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After the 13th


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Since we now have had the chance to test out the new specs for our classes..

Have everybody decided what to put your main focus on when it comes to set our feet on the new continent?

I now like the changes to all of the classes i have played.. but I think my main focus will be my Hunter..

What can the rest of us expect to see from YOU?


When the time comes when i need a change of pace from running around with my Hunter i will run with my Arms Warrior whirlwinding anything in my path..

If I get all my 70s to 80.. the next "logical" choice for me is to either lvl a Rogue or Druid to 80... As I want to have one class of each armor type.. RAWR

I will prolly have my rogue as a Twink and level a druid to 80.. im not sure yet but i have been playing with that idea for a while now.

Edited by Perthes
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If I can scrape together the money to buy the stupid expac - Maube of course :laugh: My ::sniff:: account ends end of Feb. And I would hate to sit around for that long watching you all burn ahead of me =p Just like I did with Gabe - cancelling my account until things settle with the new baby. If I am not tempted to log in - I wont get so angry when the baby wont let me hehe

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In some sort of order...

- Get my @$$ to 80 asap.

- Break the Defense cap (540) so I'm a living boulder again. /flex

- Max out JC.

- Do all the JC dailies for tanking gems, providing I don't go bats trying to collect them all.

- Get that cool coin item.

- Explore and do tons of Achievements.

- Work on Cresalia & the Death Knight.

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- Get my @$$ to 80 asap.

I know a bunch of people that are planning on doing this...and honestly, I very much discourage turbo-grinding through Northrend. Past games and expansions have taught me one thing: the sooner that people blast through content, the sooner they're complaining about being bored. That and most of the time, they missed out on some of the really interesting story lines and silly things along the way. To make all of that worse, they frequently end up sitting around at cap level waiting for their friends to catch up or having a hard time finding reasons to log in before raids/PvP start going (as people catch up). Burn-out is pretty common as well when folks do this (always amazes me that people will burn-out on new instances within a month...because they chain-run them so much so quickly).

Let's face it, Burning Crusade sat around for a long while and I think we all know a ton of people that were just plain tired of having nothing significant to do...there's no reason to expect much different this time around. So, basically, take your time and enjoy the journey. This isn't a race. People level at different paces and all of those raids or PvP will still be there if you take a bit longer.

Even though I've been through nearly all of Northrend already, I still look forward to re-experiencing a lot of it rather than just rushing through it. My main plan is to level a death knight up first, then take care of the rest of my personal army based on what I feel like playing at the time. I'm not looking forward to dealing with Outlands for the eighth time, but it goes quickly enough and I still do enjoy quite a few of the questlines. Northrend's quests are significantly more varied, so that's where most of my fun will be, though :laugh:

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One thing I'm sure of: I WILL NOT be standing outside at midnight yelling geeky things at other geeks waiting for my spot in line.

I'll probably pick up the game Thursday afternoon and load it up that evening. I'm planning on taking Friday off, since I only work a halfday that day anyway, and enjoying myself in the new lands assuming that they're stable.

Overall, I want to get to 80 pretty quick so that I can start raiding again. However, RL being as it is, I don't think raiding will be possible till likely the first of the yearish. A month and a half will allow plenty of time to enjoy storylines and run some new instances with you all. Should things go by too fast, Ill work on that little SP of mine in the hopes that maybe one day an alt will reach top level *coughs*.

I guess the beauty of being in good gear is that I dont have to worry so much about gearing myself as I go, although I think Ill have to get a new chestplate and a few other things. Rumor has it the weapons in the expansion are quite good. All that leads me to the hopes that I won't burn myself out on instances like Waldy suggests.


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the sooner that people blast through content, the sooner they're complaining about being bored.

Well, not always true. Even at L80, I think I'll have plenty of stuff to do even on my favorite faceroller, and part of the reason I haven't been so active on Beta was because I didn't want to spoil any surprises (save for Naxx out of curiosity). The Achievement system alone is a breath of fresh air WoW really needed as well, even if some of that stuff will take ages to prepare for (It's a Skadi all day, every day!) or serves no purpose other than a score boost.

Hell, I STILL have lots to do on Holy even today, most totally unrelated to the new features the last patch or two presented. And then there's the epic lulz to be had with Orcala :laugh:

Edited by Holyssa
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One of the reasons ill be going back to feral for most of the grind, just to gank the occasional Alliance i see flagged( though with dual spec I may just be dual Dps specs caster and balance since I have nice gear for both). But after putzing around so long during TBC waiting to get to 70 Im gonna powergrind to 80 to get into new BG's and the gear ASAP, my DK will serve as an occasional diversion if I see fit with leaving battlegrounds.

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I'll be picking up the game at midnight, though I do plan to install and go to sleep afterwards. I took Thursday and Friday off work (I had pondered Monday as well since I won't be on WoW on Saturday, but I decided against it to prevent burnout issues).

From there, it'll look something like this:

Step 1: Play my PALADIN (hear that Baracko?) to 80

Step 1b: Try to level Blacksmithing as much as possible in the meantime. If you need something made, see me! The plate patterns for the 70 to 80 grind are really quite good.

Step 2: Start doing some of the level 80ish things while I...

Step 3: Level up my Shaman, but at a 'no real hurry' pace.

I'll probably level up as Ret until about 76-78 or so, then switch over to Holy, which is my planned spec for the Xpac. After being able to play around with a bit, and with a few macros, it won't be quite so terrible (though I'll still QQ about not having real AoE healing).

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Step 1b: Try to level Blacksmithing as much as possible in the meantime. If you need something made, see me! The plate patterns for the 70 to 80 grind are really quite good.

*walks up to Kadi with a very long sheet of poorly-scribbled paper*

I has a Christmas list. It's kinda big.


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Step 1b: Try to level Blacksmithing as much as possible in the meantime. If you need something made, see me! The plate patterns for the 70 to 80 grind are really quite good.

*walks up to Kadi with a very long sheet of poorly-scribbled paper*

I has a Christmas list. It's kinda big.


Awww, the puppy eyes! Well, I can't open up shop until next week, but I'll give you your free complimentary scrunchie right now!

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*Pounces out of the shadows landing in the base camp. Sneaks into mom's tent in search of cookies and crumbs. Weaves in and out of Baracko's feet causing him to fall down and bruise his back side. Purrs innocently. Swipes a paw at Roach causing him to run away. Jumps on Oriah's back snagging a scrunchi from Kadi batting it high into the air. Does a backflip off of Oriah and spots Waldy, climbs up his skirt; shredding the cloth, to rub noses. HEY! That's NOT a nose. Wakes up and realizes it was just a dream. *

Gosh I miss you all :thumbsup: Hopefully, I will make it back in time for the expansion or shortly there after. Truthfully, I have not given much thought to which way I want to go as I barely remember how to play anything. Seems like forever and with the new talents, I will surly be rusty in all respects. IF I actually find the time I will probably just take my time and go slow through the content. I will probably check out the DK just to say I tried it. The rest will be relearning my classes and seeing which one I am more suited to play.

Missing you all,

Nawtay Kitty!

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Short and sweet.

1.) <3 Maubert <3 Nawt

2.) Judge, shock, and consecrate Kierthan's way to 80. Holy as always.

3.) With dual spec on the horizon, my druid Muar will probably be the next to 80 for the most versatility.

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Well my PC took a great time to die >:L

But good news a stronger faster pc will be delivered by Tuesday just in time to get it set up for Thursday :thumbsup:

I plan to level Remmetta Holy as always, and quickly so I can kick back and do all the little things I love so much about the game..

I also have my warrior (flower picker) I need to level as Remm requires lots of little potions. I would actually like to try to play my warrior a little more in the expansion than I have in the past.

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I also have my warrior (flower picker) I need to level as Remm requires lots of little potions. I would actually like to try to play my warrior a little more in the expansion than I have in the past.

I'm actually bringing up a warrior now (Romala) and will probably hit Outlands today with her :thumbsup: I must say, I'm having a bunch of fun with her and plan on pretty much dedicating her to PvP, much like Toba is.

And I sympathise about the computer problems. My main computer died and I've been playing on a back-up machine for about a week now....it sucks >:L

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*casts Eye of Acherus* *Peers at his old friends and a slight bit of discontent fills him*

My old friends at long last my cure for this forsaken body is complete and once again I am human. This however does leave me in a postion of great remorse for my old clan. But don't be fooled when you cross me now do not lower your guard in hope be ready for I am no longer forsaken. I am human again and the powers of Arthas himself flow through me. Show me no mercy for I will show you none.

*Summons his Deathcharger* Prey you don't find me in the battlegrounds my old friends.

PS I love you guys >:L:thumbsup:

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*casts Eye of Acherus* *Peers at his old friends and a slight bit of discontent fills him*

My old friends at long last my cure for this forsaken body is complete and once again I am human. This however does leave me in a postion of great remorse for my old clan. But don't be fooled when you cross me now do not lower your guard in hope be ready for I am no longer forsaken. I am human again and the powers of Arthas himself flow through me. Show me no mercy for I will show you none.

*Summons his Deathcharger* Prey you don't find me in the battlegrounds my old friends.

PS I love you guys >:L:thumbsup:

*points at Molox* Dinner...er...I mean...traitor! :yub:

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*casts Eye of Acherus* *Peers at his old friends and a slight bit of discontent fills him*

My old friends at long last my cure for this forsaken body is complete and once again I am human. This however does leave me in a postion of great remorse for my old clan. But don't be fooled when you cross me now do not lower your guard in hope be ready for I am no longer forsaken. I am human again and the powers of Arthas himself flow through me. Show me no mercy for I will show you none.

*Summons his Deathcharger* Prey you don't find me in the battlegrounds my old friends.

PS I love you guys >:L:thumbsup:

*points at Molox* Dinner...er...I mean...traitor! :yub:

Nub, lat meant dinner. Inta da stew!

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I have to say.. after running a few instances this weekend with my Warrior whom I respeced 5 or 6 times between Prot and Arms/ Fury I feel now torn on who to play when the expansion comes out.

I loved the whole tanking aspect .. but I also love the whole ranged dps of my hunter.. damnit.. :thumbsup:

What to do what to do...

His equipment is lacking at the moment but im not to worried.. that is just an added spice to the tanking rush lol.. how low can I go >:L

I will prolly go with my Hunter due to he is better geared but.. damn.. i so wanna run with my warrior as well..

I guess my question is.. how many tanks will there be going up in the first place as a "main focus" when the expansion comes out?

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I have to say.. after running a few instances this weekend with my Warrior whom I respeced 5 or 6 times between Prot and Arms/ Fury I feel now torn on who to play when the expansion comes out.

I loved the whole tanking aspect .. but I also love the whole ranged dps of my hunter.. damnit.. :thumbsup:

What to do what to do...

His equipment is lacking at the moment but im not to worried.. that is just an added spice to the tanking rush lol.. how low can I go >:L

I will prolly go with my Hunter due to he is better geared but.. damn.. i so wanna run with my warrior as well..

I guess my question is.. how many tanks will there be going up in the first place as a "main focus" when the expansion comes out?

If it makes you feel anybetter, from the various stuff i've seen posted about gear/etc, T4 level gear will probably only last to 72, T5 until about 75, and T6 to 68-70, and some sunwell gear stuff won't be replaced until Naxx. infact you will be replace the badge xbow at about 68 from a quest reward. don't chooses based on gear, it's going to be replaced quickly, choose who you want to play that is the most fun for you right now.

As for me, my main focus is kailand just because I like the style. Kargoch will probably be levelled once I run out of stuff to do on kailand (so probably not until the new year), and I will be leveling him prot due to the huge damage increase, as well as survivability. Prot dmg gear is all about shield block rating, shield block value, and strength.

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Guilozak will always be my main. He'll be seeing the love first since, as usual, healers will be needed, even us smiting healers =).

I'm sure 'll be switching over to work on Sildaka frequently to keep his Alchemy up to snuff. Then I'll finish my work on my little pally tank.

All of this of course will begin when I have the money to buy the xpac which sadly will probably not be till Sat or Sun at the earliest and more than likely not till the following week at which point the prayers to the computer gods begin that my comp can handle it . . .

We'll see.

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