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Everything posted by Oriahtundra

  1. Drop me a tell if yah need a hand, havnet done a regular instance in quite some time, and the world dragons are easy kills.
  2. Gratz man, if I knew you were doing it I would have came myself, get em down on the first try?
  3. Oriahtundra


    Lock idea is awesome, just have gotta get a volunteer. Permission to Innervate the rogues and wars on trash fights granted 10-4 chiefy
  4. Honey...lets put the beds together tonight Havent been on much this week due to RL, but feel free to hit me up if you see me on.
  5. Happy Bday! And yes party too hard Moderation in all things, including moderation
  6. Yes roll Horde on AD fore you grind any furthur, specially if you dont wants 2 hours PvP Q times, plus were just cooler over here
  7. If we can get started clearing a lil early like theother week and put us 1 boss closer would work wonders, Boom had a PUG MC run for trash last night or night before, barely 30 people in the raid and still ended up dropping first 3 bosses with only 2 attempts on each. It can be done, it will be done, rags will fall.
  8. Im down to help as always, and can still make those other pots too, just wait for the cooldown me think may work well.
  9. Maybe it would best be won by some interpretive dance
  10. Oriahtundra

    new pvp

    Yup have to agree its lame, pretty much will get pwned by the Alliance zerg, though least Alliance will have something to do between Q's now :/
  11. Absent but never forgotten, I pray the Earthmother carries you safely wherever you may choose to go. Good journey brother, I shall see you in the Emerald Dream.
  12. Yeah bit ole moo on a Deddie horse would be great, though AV+PvP wolves look the coolest in game.. havent seen any of the raid ones yet. Bar you still need more cloth? I havent farmed Maw faction in a bit but i get a decent amount while im out there. I still dont get email notification for some reason so drop me a message in game.
  13. Only problem with the burning essences is they are BOP I should be able to help depending on if my girl wants to chill or not.
  14. Wanted to roll a pally on a PvP server when i first staarted playin the game, but girl i was with already had toons here on Horde side. Looks like I'll get my chance....course after i hit 70 with OT Should do a contest who hits 70 first. 5g buyin winner gets the pot
  15. Hmm probably a good thing, cept for the itemization gear for differnt specs the Druid changes arent really all that good IMO. LotP aura needs to be better than Moonkin to evne compate with the increased damage. damage. Damage needs to scale with weapons. Could be alot better things they could do
  16. So Sat after the 15th? Long as work schedule is good Im down, wonder how many times we can clear BRD/UBRS?LBRS/DM etc before we hit reset max?
  17. Or a step up to the horse head in the bed for those you dont like
  18. I have a libram, though offered it up a few times, not sure if i should use it myself being a healer(cant remember what slots can be used on but be great for Cen so I dont gim my healing as much) Regardless if someone needs it more i have one and also 8 of the crystals(enough for 2 quest) from when i helped Rel get his chant, so just a quick trip out there. You have to get the keys for that boss for the burning essences? Im always down to help, not sure who is priority for FR stuff. (why am i not gettin email notification?)
  19. Pretty much all my FR came from a single run in BRD week or so ago side of 2 rings. We got the gear to chain pull in MC we should clomp through BRD in no time at all. Anyone interested in farming it out (reset cap is 5 now?) lmk. I think i got pretty much anything that drops in there, and anything else can be sharded for brilliant mana oil for the healers/casters
  20. Few of us hit the elementals in da crater last night, the drop rate is terrible(though GREAT place to get core of elements). Not sure bout the others but think hour or so of farming Odenn came out with 5 elementals and 5 hearts. I stayed a while past and still only came out with 7 elementals and 2 hearts. Then found some cheaper elementals on AH to bring it up to 15. Gonna log in here in a few and farm for an hour or so see if i can get some more. We could easily farm BRD and roll through that place till we hit reset cap for shards FR gear etc. Dreamfoil seems to be in very short supply so finding the best places to farm Im sure there will be competition. What about Dark Iron residue? I have 100+ in bank and that is also very easy to farm out, not sure on the step but think i read its like 960 total to turn in to hit next rep lvl.
  21. Im down for AQ Can maybe do ZG instead of MC if there arent enough?
  22. A very slooooow download at that....been at it an hour now and only 82%
  23. Mana pot recipe? Is it a pain?
  24. *cry* missin the invasion *howl,growl,roar* IGN also had it when i got stuck at 83% earlier, was a 30 min wait on a nonpayserver(to join is chump fairly cheap as i remember) but it ran down to 0 and went right back up to 30 min..... course this was bout 8pm EST Tried the Blizz again downloader and went out for a bit, came back and it was done....then realized the invasion comes with it. lLizz will be getting a nice mail that should let your account be billed through a routing number rather than having to have a CC. Should have called Shalaan and seen if he still had that 10 day game pass from his game SOE+SWG..... yeah lets nerf a game so bad trying to be like WoW that game price went form 50+ to 20 including the expansion lol.
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