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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. *hands Calendar some glasses since he can't recognise the difference between scryll and I*
  2. Don't worry, this was posted for the patch that was released in AUGUST.
  3. Kailand and Kargoch are keyed for all heroics and Karazhan.
  4. well, I need gear from moroes (belt), maiden(gloves/neck), and opera(helm, also would like the 2-h sword). Moroes is a boss we have to do to do opera, and get access to the back door. and until we get to the point of reach the chess event without many deaths, we should still do attuman for repairs. The only optional bosses in the first half of kara are the animal bosses, attuman and the maiden.
  5. While tanking I open up with shield slam, and use it anytime it is up, and in between I sunder and revenge until I have a stack of 5 sunders up and the switch between devestate, revenge and sheild slam, throwing in mitigation abilities (shield block, thunderclap, demoralizing shout) when appropriate. if I have excess rage I will toss in heroic strikes. I found that with my slow (2.2 speed) weapon, devestate generates more threat than heroic strike, but the general consensus is that with a fast weapon you want to ignore devestate except for sunder refreshes, and use heroic strike. As a tanking prot warrior sheild slam is the highest threat generation ability, and revenge is the most rage efficient threat generation, and devestate/heroic strike are great rage dumps. A stack of 5 sunders also increases the threat of your threat generation abilities due to the increased damage. My experiments with taunt have shown me that it only is useful if somebody else already has agro - it doesn't make sure you keep agro if used preemptively. In trash encounters where they don't hit hard, I usually get rage starved, so I will let somebody grab agro and conserve my rage, then using taunt, shield slam, heroic strike to get agro on the mob and go from there. if the DPS is paying attention to threat, then I will just use revenge/sunder on trash. For soloing, I like using a slow two-handed weapon and use a slam spam - the slower the weapon, the higher DPS increase you will see. If I'm worried about survivability, I will use strength gear, with sword and shield for solo DPSing (I use the sporregar rep shield, lots of strength on it, and sufficient armor). I find for grinding, that dual wield also works as long as the mobs are low enough level that I don't miss too often and just spam devestate, and build up rage on autoattack. Since devestate is an instant, and it doesn't reset the autoattack counter, this is an easy way to boost DPS. Heroic strike is ok, but it only applies to the next auto attack, and so you actually end up with both less rage, and less DPS than devestate spamming. Against casters, I always use sword and shield (spell reflect FTW!) As for stats, I have been playing around with some math, and for pure survivability, I found out that 6 stam > 4 Def > 4 dodge > 4 parry > 4 agi > 4 block rating. Personally I view block rating as a agro stat since it helps with rage generation (getting hit), but it does help prevent crushing blows. I haven't played around with exact ratios, but it does depend somewhat on gearing. As for agro generation, agi > Shield block value > strength > hit. And of course a higher DPS weapon will generate more threat and rage. Gemming gear I tend to follow the socket colour, since it tends to balance out my stats that way, as opposed to what alot of tanks do and just stack +12 stam gems. I.E. a yellow socket gets a +4 def/ +6 stam, a red socket gets a +4 agi / +6 stam (leaning towards the +8 dodge gem though), and blue always gets a +12 stam. On DPS gear I tend to stack strength over anything else. Anyways thats the way I play my warrior.
  6. Yay, blizzard has finally recognized there are latency issues! http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...21697&sid=1
  7. boo! The broom flying mount only lasts 14 days
  8. Kailand


    http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/events/brewfest/ sounds like fun, perhaps we can have a clan meeting over a few brewskies!
  9. Hopefully that isn't the case, but it still doesn't make any difference to me, the +12 agi is the key reason for me getting this gem. DPS wise, for kailand, it puts the crit and the AP meta gems to shame.
  10. Hunters •Wyvern Sting is now instant cast Very nice •Arcane Shot (Rank 6+) will now dispel 1 Magic effect in addition to damage Woot •Serpent Sting, Immolation Trap, and Explosive Trap gain additional damage based on Ranged Attack Power Who cares... this might have been nice if it also applied to snake traps. Hunters rarely use these for DPS anyways.
  11. If you do please update his roster information. If you don't know how, pester the Verissi/Adranna/Waldonnis/Hoofstomper/etc gang.
  12. I meant to post a response to this sooner. Verissi == Pure Evil
  13. Perhaps an intervention may work better During my 'I'm bored out of my skull' time, I came across this comic: http://xkcd.com/319/
  14. Hi, I was just browsing through the roster (see the great hall sticky) and noticed that we are still missing quite a few gem cuts within the guild. In the past I have contributed to help purchase some of the AGI patterns for Aletia, and would like to help donate gold to aid in the purchase of the cuts for gem patterns that are missing within the guild. I would like to know who I should donate gold to (which banker toon,etc), and would like to encourage all crushers to donate some gold to acquire these patterns. As well, it would be nice to compile a list of which cuts that are desired that aren't currently known in guild. So far all the agi cuts are known, but some of the important tanking cuts aren't: Solid Star of Elune (+12 stam / Blue Gem) Enduring Talasite (+4 def/+6 stam / Green Gem) I'm not sure on the cuts, so please add to this thread
  15. Kailand


    If blizzard really loved hunters, they would give us a better stealth detection buff (instead of nerfing it constantly due to the ZOMG they see me when I wander into the flare pvp kiddies), wouldn't nerf traps in PvP yet again, wouldn't have nerfed haste, and wouldn't have insane FD and trap resists in PvE (I'm spec'd for both of those and get more resist ticks than I would think possible). The only good thing hunters get out of the patch is a buffed version of aspect of the viper, which is really good for hunters that don't wear leather (and sucks for those that do, since more int means more mana regen under viper). Hopefully I won't have to mana pot chug anymore. On an other side note on raptors... haven't blizzards developers watched Jurassic Park. Raptors should be able to open doors and locks! That would be a great talent other than dash.
  16. Happy Birthday Calendar. It looks like you are finally getting out of diapers, as others (looks at Smedlock) are getting back in them.
  17. Happy birthday, may you have many more.
  18. YEAH, Hell! Oops read that wrong, but Kargoch assures me my version is better.
  19. Just to let you know, it waz Kazragerg that got the crossbow. So far in Karazhan the loot gods have frowned on poor old Kargoch . But one of these days, the heavens will open up, and plate will fall from the sky, and other goodies full of tanky goodness will blossom from the corpses we leave behind.
  20. Phewd, It's not your mount, it's MY MOUNT!
  21. Great job Phewd, That music is very appropriate.
  22. I was thinking of getting Kargoch in to arena for some DPS gear. Let me know if there is space for a prot warrior, or maybe we can create a special 2v2, 3v3, or 5v5 for people that don't care about getting many points fast.
  23. ::drools:: Thank you for doing that grind, I'm sure it was painful, and of course I'll be hitting up adranna when I get my T4 helm.
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