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Everything posted by Kalea

  1. Enjoy yourself! We'll miss the Druid Perv. Just try not to spend too much time with those videos of yours.
  2. It would help a lot if we could get more than 5 seals a day, but HOLY COW! We'll be working for the Tournament until we die! *cries*
  3. I'd like to put my name in as an herbalist/alchemist.
  4. Flasks, obviously, last through death. Elixirs don't. We don't have anything on farm yet. Buying, and using, flasks should be considered part of raid preparation. At this point, we need every edge we can get. Anyone unwilling to do the dailies that would allow them to have the cash necessary to buy flasks should consider whether or not raiding is for them. No one should be exempt or expect the raid to furnish supplies for them. Just my opinion.
  5. Can I just thump heads instead? With bunnies instead of my hammer? Do what you need to do, Tizaria. We'll miss you and your bunnies until you return.
  6. As I told you tonight when we talked, Warcraft should be a place that's fun for you. I totally understand you, and Xeno, want to go where the rest of your family, and family to be, is playing. Remmetta, you were a valued member of this community, and our raids. I'm so glad I got to know you. Good luck to you both! *hugs*
  7. I'll be there to too, Kadi.
  8. Happy Birthday to all the 'ainishes! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  9. Whatever day you pick for the second one is fine with me. *trips, dies, reincarnates* IT NEVER HAPPENED!
  10. I definitely think you should get Orcala one of these for Christmas, Holyssa. It would be a good gift for anyone that continually feels the need to AFK during raids. http://web.media.mit.edu/~cati/wowpod.html
  11. May you find many pretties added to your stash. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  12. May you find many pretties added to our stash. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday, Orcala! I suppose this is one day when you're not AFK all day?
  14. Many happy returns of the day! Happy Birthday!
  15. Tuesday night the hate meter got ramped up way too far. I know this group is capable of humor that doesn't involve the public ridicule and shredding of other raid members like a pack of piranha. If Kailand wants Tyrandius to run the mod that lets us know if we screw up, that's fine, but let's not ride the raid member that stumbles like a tired pony. Dig deep and let's make tonight the relaxing, fun experience that raiding with this group can be. MOM SAYS!
  16. Congratulations! Happy Birthday!
  17. I got one too. My guess is that everyone registered on the site received this email.
  18. A very Happy Birthday to you, Your Highness. I'm sure all of Silvermoon will turn out to celebrate. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  19. I hope you're having a wonderful day! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  20. I've got 20 fish feasts made for next week, and I'll fish up the rest of the materials to go with Eigun's nettlefish. If anyone wants to send fish and spices to me, I'd be glad to be fish feast central for the raid.
  21. *blushes* I think most of my guild mates would say they don't see Momma Moo this way often. I'm mostly coming after them with my mace in my hand to knock some sense into them.
  22. Don't listen to these nitwits. You're still a puppy! *winks*
  23. Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  24. Many happy returns of the day! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday!
  25. As much as I like Achievements, I'll volunteer to sit out so you can do this in one week, Your Pinkness.
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