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Everything posted by Tonac

  1. Awesome Video Also, Anyone know what's Phewd's interface? where your toon's Portait moves around unlike the defualt one? P.S. boo spelling
  2. If you need a Beasty Hunter, I'm always good to go
  3. /jealous!!! Good to here its working Great Crik!! Sounds like alot of fun Golad!
  4. if nothing happens for any reason what so ever.. Sure! I'l be there
  5. I have yet to find one that I love more Hope you all Enjoy it Like I do! http://break.com/index/the-ballad-of-a-noob.html
  6. Go go [Heavy Netherweave Bandage] Golad!
  7. *hugs da Maube* Good to see everything is Going Great for you guys!! :yahoo:
  8. *Takes out His No-life club card and Smiles* Sadly tho I nut be Revered wit Thrallmar But if I was I'd be Wanting to Help
  9. So here i am bored and with nothing to do!so I'm gonna post something me and my RL friend(Jaxie) find strange, awesome, and other stuff! when he was about 51 we desided to run Sunken temple, the instance goes well with talk about "what if Dragon's call Droped? it would be awesome, but its like.. 0.01% drop rate" so we finally kill all the dragons! and head down to Eranikus, While we start the fight.. As soon as scooter starts letting loose with some growls, Boom! I Disconnect. now Jaxie and Scooter have to solo Eranikus! so after I manage to get back on.. I see Eranikus dead and jaxie and sxooter still Alive! whee! Then i get back on vent and his going "omg! omg! omg!!! Dragon's Call!!! zomg!' it was Great! and now when he was 56 (happend today ) We ran Scholomance! As were going thruogh it the second time, I wonder how 5 60s could ever wipe in here,, its pretty easy so long as you have a little pocket healer So then we finally ge to the Darkmaster! during the fight, Jaxie gets Disconnected! :O And then teleported to one of the rooms, this goes on for about a minute, as I watch his HP get closer and closer to 0% I was stoping everything on Gandling, finally he ported me right in front of Jaxie! as soon as he hits 5-7% he gets back on and bubbles and I kill the mobs! we then proceed to Woop Gandings, and whoa! holy Warlock gear batman! The dreadmist mask drops and the Headmasters Charge! Jaxie takes the mask to be disenchanted and I get a fun staff to go with my eve rBuilding lock' Look Anywaaaaay... Enjoy!
  10. Yub, I'm keyed and ready to go!
  11. If ya need me to Just hollow! Tempest keep is my only Heroic option anyhow
  12. About 2-3-the rest of the night is good for me in terms of time (i'm a deep sleeper ) Also me and Kia will be passing out Super mana Potions to the healers and Super healing Potions to the Tanks! Hurra! Here's hopeing we get it up and Running!
  13. *posts a note in camp saying that he will be busy for the next few Days as he flies over the Skies on his Brand new Netherdrake* Well after many hours of daily quest/egg hunting I got my Drake! yay! file:///C:/Program%20Files/World%20of%20Warcraft/Screenshots/WoWScrnShot_011204_155605.jpg Yay screenshots! edit: awe, gonna need to copy/paste the image
  14. Happy Bday Guilo! Happy Birthday!
  15. There is only one and ONLY one thing... That comes to mind when reading this.... WTF?
  16. Tonac


    I hope Everyone Remembers you need 300 Training before any Drake flying can happen 7 PM is when AD comes back up! booooo
  17. So, I can't play it Becuse my window's media is realy Stupid. is that a Good or bad thing?
  18. Happu B-day to ya Graw!!
  19. Ahhhh.. I remeber Reading that with my brotha a while ago.. made it to the last page, at the time that was 23.. so alot of reading to catch up on
  20. You guys are all Crazy! I tell ya! Besides that, Glad to hear all is going well for you and katak and Gabe
  21. Congratulations guys! Wish i could have been there for all the fun, Maybe next time!
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