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Everything posted by Kailand

  1. Sounds great Draegloth. Since we are missing kadiana on tuesday, and its difficult finding replacement healers, what I think we will do, is cancel tuesday, take care of the next step of Draegloth's staff quest on Thursday and take care of our farm content. Plus it allows me an extra day for long weekend R&R . Starting the following week we will start a new ID and push Rag's. I'll leave it up to everybody else if we want to start holding ID's or if we want to get a few more people with thier tier bonus's first. If we want to start holding ID's, it would be reasonable to try the first couple of bosses on heroic, if not then doing heroics would slow down our clear.
  2. WEll, we made good progress tonight, we will have baleroc down once orcala and sard learn the fight *hint read up*.
  3. Great work tonight guys. We saw P2 of both beth and Rhyolith. Now that we know we can get to the burn phases, now to do it more cleanly so we can knock these guys down.
  4. That's a very nasty condition to get, I fully support this PSA.
  5. Good night guys, we got shannox down the first time we saw him with only 5 attempts (would have been 4 but orcala prematurely pulled on the first attempt), got some BoE drops from the trash, and we worked out some stuff with Lord Rhyolith. I've done some additional reading on lord Rhyolith, and it looks like we have the basics down fairly good. All the videos I've seen have the ranged group/healers closer to the middle, and some movement when required to less volcano infested areas. I'm wondering if it could be the dots as the reason for the slower turning, but for the most part is looks like the overall driving is doing well. As for tuesday, we will kill the loot pinata's (Occu and Shanny) first, and then go try beth again... I'm sure we are all sick of Rhyolith for a bit. The way that I think we are going to try it, is have the upstair group (Kadiana, Holyssa, Sarduakkar, and Orcala) pull down their 4 spiders, and have kadi/holyssa go up, while orcala and sard help us kill the 4, and then go up after they are dead, since the bottom group will be fairly busy during the transitions dealing with drone and small fry. The 3D fight looks like it may be fairly doable for us too, we will give that a go on thursday I think... only a few need to be in the air, and preferable ranged. so read up on Alysrazor.
  6. Yay *happy dance* We will be trying shannox, although they are making that stone bus (Rhyolith) easier to control, as well as making him favor volcanoes infront of him. Also I'd like Orcala And Sarduakkar to put together an assist macro for next time we do Rhyolith so that they are always attacking Ascoli's target without the need for calling out stuff. You can use the example below, and replace ***ability*** with the ability that you use very frequently... probably Mortal Strike for Sarduakkar, and Shred for Orcala, and just set Ascoli as your focus target, and make sure you use this macro instead of that ability for Rhyolith, or any fight where focus fire target switching is required. #showtooltip ***ability*** /target [target=focustarget, harm, nodead] /cast ***ability***
  7. Hrm, looks like the permissions for the attachements are not set right... I'm unable to download them, but I am looking forward to reading them.
  8. Great work tonight guys, Nefarion, and one shot Al'Akir. Thursday we will clear Bastion of twilight. With the patch potentially coming next week, we will go to firelands right away, gear up a bit and come back and to the hard modes/other achievements. Also, Draegloth, the legendary staff will go to you first, so make sure you are ready with the quest line, etc. if we can get a second one it will go to Zuworty.
  9. My rag tag bunch have kill Nefarion in Blackwing Decent, and have unlocked the Dark Phoenix mount for the clan. Good work everyone. (damn cursor, and he requires 550 skinning)
  10. I was taking a look at Orcala's Gear/Spec, and I happened to look at her recent activities... of all the things to track: P.S. vendor that blue chest already, and equip your T11 chest... and reforge gear if you need the hit.
  11. Ok, we will try heroic halfus, make sure you read up on it before the raid. Ok, the plan for halfus, we will go with 3 tanks: Holyssa, Ascoli and Orcala. We will have 2 of the tanks swap between tanking Halfus and tanking the Slate Dragon. The other tank will start off tanking the time warden AND the Nether scion. DPS will nuke down the time warden first, and once the time warden is dead, the whelps will be freed. The DPS will nuke down the Nether Scion. when the nether scion is dead, storm rider will be freed, we will stack the drakes ontop of halfus, AOE the crap out of them until the whelps are dead, and then focus on halfus. if one of the other dragons happen to be low we will kill it, otherwise we will leave 2 alive and being tanked, and just nuke halfus, with the tanks swapping halfus according to the MS debuff. Depending what our timing is like, we may kill the other two dragons, as the DPS boost is huge for kill all five dragons (500%).
  12. It's now restricted to hunters only. BTW sky, time to farm up buzzard meat in Outlands again: Kibbler's bits will cause your pet to grow larger for 5 min! I sense grumpy is going to get huge!
  13. *drools* finally hunters get a worthwhile cool weapon proc enchant!
  14. That's after how many kungaloosh?
  15. Rawr, on our second night fighting him, we have defeat the scourge in charge of the twilight cult, Cho'Gall himself! Nefarion, our target is on you now!
  16. Just wanted to add to this post too: Cloudburst ring dropped (str dps, don't know which random enchant, but it'll be an upgrade for sard regardless) and sent to sardaukkar, and the Warrior/Hunter/Shaman tier helm dropped, sent to Uglutz after him winning random rolls I did for us (see the raid wartent thread...).
  17. Ok, I got a response from the Al'Akir ticket. We got the Helm of the Forlorn Protector (Warrior, hunter, shaman) and a Cloudburst Ring, which is a str DPS ring. The ring, I'm having sent to Sardaukkar, since it's an upgrade for him regardless of the random enchantment I believe. the tier helm, I'me doing random rolls for the 4 of us: Sardaukkar: 60 Skywatcher: 70 Kailand: 35 Uglutz: 90 Grats Uglutz! Just wanted to add, on tuesday we are going to decide which people want shoulder tokens and helm tokens, as well as who will get them first, just in case we get this situation again. Tuesday we will do BoT-chogal. if we get him down, and there is a decent amount of time left, we will do throne of the four winds. Thursday we will continue on chogal (if we didn't get him down, if we did, BWD, including the big guy at teh end, so do some research)
  18. Congrats to my group for dodging tornadoes! We have dissapated the blustery storm: Al'Akir. The screeny is sub par (damn 3D environment) and we couldn't loot him (damn in combat bug), but whatever, he's dead!
  19. Moving retro raids to wednesdays, as there seems to be a wanning ability of people showing up.
  20. Thats too bad.... well, tonight is canceled, and thursday is BoT, and Al'akir
  21. We've managed to get Elrikk both warglaives! Rawr! We are now on Wrath of the lich king content, and it looks like we still need a few more people to get the guild achievements (need 8/10 for the 10 man mode... currently have 6 signing up and attending). And we still need to get a legendary bow, as well as shadowmourne and Val'nyr. Next week is easter, so we are not running, but the following week we are. I've posted the event on the guild calendar. again, its mondays at 8:15 pm server time. We may shift it to wednesdays 8:15 server time if it means we get consistently more people. Kailand
  22. That's too bad, don't think its the gnome... 5 minute rule and all. Are you sure it isn't because you ate some elf food? Get well soon.
  23. From the forums and how long the thread has gotten to that blog post, and how negative the majority seem about it, I can see them reverting this proposed change. My opinion it is a dumb idea, and will cause more fail-tanks queueing, as well as increase resentment among pure DPS vs hybrid. About the only thing that they could change to make me somewhat support this is if they made the rewards bind on account, but that still doesn't solve the case of fairness when a person only has one character who is a pure DPS class. Blizzard also hasn't thought of the case of partial groups queueing, and infact this system will encourage tanks and healers to not run with groups/guilds/friends just to farm these. It should improve DPS queue times, but I don't expect it will be by much, especially after the first week or so, as tanks will collect all the mounts/pets in a hurry, or the drop rate will be so bad, that they will give up on queueing. Tanks/healers already have a reward for queueing - fast queues, and faster rate of acquisition of points as a result. I've seen lots of tanks in randoms who die or cause a wipe due to their own stupidity (grabbing more mobs that the healer can heal through, standing in bad stuff and blaming the healer when they die, breaking CC and then blaming the CCrs when they get killed) and then rage quit, or call everyone else fail. And who can forget the tanks who don't like the instance they get in and drop group at the start, or drop group after one wipe. Now, there are statistically more fail DPS in the queue than fail tanks, but the vote to kick feature could, and should be used as a filter for this. Most of the issues with the current Heroic queues will be solved as people get better geared, i.e the next tier, where everyone but new characters will outgear the heroics, and as such everything will become more like wrath of the lich king with AOE everypull. If they want to encourage more geared and experienced tanks to queue, they could probably do something about repair bills (i.e. make epics as cheap to repair as greens) as well as increase the gold from completing the random instance.
  24. Blizzard has some very nice changes for 4.1.11. http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2325684862 The druid mafia got some well deserved changes: -Druids now perform an area-of-effect knockback when harvesting herbs, looting, or skinning (does not remove Flight Form). And a sexy hunter buff -Ettin’s Grip (new talent) allows the hunter to equip two ranged weapons simultaneously. Cooking got some love: -A new recipe has been added to Cooking which can be very rarely found inside Deathwing’s leavings. [Recipe: Epic Meal Time] – Use: Set out an epic meal to feed your entire raid or party! Restores 192,000 health and 192,000 mana over 11 seconds. If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become sick and “refund” all gained health and mana. And smedlock finally got his petition recognized by the devlopers -Show/Hide pants has been added to the Interface Options menu.
  25. ok, we grabbed wialt. We can start doing maelstorm crystal enchants now. First we will get healers covered with their weapon enchants (assuming they are not planning on replacing their weapons soon), so kadi and ug talk to zu. Followed by tank weapon enchants, then DPS weapon enchants. After weapon enchants we will get people their boot enchants, with runspeed (not ideal for DPS, etc, but we wants the run speed on everyone). only enchant stuff with maelstorm crystal enchants on gear you will not replace in this tier. From Kailand
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