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Everything posted by Kalea

  1. Happy Birthday, little elf! Happy Birthday!
  2. This sounds like fun. Count me in.
  3. I think I'd better pass on this recipe. I can see myself staggering through Thunder Bluff, knocking down all the pretty totem poles, possibly accidently setting the whole place on fire while trying to light a campfire. Why don't you just make a batch and share them with us! ((Thanks for the good laugh.))
  4. May you blow out all those candles with one breath (puppy!) and have all your wishes come true! :tease:
  5. Congratulations! Now please go eat and sleep. *grins and hugs*
  6. Kalea

    Outside Props

    I have known Clan Skullcrusher since the early days when the Argent Covenant alliance/channel was a strong, interactive group. They always had a good reputation and their people were fun to be around. When I met with Baracko to discuss a possible place in the raid he and Calandor were forming, he found me without a guild tag. I had a long talk with him, and the former leader, Volonaza, who was an old role playing companion, and decided to join. I was warmly welcomed by this group and, as I have had the opportunity to get to know people, find it to be the best decision I've made in Azeroth. Members of the guild have made me laugh until I cry. Because they're mature people, regardless of their ages, they are very accepting of all kinds of different interests, play styles, and personalities. You'll find them to be a very generous, warm group. Welcome to the Crushers, Mali and Zurg. I'm sure they'll come to mean as much to you as they do to me.
  7. *Pledges herself to be there for both the cousins, that hold such a special place in her heart, as they go through this difficult period*
  8. Well, Scryll and I were there at midnight last night and saw......nothing. We finally gave up around 12:30 and went to bed.
  9. Okay, I just went and logged in to the beta. Looks like it will shut down at midnight tonight. I'll be there and watch it all for you, Waldonnis. *hugs*
  10. After taking a look at that post, Holy, it looks like they took it down last night at midnight. *cries* I would have loved to have seen it.
  11. Since there's only Kalea, I suppose I'll mosey through Northrend, watching you all and thumping noses, as needed.
  12. Kalea


    We would have to check your qualifications, Kadiana. Can you see Kalimdor from your house?
  13. Kalea


    I figure that if we supply you with enough liquid you're a portable fire truck all by yourself, Smedlock. However, we might want to appoint Maube as your Assistant to freeze the fires in case your hose runs dry.
  14. Kalea


    With all the furor going on in the real world over elections this year, I think it's time we consider voting in our Crusher camp. I have a few suggestions. I would vote for Waldonnis for President. He doesn't say much, but when he does it's direct, unemotional and to the point. Not only does logic rule, but this is one of the most efficient people in the camp when it comes to getting things done. I would vote for Zuworty for his Chief of Staff. Zuworty would add humor and cheerful pinkness to Waldo's Presidential Longhouse. I would vote for Baracko for Commander in Chief, with Holyssa as his top aide. Can't you just picture Baracko standing on the field of battle shouting "WIPE IT!" because Harne has been seen by the enemy while trying to stealth up and take a look at the next group? Holyssa would dutifully collect every enemy in sight, bringing them back to his Commander in Chief so that the Lord of the Floor could be the first to fall. I would vote for Smedlock as Fire Chief. Enough said. What are your thoughts?
  15. Kalea

    Fresh Blood

    *takes my mace to the noses of Kailand, Perthes and Baracko* You all are going to set the whole camp on fire! Smedlock, would you put that out in your own inimitable way?
  16. Kalea

    Ug der!

    Xaos! *carefully hugs* It's good to see your face again. I promise not to tell anyone you're a pussycat at heart.
  17. Sounds like a lot of fun, Holy. I need BWL too so I'll be there for shaman healing.
  18. I will certainly come if you need me, but would also be glad to step aside for another healer that needs the Achievement.
  19. Holyssa, thank you so very much for leading these raids. In spite of all the problems last night, it was a blast! That being said, I have uninvited relatives "popping in" to spend a couple of nights with me and I'll miss the finale Friday. I hope you'll be running it again next week and I can get another shot at the C'Thun Achievement. I will be there Saturday night for BWL. I'd wish you luck, but with the "facerolling Paladin" leading, it'll be a piece of cake. *grins*
  20. Sign me up for the Tuesday/Thursday raids, and filling in on Monday if you need me. I could use the AQ40/BWL for Achievements and, like Remmetta, would love to have the AQ rep so I don't have to grind texts. So much to do, so little time.
  21. I need a Mags kill. Seems I didn't get credit for all the times I've done it. I'd love to join you for the AQ run too, Holy.
  22. It's been such fun to be a part of this raid. Thank you, Baracko and Cal, for letting me come along. Holy, it's so hard to pick particular moments, as I found myself truly laughing out loud time after time every night. It was a great way to end the raid, downing ROS and then going to all the instances we've conquered to get those bosses for Maube and Fuzzybutt to get their titles. *group hug*
  23. Whoo hoo! Happy brithday, puppy!
  24. *hugs Orcala* Take care, little one. You have a lot of people here that care about you, and, as trite as it sounds, it will get better.
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