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Everything posted by Amahli

  1. Sorry, I didn't know if for sure we were going to do it on Wednesdays :o
  2. Alrighty, here's info on how I think the fight should go.. The Pull The pull here is one of the tricky things we'll have to overcome. Everyone has to be on top of what they are pulling, and everyone has to be doing their job. I'm going to use acronyms: MT (Main Tank), OT1 (offtank 1), OT2, OT3, MageT (Our mage that will be tanking), HT1 (Hunter tank 1), HT2, DT (druid tank). Of course, for Kiggler there is the option to use HT1 and HT2 OR just the DT. At the pull, here is a list of what people should be on which boss, and what they should be doing: High King Maulgar - MT is the ONLY person on Maulgar at the beginning of the fight. He needs to immediately get Maulgar across the room from where he's standing. Krosh Firehand - MageT is the only one on him at the beginning, and should cast an instant hit to immediately gain aggro, keeping him in the corner near where he is. NO MELEE ALLOWED near Krosh, at any point in the encounter. The MageT needs one dedicated healer. Olm the Summoner - OT1 and OT2 need to get Olm over to the back area of the room, followed by ALL of the warlocks in the raid. Olm will start summoning his Fel Hunters, which the Warlocks need to CC. Our warlocks can enslave them, and use them to offtank the other Hunters, or even put them on the boss. OT1 and OT2 should be kept busy on Olm, and since Olm occasionally Death Coils, that's when they'd trade aggro, keeping him under control. Olm does do heavy Shadow DoTs, so any Shadow Resist gear may help. Kiggler the Crazed - HT1 and HT2 need to immediately get aggro. (If we have a DT instead, this is when the Moonkin will be getting aggro). Again, for this guy, no melee. His arcane shock is vicious. Can pretty much be tanked where he is. Blindeye the Seer - OT3 needs to start pulling Blindeye towards the instance entrance. Rogues and shamans immediately need to interrupt any of the heals that Blindeye casts. Once aggro is established, EVERYONE that isn't on one of the others need to DPS Blindeye down. If Blindeye casts his Power Word: Shield, DPS needs to overcome the shield's barriers as quickly as possible. We'll need one healer with our MageT; One healer for our warlocks and OT1 and OT2; One healer for those on Kiggler; One healer watching the MT; and an offhealer watching those on Blindeye. The Fight There are two BIG rules to this encounter, in my opinion: 1.) Do what you're sposed to do! 2.) DON'T go near Krosh. If you get hit with his 20yard AoE, you're too close. Now then, all DPS (aside from those assigned elsewhere) needs to be on Blindeye the Seer. Rogues and Shamans need to be kicking/shocking/doing whatever they need to to interrupt the heals. Each time Blindeye throws a shield up, DPS needs to be heavily thrown on Blindeye to break the shield down. Once Blindeye drops, all Melee DPS needs to go over to Olm the Summoner (watch out for Krosh's AoE, and don't step too close to Maulgar's Whirlwind, or Kiggler's Arcane Shock). All Ranged DPS shifts to Krosh, staying out of range of his AoE. Olm and Krosh should drop near the same time, and then all Ranged DPS moves to Kiggler. Melee DPS gets a quick break, bandaid up and whatnot, and healers that are not busy should be resting up and getting mana back. Once Kiggler falls, Ranged DPS can rest and get mana/health. Melee DPS should wait for Maulgar to Whirlwind, and then they can jump in and begin DPS. Be aware that every 25-35 seconds, Maulgar will Whirlwind, so Melee DPS will need to jump out. Ranged DPS can start when they regen enough mana. The healer that's been on the MT can continue, but once they run to about 15-20% mana, we'll need another healer to step up so that healer can regen some mana. At about 30%, Maulgar begins these random Charges. During this, the MT is going to have a hell of a time keeping aggro. Maulgar is extremely extremely unstable during this, but NOT impossible to tank. Everytime Maulgar charges someone, the MT needs to try to regain aggro and bring him back to the same spot as soon as possible, so he doesn't Whirlwind in the middle of the group. Pretty much drop him, then get phat lootz
  3. Actually, Vendes, that's not so bad. I'd like it if we had some upper level Pallys in guild. So I'm a-watching Arinelle, Kierthan, Jasena and Aletia.
  4. Cool stuff! I think we're up to about 17 people right now, though severely lacking in the healing department. Anyhoo, I posted some stuff in the CS Wartent, raiding forum thingy. I'll keep ya'll posted. Also, I want to start getting opinions on date/time for it. 'Course, I think I'm going to make a seperate post with a poll and fancy stuff for that. Just wanted to make sure we had enough in-guild interest first.
  5. Alrighty, buckaroos. This here's the breakdown of how I think this raid should go. A lot of it is taken from Wowwiki, but like everything from there, I like to rephrase and repost. Booya! Gruul's Lair Righto. Gruul's Lair is located in the northern part of Blade's Edge Mountains: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...nbladesedge.jpg You can actually get to Gruul's Lair without any combat whatsoever. If you fly in, you can actually land right on the doorstep, and skip over all of the elite ogres that would hobble those coming across the land. For this reason, it's really just faster to summon those without flight capabilities. Onto the actual instance. It's basically a level 70 instance, 25 people. (I believe you can get in at a lower level, but it makes it tougher). There are two "encounters". THIS post is going to cover the bosses of the first encounter. Once you walk into the instance, there are three level 72 elite ogres; a Brute pather (who doesn't aggro if you stand near the instance entrance), then a two-pull involving another Brute and a Priest. After those three are taken care of, you walk a few steps and come upon the first encounter. This includes High King Maulgar (basically a warrior) and his four cronies: Kiggler the Crazed (shaman), Blindeye the Seer (priest), Olm the Summoner (warlock), Krosh Firehand (mage). http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/strill/bosssetupp.jpg All five of these pull together, and demand the attention of everyone in the raid. EACH member HAS to be doing their part. For instance, if one of the minibosses gets loose, the entire raid can easily wipe. About the Bosses High King Maulgar - The MT will be on this guy, and MUST have good gear for it. Maulgar hits hard and whirlwinds upon occasion, so the MT needs to keep him in one spot. The preferred area in which to tank him is directly across from where he stands before the encounter is begun: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...tankmaulgar.jpg Maulgar will be the last one to be downed, so as long as the MT can hold him, there should be no problem. Once DPS goes to Maulgar, however, all melee DPS can dash in and out to avoid whirlwinds. Wowwiki says about ever 25-35 seconds is when Maulgar Whirlwinds, so it's good to watch out for that. At 30%, Maulgar starts these random charges at other people, and the MT is going to have to work his ass off to keep bringing Maulgar back to the tanking spot. Kiggler the Crazed - Kiggler's biggest attributes are ranged lightning bolts, Arcane Shocks (these disarm and cause aggro loss), and he periodically casts an undispellable Polymorph on his highest aggro target. It's suggested that Kiggler is tanked by either two hunters (because one will get polymorphed from time to time), or a moonkin druid (anti-polymorph, go Druids!). Stamina and Nature Resist gear is important for this fight. Kiggler is a ranged DPS target, and pretty much needs to be tanked and kept in the area that he starts in. Blindeye the Seer - This priesty, as obviously noted by his class designation, casts heals. These are large AoE heals, but they ARE interruptable. However, he sometimes casts a Power Word: Shield on himself before he casts his heal, and DPS has to throw enough damage to knock down the shield so the rogues/shamans/shield bashers can interrupt the heal. Typically tanked by a warrior. ALL DPS that are not assigned to anything else are on Blindeye, and he is the FIRST to fall. The tank needs to kite him towards the instance entrance: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...nkblindeye2.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...nkblindeye1.jpg Olm the Summoner - A warlock, he casts intense Shadow damage DoTs, and he also Death Coils from time to time. He also summons large Fel Hunters. A good way to do him seems to be to double tank him. For this, 2 tanks need to be on Olm, and all warlocks in the raid group need to be over near him to control the Fel Hunters. CC here is more important than damage at this time, so warlocks can Enslave the Fel Hunters, then use those to help control the rest/offtank Olm. He will be tanked on the far end of the room: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...etotankolm2.jpg http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...etotankolm1.jpg Krosh Firehand - A mage. This guy deals heavy, heavy damage in the form of his Fire Novas, which have a 20 yard range. He also casts greater fireballs which can hit for around 9k damage. Ouchies. Another fancy trick he has is his Magic Ward, which shields him and reduces magical damage taken by 75%. If Krosh gets loose to cast his Fire Novas on the raid, the raid will wipe. That simple. And there is NO MELEE allowed near Krosh, at any time. Krosh is tanked by a mage. Fun stuff, huh? Generally, the mage needs to come with high Stam/Int gear (recommended that they aim for about 10k of each mana and health), and optional on FR gear, but it wouldn't hurt to have a bit. Basically, the mage is going to be spell stealing the Magic Ward EACH time it's cast, and the only other thing the mage tank has to worry about it staying out of the 20 yard range when Krosh begins to cast his Fire Nova. To do this, the mage can blink out when Krosh is casting this, as long as he makes sure to stay in the far back corner: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...totankkrosh.jpg Our Mage Tank begins the fight by standing here, so that he is well within range to get Krosh right off the bat: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y165/stri...etankstands.jpg ----------------------------------------------------------- So, that is the basic breakdown of the bosses of the first encounter! The pull, and the fight itself is to be posted later, cause it's late and my typing is already needing to be triple checked for grammatical and spelling errors. Rawr!
  6. Hey hey, I was wanting to gauge interest in the 25-man instance, Gruul's Lair. I get to lead it *evil cackle*. Here's just a little bit of a lowdown, to keep it short and sweet. --------------------- Gruul's Lair is located towards the north of Blade's Edge Mountains. Getting down to the lair is easy enough if you're flying, and you can actually skip -all- of the elite ogre mobs that are chilling out in front, just by landing in front of the instance entrance. The instance consists of two "encounters". The first is Maulgar and his four cronies, and the second being Gruul himself. When you go in, there's three level 72 mobs: One pather Brute, then two stationary (one a brute, the other a priest). After those three, you come across the first encounter right ahead, in the big open room. And once you defeat them, you move on, fight a few more mobs, then Gruul at the end. This run is a lot like the Ony run, in that it only consists of a few pulls to each encounter, although the first encounter can be very very tricky. --------------------- The reason I'm trying to see how many are interested now, is that folks need to start gearing up for this instance. Plus, I need to see what sorts of classes have an interest in going. Rawr!!
  7. Hey hey! 'Course Ah'd be interested! *grins* Gotta teach them others what Crushers are made of, huh? ((you should be able to purchase the charters from the arena battlemasters once arenas are up Oh, and are you doingt he 5v5? Cause apparantely you have to have at least one alternate, and you can actually have a maximum of twice as many players that can enter))
  8. ((loved it! More!! ))
  9. Aaaactually, I sketched it out in pencil first, scanned it, then colored it in Photoshop
  10. I was trying to think of another story... but this came out instead. Sometimes I like to art. Amahli's mother is a druid and her father is a hunter, hence the little wolf puppy This is back when Amahli was a widdle calf, and she is playing fetch with one of her father's animal's puppies. ((Oh.. I try not to pay attention to things like anatomy and light sources. Ahem.))
  11. Gonna miss ya while you're gone, you snarky rogue, you.
  12. *shifty eyes* We could have a stealthy hit-team. Rawr. *winks deviously*
  13. I would definitely be interested, Rhoach. Although I know from practice matches that 5v5 teams are very much more difficult. You have to know not only what your 4 teammates are going to do.. but also what the 5 opponents are doing.
  14. I'm with ya there, Harne. *grin* Lacerate owns your face.
  15. Hehe, there are a lot of combinations with promise. But I actually think team mechanics are more important than class combinations. If you don't communicate clearly, and know what the other person is going to do, it's a lot trickier. And from doing Arenas like a devil before BC, I've noticed a lot of groups with Pallys in it were good. As well as 3v3 or 5v5 teams with ranged DPSers. Deadly. Personally, I was thinking about a 2v2 or a 3v3 team. I also -might- switch up my spec to something a little more PvP feral. *shrugs* And again, teams can have up to twice the members. Also, each team MUST have an least ONE alternate. So a 3v3 team actually has to have anywhere from 4-6 members on it.
  16. Amahli cautiously peeked outside of her tent, looking for anyone that might be wandering around at this time of night. Not seeing anyone, she crept slowly out, holding a letter and some paper in one hand, and a small lantern in the other. Feeling fairly certain no one was watching, she quickly shifted to her bird form and flew a small distance. Satisfied that she was far enough away from the Skullcrusher camp, she shifted out, walking over to a tree to sit down. She opened the letter she'd been holding, sent just that day from her father. It read, "Amahli, "Been appointed Warmonger, have you? I hope you are doing your clan proud. I know your Ma would be proud of her little girl, if she were here to see it. "I went ahead and sent along some of those snacks you're so fond of, as well as some coin for buying things in the new towns you're visiting. "I miss you and I hope you're keeping yourself and your friends safe. Visit soon! -Daddy." Amahli smiled a bit. It was so like him to worry. Then again.. maybe she was lucky that he hadn't seen the Outlands. He'd be worrying a lot more. Setting the letter down beside her, Amahli leaned back against the tree, pulling her knees up to her chest. Sometimes she wished that she could just be home again with him. And with her Ma. Frowning slightly, she closed her eyes... The bright sun above shone down on the little village Bloodhoof. Little Tauren ran about, shouting happily and laughing as little Tauren are wont to do, dashing among the huts cheerfully. In one such hut a little Tauren druid, training barely begun, looked up at her father, asking him with wide-eyes, "But Daddy, how'm ah sposed ta learn ta fight da baddies wivout goin' to a trainer?" The large bull looked down at his daughter. "Amahli, sweetling, you're still so young. Are you sure you want to be thinking of such training so soon?" From across the room, a female Tauren laughed softly. It was a rich laugh, and Amahli had heard from others in the village that her mother was one of the prettiest around. "Lokhon, she's got her mother's spirit for adventure, of course!" She grinned mischeviously at little Amahli, who turned a similar grin to her father. Sighing jokingly, Lokhon held up his hands, "Okay, okay. I see I'm outnumbered here. We'll start you training with a village Elder. Would that make you happ-" Before he could finish, Amahli had vaulted into her fathers arms, giggling. "Yay! Thankee Daddy, ah'm gonna make ya'll proud!" Still smiling, her mother said, "We know you will, sweetheart...." ...Startling herself into full conciousness with a sniffle, not even realizing she'd been so tranced by memory, Amahli shook her head. Through watery eyes, Amahli searched for the other pieces of parchment she'd brought with her, as well as a writing stick. Wiping away a few tears until she was satisfied her eyes had dried, Amahli told herself quietly but firmly, "Snap out of it, Windrunner, it's been long enough." Afterall, her mother had died years ago. And Amahli was hardened for battle, wasn't she? Honestly, to be crying like a little calf! She began to write back to her father, knowing he'd want a reply as soon as she could manage. Barely having written a Hello, her hand started to shake. She shut her eyes tight, frustrating herself even more so when a tear squeezed itself out. Years.. Five years to this day her mother had been taken from this world. Giving up all hope of finishing the letter just then, she wrapped her arms around her knees and just sat there, softly crying into the darkness. She hoped somehow her mother knew how much she'd done, and how much her little girl had accomplished. ...And she hoped her Ma was proud.
  17. That fight's pretty cool. And if you're in a group with other folks that have the quest, just make sure everyone turns theirs in before you accept the next challenge, that way the group only has to fight every boss once. If I'm around, and anyone else needs it too, and can get a group together, I'd be more than happy to help out.
  18. Hehe, thanks Guilo Most of that information comes from the Blizz site, but I hate scrolling through their junk.
  19. (Vrugz cliff notes at the bottom) I was curious which of us were interested in doing Arena. Here's a little information that I've gathered for those who haven't been reading up on it. And I apologize, and hope this makes sense, since I'm typing it all up myself. Boo copy-paste! ((I'm going to post about the ratings/rewards/and Arena points later, cause I'm tired and stuff )) As some of ya'll know, the Arena teams come in flavors of 2v2, 3v3, 5v5. You also have to be level 70 to compete. The competitons are split up into Seasons. Each of these seasons lasts several MONTHS. After each season is when prizes and ranks are given out. Now, you actually have to purchase a "team charter", and you get to name your team. Like with a new guild, you have to have the folks that you want on your team actually SIGN the charter, since all teams have to be registered. Much like in sports, you get benchwarmers. *Grins* Up to twice the number of folks that go into whichever arena match you choose (2v2, 3v3, 5v5) can join the team. And you have to have at least one more than the number of the arena match sign up to start. You also get to design the flag for your team! To enter an Arena challenge, alls you gots to do is talk to an Arena Battlemaster and pick the queue you want. I'll go ahead and sum up the rules from the Blizz main site. While in the starting pen (area before the match starts).. Existing buffs and conjured items are deleted from your person upon entering. Health and mana set to full. Debuffs are NOT cleared. Any buffs/abilities that cost mana/energy/rage are free while in the holding pen. All cooldowns are reset (including things like trinkets/class abilities/talents) EXCEPT for those with cooldowns greater than 15 minutes, which you cannot use anyway. (this means no SS and no Battle Rez). Soul Shard costs for anything Warlocky are free. So.. Healthstone and summon pets now. Players with pets must resummon their pets. A little about the way it's played.. When you first enter the game, you are tossed into one of two arenas, and you can tell which just by looking at your minimap. The first is the Ring of Trials. It's a pretty basic circular arena with four pillars (which you can lose line of sight behind). After one minute with no victorious side, a Cyclone appears. Scaaaary. After 90 seconds, two "Shadow Sight powerups" appear on the right and left sides of the arena, in the little enclaves, and if you snag one you can see stealthed/invisible people at the cost of 15% damage to yourself. The second is the Circle of Blood. This one has a few more tricks to it. There's a doublesided ramp on each side of this arena, with a bridge connecting them. Also, on either side of the bridge, there is a stone pillar just close enough to jump to. After 90 seconds, two "Shadow Sight powerups" appear on those things, and if you snag one you can, again, see stealthed/invisible people at the cost of 15% damage to yourself. Now that you know which arena you're in, you'll have noticed by now the flags that each of you are carrying. Again, these are the flags that represent your team, with the design that your team made on them. The other team is also carrying flags of their own, of course, to help differentiate the two teams. This is mostly because Alliance will be facing Alliance, and Horde against Horde upon occasion. Also because of this, you will NOT know who you are facing until the match has begun. (Although you can yell out across the Arena to see if someone responds )) How to win.. The entire goal of the game is to be the last team standing. The team whose members have all died first LOSES. Simple enough! If you do die during the match, you go into a ghost form and can still watch the match happening, but you cannot do anything. A few other rules.. No abilities with cooldowns greater than 15 minutes can be used in Arena matches. Meaning most importantly.. there are NO soulstones and NO Battle Rezzes, among other things like Retaliation (poor warrios), Shammy Self Rez, and PallyLayOnHandsThatNoOneCaresAboutAnyway.. *shifty eyes*. The only consumable items that anyone can use are Bandaids and Conjured items. Sorry, looks like no potions! Booo. I was hoping I could have my Onslaught Elixir. Arena matches have NOOO time limit. Well, I hope that was painless enough. My advice is to get a wellrounded team, of course, and practice! If you try to every-man-for-himself it, you will more than likely lose. Practicing team mechanics and learning how the other team is most likely to react is KEY to winning. The better you work together, and the more coordinated you are, the better chance you have to WIN. ----------------------------------- Vrugz cliffnotes version: Arena battles are coming up! You have to make and register teams to compete for the shiny stuff. There are two arenas, and a few rules. To win, you need to kill the other team before they kill yours. Get a team that works well together, because team mechanics are very important.
  20. I've seen a 70 NE hunter with a netherdrake. Not the epic one armored, no. It was like normal mount/bird speed. And I know what I saw. Don't doubt me, rawr!
  21. Now if only we could get this message to the many many other shamans who like to steal aggro >_>
  22. From atop one of her favorite perches (a tallish tower, overlooking the Auction House and Bank in central Orgrimmar), Amahli looked down at the scene below, a stack of papers in one hand. She leaned over the low-rise wall, never one to be afraid of heights, and followed the movements of the people. So many new people.. so few old friends. Everyone was out on the front lines, it seemed. Amahli frowned, turning her gaze from the streets and taking a step or two into the shadows, seating herself where no one would be able to see her, and set the letters and messages down in front of her. Drawing her knees up to her chest, her face was a mask of concentration. Daily, she'd been sending reports of her explorations to those who would want them: Elders of Moonglade, various mapmakers who regularly employed her, and her Clan's leader. On her reports, of course, she did her best to mark out where certain herbs could be found, as well as safe travel paths and troublesome areas alike. Afterall, Amahli prided herself on her skills of gathering and exploration. Her face cracked into a grin. Her Ma always said she was a nosy calf, butting into folks' business she had no right to. She sorted through the messages and found one from a senior mapmaker in the Cenarion Circle. Skimming over the letter, she noticed it was just a doublecheck of her own explorations, including a few copies of others' maps for comparison. She set that aside to be dealt with later. The next few letters were from various Clanmates, as well as friends from other clans, asking for materials. With a small sigh, she put those off to the side as well, to be forwarded to her accountant and banker, Scene. Thank the Earth Mother for Scene. She at least can keep things in order! Amahli thought to herself, chuckling. Not finding much else of importance, she reached into a pouch and retrieved a small flask of some strong alchohol. Tossing a few gulps back, she shook her head to clear it. They weren't lying about the strength of it.. She blinked. Leaning back against the wall, and stretching her legs out before her, she closed her eyes and slipped into a quiet doze, to dream of happier times than war.
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