk, scribing out something. Maube put her stylus down, collected her papers, and smiled at the young Rogue. "So, what has the self-absorbed Dreadlord sent for you to do" Maube asked as she smiled at Sabrianica. "Well, Chief, it's like this..." And for the second time in the past hour, Sabrianica went over the mission in as many details as possible. She showed her planned entry, how she planned to stealth in from Darkshire and walk in the shadows around the outskirts of Goldshire and into the city. She showed the route she planned to take past the guards to the canals, which would lead her to the Old City where Mathias was alleged to be holed up. She showed various other potential targets throughout the city, such as patrolling guards, alleged locations of Captains and Lieutenants, as well as her planned route of escape. When she finished her briefing, she waited for Maube to ask her any questions that she might have before asking her own questions.
  14. /shudders Yeah, have seen that happen. Your chain pulling kicks butt. Wish BBQ was doing that. EDIT: I should also be getting the Ony head either the next time or the time after that when BBQ kills her. If we do it on Thursday, I could put it up for you guys on Friday.
  15. I'll be farming them for a couple more levels on Sabrianica before I move elsewhere to grind up my Rogue to 60. Let me know if you are collecting them and how many you need. I'll get you as many as I can.
  16. Any thought as to the retaliatory attacks following though? Possibly. In the larger picture, this would be implemented as part of a 4 raid attack. We would be phase 1 where people would be drawn away from Stormwind. Phase and Raid 2 would be to pull them back from us to Stormwind AND to yank others away from the real target. Phase 3 and Raids 3 and 4 would be going off about the time we would be arriving at UC. Any alliance defenders showing up to Stranglethorn will more than likely vent their frustrations on Grom'gol. They may also send a group from Ironforge to the nearby post of Kargath or Arathi as well. Not necessary to defend them, but not bad spots to hunker down if you want to take a swing at the alliance war party either. If they attack Grom'gol instead of going for the "Rope-a-Dope" raid at Stormwind, we would be a single Zepplin ride away. Same for Hammerfall - except one flight away. Heck, we could even continue the ruse by repeating what we did last week. As for a possible strike on Ironforge itself.....I know of a couple of spots one can summon an entire raid in complete seclusion. After speaking with one of the other "people" who MIGHT be involved, Ironforge is probably gonna be ruled out due to the fact that the server would not be able to handle the load of us pulling this off. If we went that route, there would be 160 people duking it out with at least DOUBLE that number all on the same continent. Our goal is to hit the Alliance square in the nose, bloody it, and get them to remember their place. Like the person I spoke with and I agreed, we may have a smaller talent pool to draw from, and our gear may not be on par with what we are facing, but we make up with it in talent and class. We don't wanna crash the server - which we could very, very easily do. We just want to kill 1, may 3 Alliance leaders in one night.
  17. Ah...skah. I wanted to call dibs on da Chrysalia. hmm...if she's got a partner, I'm gonna have to find me someone else.
  18. Targets: Gryphon Masters in Lakeshire (Red Ridge), Darkshire and Sentinel Hill (Westfall). Requirements: Must have the Grom'gol -> Flame Crest flight path. Must have Team Speak. Must be willing to execute as directed. Purpose: Gauging the Alliance response to a series of raids much closer to one of their Capital Cities (Stormwind) Plan: The raid (a full forty strong) will meet up in Grom'gol. Not in Orgrimmar. Grom'gol is more secluded than our capital, and will allow the raid to progress more quietly and more unseen compared to the potential of discovery at our main gates. From Grom'gol, we will depart by Wind Rider to Flamecrest where we will mount up and ride hard for Lakeshire (Red Ridge). We will cross the Bridge and assassinate the Gryphon Master and any guards that are in place or spawn. We will remount and follow the road to the "Three Corners" location. From there we will split into two groups. Group A will consist of groups 1-4 and Group B of 5-8. Both groups will ride along the border of Darkshire and Goldshire to the bridge that separates Darkshire and Sentinel Hill. Group A will ride through the fields to the Gryphon Master in Sentinel hill while Group B heads into Darkshire for the Gryphon Master there. Group A will ride from Sentinel Hill THROUGH Goldshire back into Lakeshire to kill the Gryphon Master and Guards there a second time after they have killed the Gryphon Master there. After killing the Gryphon Master in Lakeshire a second time, ride hard for Flame Crest and then fly by Wind Rider to the Undercity where the celebration will ensue. Group B will ride from Darkshire to a little Alliance Camp just inside Stranglethorn Vale and kill the Gryphon Master there before riding back to Grom'Gol. Once in Grom'gol, they will catch the Zepplin to the Undercity where the celebration will ensue. Ok, this sounds like fun, but - Why? Recently, Thrall himself was attacked. There is discusion of a possible massive counter-attack on the Dwarf King with Stormwind being attacked as a diversion. What I have laid out above has been laid out as a diversion-within-a-diversion for the attack. It would allow for more people to be a part of the campaign and, honestly, would make for more nose rubbing. I am personally not a huge world PvP fan, and never will be, but I am tired of the unanswered attacks on Cairn, Sylvanas and now Thrall by Gothalion, Dark Paradigm and Black Phoenix. The RP to support this is as a reprisal/probe to test the Alliance for their attack. If we can successfully pull this off, then our leadership can go to the other members (proposed) of the main attack and say "Hey - while you guys are doing this, why don't we go do this". I know I am a peon, I know I don't have the authority or permission to plan raids, but when the time comes, I would like to do this. Until then, can someone shoot holes in the plan and help find the flaws so that when it goes off, it does so smoothly? Oh, and incase there are Alliance spies in our midst, the final version of this plan is different enough that you might be able to slightly counter, but not stop this from execution.
  19. Need to get back into the habit. Jeroabem is available for clompin any 5 man dungeon. Sabrianica will be in the 50s at the end of this week, and can start in on BRD. Just PST me on Sabrianica or Ishtatunkah if you need Jero for something.
  20. "...so that's the plan." Sabrianica rocked back and looked up from the maps to Rhoach. The Troll Rogue seemed to be studying the maps and thinking. Slowly a smile spread across his face and his eyes began to twinkle. "Deadie...am likin' how you be tinking. Dis plan be solid. Am tinkin' about goin' wit you to see you clomp dis oomie. Maybe we go an' clomp other oomies too while we be dere. Maybe we get a Druud to come wit us fer some healin'. Yu's right. Yu's needin' to talk to da chief 'bout dis here mission," Rhoach stated. Sabrianica nodded and bent down to gather up the intelligence data. Once it was collected the two headed out from the tent and across the camp to the Chief's tent. "Hey dere Chief," Rhoach called from outside the tent flap, "You busy in dere? Dis' deadie an' I be needin' to blah wit' you 'bout some mission she be havin'. Am tinkin' you likin' it too. It come from dat Dreadlord in da Undercity." Rhoach was answered by a barely audible mutter from inside the tent, "Damn Uglutz, he realy needs to stop breaking the door at the Lazy Peon." ((Again, let me know if you need me to change how I wrote your characters in this post...))
  21. Improved Guessing tree Dropped Talents: Feline Swiftness Improved Shred Blood Frenzy Improved MoTW Improved Enrage Insect Swarm Added Talents: Nature's Grasp Improved Nature's Grasp Natural Weapons Omen of Clarity This is also in line with what I have seen in other research efforts as well. Whatcha think of this one? Does it earn a "Oh noes! Bear is tanking! How can this be?!" ?
  22. If that is unbuffed, you're perfect. The LBRS buff will get you to 160-ish. No need to be chugging FR pots down, you only need 1-3 depending on how many times Rags submerges: 1st at the start of the fight, 2nd if the buff has worn off during phase 1 when the Sons of Ragnaros are summoned. A third one if we have to do a second wave of Sons.
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