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Everything posted by Oriahtundra

  1. So,real life ###### came up but that isnt the main case...was just a pile onto the already ######ty night, my guardian angels are off the clock tonight....or maybe God is telling me its time to speak up I've been upset over an MMO 2 times now. Actually over the PEOPLE IN the MMO, Im used to Blizz cornholin me....... Just know I apologize though i know there was already someone who was about to replace me when i logged on(though i was still 15-20 minutes early from when i said Id be there). So shouldnt be much of an issue(wish i didnt give up those 2 hours of 50bux an hour to get home early) And I got the only thing i ever wanted in game(not loot) taken away from me tonight. And as I told Ma, I would never let a member of my family die without me going first I will speak to my Elders and fellow Warmongers if i get the chance, but yeah upset is a serious understatement. Too many things been snowballin
  2. Druids look mor eboring thatn tier 3 WTF Blizz..... and ANOTHER set of horn..... jesus f-ing christ.... I bet my left nut its still another healbot set
  3. False: I'd rather have a good time, F the world it wont do us ny good in the end anyways The person below me likes to take a 4 wheeled machine that is 40 feet tall at its lowest and weighs 80 tons and put it on 2 or even 1 wheel(that ###### is such a rush)
  4. Not sure how it will scale compared to Wars(though we know most crafter stuff is subpar to drops and these are only blues) Still looks pretty good to me Saw these in the beta forums. I have never seen sooo MUCH defence on high armor leather. I u ask me they are pushing for more bear tanks Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Boots requires friendly to buy requires LW 355 to make blue, 180 armor, 37 stam, +24 defense, yellow/blue socket (+3 dodge rating socket bonus) 4 Heavy Knothide Leather, 20 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 4 Primal Earth, 2 Rune Thread Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Leggings requires honored to buy requires LW 355 to make blue, 229 armor, 42 stam, +34 defense, two blue, one yellow sockets (+4 dodge rating socket bonus) 6 Heavy Knothide Leather, 34 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 4 Primal Earth, 2 Rune Thread Pattern: Heavy Clefthoof Vest requires honored to buy requires LW 360 to make blue, 263 armor, 52 stam, +28 defense, two yellow, one blue sockets (+4 dodge rating socket bonus) 6 Heavy Knothide Leather, 40 Thick Clefthoof Leather, 4 Primal Earth, 2 Rune Thread Set bonus for all three: Strength of the Clefthoof, requires LW 350 - +20 strength. More leather http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1420/feralgearsb4.jpg Druid Q+A(long) Are hunters overpowered in beta? Yes, but as normal there is a measure of playskill associated with the type of server the hunter's appear to originate from. PvP hunters seem to simply have faster response times, and are more adaptive increasing their lethality and conservation of motion. Are Druids overpowered in beta? No, but I feel as though I have been placed upon a competitive plane with my peers. Are warlocks overpowered in beta? I'm no longer scared of them as I once was. Rage cost of mangle? 20 rage (15 with talent - idol of brutality does not affect this) 45 energy (40 with talent - 37 with idol of ferocity) (sorry about the mix up >_<) What about the AQ 20 books? do we need those to train the new talents? no, those are all trainable from a trainer Where do I find Sedai? East of the Draenai temple in the Hellfire Peninsula. It's very close (almost visible) up on a small rise, near some boars. he has a '?' above him. he is also going to be the mankrik's wife of burning cursade. also, i am sorry to report... sedai didn't make it. Can you kill a warlock with treants alone? 1. seeing as you can't kill a warlock with treants and the druid... i don't see how the treants would stand a cahnce. they don't do that much damage, and stamn is going up. but none of a warlocks 41 points can kill us by themselves. 2. Treants are a hinderance and have more functionality in PvE than in PvP. Although they make for a nice harrassment, many treat them simply as a low damage dot, which may provide a minor annoyance when attempting to cast spells. How is balance druid itemization? 1. not to bad. there's a moonkin helm that you get from a quest. hard to say so far, but sockets help a bit. you just get leather with int that you add spell damage to 2. Within a level or two I had a green/blue balance set which enabled me to outdps an equivalent level mage more substantially geared from the old world. How different is honor intake now? How much honor do you get for an HK, a flag cap, a tower cap, etc? The new honor system is a thing of beauty. Honor is variable based upon level to level and rank to rank relationships, with normal diminishing returns for successive kills. However, it accumulates over time and Honor Marks may be saved for truly substantial rewards. Every zone has some form of pvp objective. While taking the objective grants no honor, it provides a zone wide damage increase (+5% normally), and opens up reward vendors, quest npcs with pvp specific rewards/xp. What's the threat formula of lacerate, is lacerate affected by AP? 1. not sure. but it's instant. and it scales. lacerate is good 2. I do not have the exact formulas, but I may hold aggro against a fury warrior or a rogue using sunder armor with no problem. if mangle bear have threat modifier? i seem to think ... yes. but not sure. either way, it's an instant attack with extra damage. it's really really good (and cool for burst damage in PVP if you maul + mangle together). All druid CC, cyclone, pounce, root, bash, maim, any of them have shared diminish return? 1. as far as i've seen no, but no one is high enough level for cyclone yet. (level cap is 67) i'd imagine our stuns (pounce and bash) would share diminsihing returns, but you can test this in live cyclone has no cooldown though, neither does pounce. since when has root had a cool down? the only one is bash. 2. Not that I recall on those of equivalent level. what effect does cyclone count, stun? incap? Isn't cyclone dispellable? what happens when a cycloned target have DoT? can you heal the cycloned target? from screenshots available it appears not to be any of the 4 dispellable types Can I be tamed by a hunter? no but *spoiler warning* *spoiler warning* *spoiler warning* there is a 5 man instance where you must free 4 druids one of the druids was tamed in bear form and is trapped as a hunter pet Is Wrath of Cenarius calculated after Moonfury (which, incidentally, is confirmed to be calculated after spelldamage gear now) or are the two calculations kept separate? wrath of cenarius is calculated after all your +spell damage affects are applied. this means groupbuffs, trinkets, etc help it not sure wether this is before or after moonfury. someone said moonfury scales but it seemde incidental. (NOT VERIFIED) What exactly has been changed with Pounce? 3 second stun. improved bash helps pounce pounce is now a 10 yard range and can be used from any direction this means you can actually pounce someone casting without following them like a full, and you can pounce flag runners pounce scales with attack power as well. combined with maim (which does not break on bleeds), cyclone, roots, etc. druids get a fair amount of control over their hapless prey, and can protect themselves for windows were you'd want to shift form (and cyclone) all in all, pounce is more pounce like Does Swipe scale with AP? i have also heard yes. *fingers crossed* Does Rake scale with AP? yes. Is it possible to go out of combat and re-stealth from a Cyclone? is it possible to do it with roots, polymorph, etc. (Needs to be verified) Does furor work with the same 'quasi' delay that it has had since they 'fixed' it 2 months ago? not sure Does casting in moonkin form still reset the swing timer? yes Do roots hold other players any better than they do now? 1. no noticable diffrence. roots seems like a good PVE DoT now though. new talents aren't in yet, so there's no 'bramble' 2. Eh, no signficant change. Still one of my primary complaints What details can you give us about how they've made BC more "hybrid friendly"? 1. you've seen the talent tree. also, there are 2 arena sets. one is a spell damage leather set,. one is a feral set with a lot of +healing. palidans and shamans also get 2 sets. everyone else gets one. nice all sets are 5 piece with a 4 piece bonus. balance set bonus: -10% cost of moonfire. feral/resto: +15% movement speed in feral forms. yes. it's back. beware 2. I have tanked every major instance (5 mans) for my level with only another druid healing. Healers revel in our ILOTP for the assistance it's healing ability adds to mitigating melee classes damage. My dps is competitive against other melee classes and I provide a great amount of damage in one moment, and then can shift gear and have 10K mana to heal the next boss fight so our adaptability remains a primary strength. How much damage on average does it (mangle) do in pvp? 1. there has been very little PVP. i don't know what 'it' is but DPS metres aren't currently working 2. My dps is outstanding as a feral druid critting routinely between 1400-2000 on mangles. As a balance druid I was competitive against an equivalently geared / levelled mage. My druidic sister that I run with is our sole healer, and she has sustained us victoriously through every major instance Can you post a log of shred and mangle, alternating throughout the battle? *Please list your gear you're currently using.. mangle > shred IMO. in raids it's a tough call. 37 energy > 48 energy. if the over poweredshred idol was stillin the game, this would not be the case. Do you notice the -15% aoe reduction or the 15% crit? do you notice natural weapons? it's all in your head man. all in your head. Does the -15% aoe reduction work on skills as priest scream and howl of terror? yes. Does lifebloom have a global cooldown? yes. otherwise you could apply 3 HoTs in 0 seconds with a macro. Have you noticed alot of +strength on armor, or is it more geared toward +AP? 1. there's a lot of stats on the 'feral' pieces, but rogues are getting attack power on things. 2. Agility only gives 1 attack power - NOT 2. Have you gotten to the arena quest? the blood circle or whatever, with the +300 ap feral staff. I need to know how hard the quest is, I'm looking forward to doing it. Its in nagrand I believe. i have not done the chain yet but it's supposed to be the most fun quest chain in the game right now it is hard. you need to be level 65. it's 'the arena' quest. you and a group of people take on 'arena groups' it's also a chain everyone will do in a group very cool. you'll get your silly staff, no worries. Are there any upgrades for the mid level blue & purple tanking gear I seem stuck with? like warden staff? nothing to date however, every item has almost double the stamina and (by nature of higher level) more armour. what this means is tanking gear, of all things, is going to get old the fastest. while casters and priests can rock a lot of tier 2 most of the grind, tanks will be replacing dreadnaught with greens. it is funny and sad. I have replaced AQ40 purples with greens and blues.. Standby. I snicker every day at the dramallamas on my home forums and the the thought of watching their epeens shrivel when their almighty 10 hours a day raid gear is replaced BC druid pics and numbers http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...83787&sid=1
  5. Some steps in a better direction....gonna have to go make new temps now :/
  6. Been working with Zak, but once his are done my mute is also available
  7. /agree For reference and those that have not seen it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRUXOl00zHk And yes its real
  8. True, hell solo i cant get it to depoison me, or Decurse anyone beside my party in MC in the last few runs :/
  9. Correct, but with new items and socketed items plus new end game, you would think that everything in the old dungeons is gonna pretty much be obsolete. Think i read something bout all dungeons possibly having an idol system get the items for the turnin rather than running Scholo 50 times and never seeing SC cap drop,
  10. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=42...Druid&hl=en Notice that Druids rejuv was tickin for 420 O-o
  11. Blizz nerfing Decursive http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...84618&sid=1
  12. Being able to escape in a different form would be similiar to cheetah just more usuable. Give it a longer cast timer, 1.5 sec could stomp fly away change in mid air moonfire then change back. Rinse repeat. Not even taking into account that once you get your flying mount, flight form will be useless, after 70
  13. Supposedly they have been dropping for a while, I remember someone in TS talking bout it when i was pushing AB rep(in Ashara supposedly too), what lvl fishing you need for these things?
  14. Flightform now OOC cast...wtf Blizz
  15. All the mages gettin thier turtle poly. How bout getting a turtle mount to go with it? http://www.upperdeckentertainment.com/wow/...e.aspx?aid=1243
  16. Wow I thought i played too much WoW lol. Yeah damn fever dreams when i was still in my single digits.... being really small and stepped on(not very freaky but was at the time) Chains with hooks on them coming out my toy chest(this was way before hellraiser ever came out) and spikes coming up out the floor. Think i was only 3-5 when I had those dreams.
  17. Never even seen the Hunter, and Moam visits have been less than successful. Agree with Jero bout raid consistancy. Oss seems doable but getting our teamwork/positioning down, also stuff like this will help prepare us for the multiple wipes of BWL where positioning aggor management is key, and overaggroing even one person is gonna=wipe. Thing bout Oss that gets me is the freaky aggro, people that havent even done anything are getting it, maybe the AI is borked. I dunno. But seems I pulled heal aggro pretty quickly. I woudl think the tanks are the biggest problem, I dont see how they are gonna gain enough threat while kiting to not be overtaken by DPS(when we get to that point) or healing. Specially with him being untauntable. Havent read up on the Hunter fight but never being there and seeing how hard it is personally gonna vote for that
  18. Hehe, Druids i think will never be totally happy, till they make every tier set that will let you be almost as good as the trees parent class. Regardless of spec, andhaving to change suits. To think after pally i was originally gonna roll a Shammy but didnt like the limited range on the totems O-o lil did i knwo how far that was in the beginning.
  19. That was just posted on the Druid forms, Im not quite that good with math
  20. Everyone is saying that Improved Leader of the Pack will be providing the druid's group with 2% hp heal every 6 seconds. In truth, the number is far from that. You get the 2% hp heal every 6 seconds only if you ALWAYS crit immediately after the 6 seconds is over from the previous effect, and this cannot be guaranteed unless you have 100% crits. So with less than 100% crits, what is the average time you will have to wait between ILOTP procs? Fortunately the math is pretty simple. Ave Time Between Procs = Attack_Speed * Ave_Attacks_To_Crit + 6 Ave_Attacks_To_Crit is basically 1/Crit_Chance, using the mean of an exponential distribution with Lambda = Crit_Chance, where Crit_Chance = Crit_Percent/100% ** Ave Time Between Procs = Attack_Speed / Crit_Chance + 6 Therefore, a cat with 25% crit rate and attack speed of 1.0 will proc ILOTP once every 10 seconds. Attack Speed can also be calculated for Dual Wielding and energy based special attacks. For multiple attack sources: Attack_Speed = 1 / (1/Attack_Speed_1 + 1/Attack_Speed_2 + 1/...) A feral druid (1.0) using shred (4.8) will have an attack speed of 1 / (1/1.0 + 1/4.8) = .8276 With a 25% crit rate, this druid will be procing ILOTP once every 9.3 seconds. A rogue DWing AQR (2.8) and Iblis (1.6) with sinister strikes (4.0) will have an attack speed of 1 / (1/1.6 + 1/2.8 + 1/4) = 0.8116 With a 30% crit rate, this rogue will be procing ILOTP once every 8.7 seconds. An arms warrior swinging Ashkandi (3.5) and mortal striking every 6 seconds (6.0), with a crit% of 25% will be procing ILOTP once every 14.8 seconds. A hunter with Ashje'thul using the 10 second cycle (3 auto-shots, 1 multishot, 1 aimed shot in 10 seconds, average attack speed 2.0) with a crit% of 30% will be procing ILOTP once every 12.7 seconds. It's rather more complex for a dagger rogue because the chances for crits increases when backstab is used, but we can estimate by doubling the attack speed of the backstabs. A rogue with Perdition Dagger (1.8) and Core Hound Tooth (1,6) Backstabbing (3.0) with a crit% of 30% will be procing ILOTP once every 8.2 seconds. Let's assume the best case scenario, someone with 100% crit chance and 10k hp. We can expect him to be healed for 0.02 * 10000 / 6 = 33.3 hp per second Now let's compare against Shadow Priests providing Improved Vampiric Embrace, which is heals for 30% of shadow damage dealt to each party member. In order to beat a Feral Druid providing 33.3hp of healing per second, the Shadow Priest needs to do 111.1 Shadow DPS. Mind Flay (Rank 5) available at level 52 is able to provide 110 Shadow DPS. A level 44 priest combining Mind Flay (Rank 4) Shadow Word: Pain (Rank 6) can provide 115 Shadow DPS. At the same time, with Improved Shadow Weaving, Shadow Priests will also be providing 5% magic damage increase to the raid (much better than 3% crit to one party), and 20% shadow damage increase to the raid (better than 25% bleed damage increase). It should be obvious that Improved Leader of the Pack and Mangle's debuff are seriously underpowered in providing Feral Raid viability, compared to what a Shadow Priest can give.
  21. I dunno maybe if it ws a 1 point talent or raidwide, though still subject to change *crosses fingers*
  22. Kk Im down for either, though Monday is "usually" a night i have free( along with Wed and Sun)
  23. May the winds be at your back brutha...... wait skah! whos gonna do my spl dmg chant now?!!?! ./cry Good luck bro, see yah in the winter
  24. At first I was impressed with ILotP but now think its pretty shoddy, 2% of health every 6 seconds isnt worth 3 points. 20hp for every 1k of hp? SO our 6khp wars get 120hp every 6 seconds IF they crit? Its really a drop in the bucket comparitively IMO. Maybe if it was raidwide it would be worth the points spent Really needs to be tweaked before I waste points there. Stormcrow is gonna be great though, root or warstomp fly away to live another day. Then taunt Alliance from the air lmao....though caster AA fire may kinda suck....
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