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Everything posted by Rhoach

  1. *rolls out the welcome mat and prepares the anti-stink incense*
  2. No big nerfs to druid that I saw...
  3. I'm definitely still down, but still can't attend on the first attempt, as I will be gone that weekend until sunday.
  4. First and last ones were the funniest imo
  5. have any jewelcrafters capable of making this? I have a couple dawnstones that I'd like to get cut into these.
  6. Heheh, I read that as 'ex-negro' at first. So I was like, 'she RPs Michael Jackson?'
  7. Got the maiden down on our second run (Aletia's raid)
  8. eeenteresting. *gains the special dungeon feeling*
  9. *goes into an instance with Harne* *puts vanish on every slot on his hotbar*
  10. I resent the profiling of rogues as manmolesters! Expect a call from my lawyer, buddy! Not really though That ending came outta nowhere, heheh.
  11. I definitely lol'd That woman was seriously freaked out for some reason. If someone was doing that on our ts server, it would be annoying, but she was overreacting like a sonofa###### p.s. Ballz of steeeeeel!
  12. don't pick at it! askfjsad8u90awe8234
  13. Heheh, Slythe wouldn't mind doing some 3v3 for fun
  14. I will be gone that weekend, but will definitely be up for saturdays in general.
  15. To further complicate matters... You have to take into account the differing benefits that classes get from agility. Warriors get different crit rating per agi from rogues, for example. Also, individual specs may affect this. For example, as a subtlety rogue, Rhoach gets +15% to his agility (this applies to gear bonuses and buffs as well) so he gets a bit more than the average character from GoA. Also, he gets the same bonus to his attack power, except it's 10%. Seeing as how his agility boosts his attack power, he gets a double bonus (agility getting boosted, boosting his attack power more, which in turn gets an additional 10% boost). Yay complicated!
  16. Roger roger, have fun!
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