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Everything posted by Amahli

  1. OMG, that was the funniest thing I've seen in a while And I liked that guys voice. Mrow.
  2. Awesome! We got Blindeye down to 22%, and we're starting to get the pull down. I really look forward to next week
  3. Yer killin me Vrugz Hehe.
  4. So far, everyone who I've accepted on the Raid Signups are those who are attending. However, there are some folks who haven't used the Raid Signups, but are still going. Although it's a LOT easier if everyone would use the raid signups.
  5. Remember folks, Gruul's Lair is on this Wednesday! Anyone who hasn't popped by the Wartent to check out the strategy for the first encounter, PLEASE do so. It's important if everyone has an idea (even a vague idea) of what they need to be doing. I will go over it all on Wednesday again, to alleviate any misconceptions or questions folks have. Also, if everyone could download the KTM threat meter. It will better help you know if you are going to be pulling aggro. This is EXTREMELY important in the case of DPSing Krosh and Kiggler down. These two miniboss-things will have caster tanks, and DPS needs to be slow and steady, WITHOUT pulling aggro. If a ranged DPS pulls aggro off of our Mage Tank, for instance, Krosh can charge into the crowd and Blast Wave, taking out half the raid. No bueno. I will also be using CT Raid to set up main tank windows, yadda yadda, etc, and so on. Anyhoo, feel free and encouraged to bring potions for health, mana and stat-increasers. We have plenty of Alchemists that I'm sure will be more than happy to make some potions, provided the mats One more thing. With a guild our size, it was expected that we will have more people interested than spots available. We were used to the 40man raids, where we could have nearly everyone involved. In Gruul's Lair there are only 25 spots, and I have to be sure to maintain a class balance. As much as I would like to include everyone that signs up, it's unrealistic. This INCLUDES inviting people from outside the guild that I, and others in our guild, know are competent and reliable. Relikk has offered to help by making a Tanking schedule for a week-to-week rotation, so that our multitude of warriors can all get some action. Honestly, we've got warriors coming out our ears And I'm also going to try to get everyone else that has expressed interest to rotate in. Bide with me, it's my first raid. Other than that, I look forward to Wednesday!
  6. You just had to go there, didn't you? *Grins*
  7. PW protected against druids? LAME. And yeah, as far as druids go, we don't get a Parry or a Block. But high Agi for dodge/armor/etc benefits is always nice. Good info though, and I can see correlation between some of ya'lls techniques and some of my own. Although me and my husband both have seperate tanking styles on our druids, but both seem to work.
  8. Yeah. However, it shows the gear that you last logged out with. So some of the stats depend on what set of gear they are wearing. But it's pretty cool. Even if it does make me feel watched >_>
  9. As realistic or not as it is... I would like to see a story about how some of our characters are intertwined.. Character interaction between the lot of us, and all that.
  10. Shoot... so that's what I have those quests for.
  11. I also have fraps, so I might play around with that... if I can get it to work.
  12. Sounds interesting! Anything that I can help with?
  13. If you need DPS or a tank for attunement runs, I'm your kittybear. *Grins*
  14. I actually love that they gave us increased rage gen. And this is kickass too: ""Feral Charge" now removes all snaring effects. If I read that right, it means I can Feral Charge out of roots, frost novas/etc? This doesn't include hunter's ice trap, does it? That may be going too far. *evil grin* As far as the decreased damage in bear form.. ouchies. My damage and my crits actually helped me hold aggro. However, that was more when rage was a problem. With increased rage, I can get more lacerates off, without having to wait eons for more rage. *shrugs* I suppose I'll figure it out when I test it. I like how they left cat alone (for the most part, anyway), 'cept that Pred Instincts. Grr)
  15. Mmkay, broke and posted the raid on the Raid Signups. That way I can get a better idea of the group makeup we have for it. Hope ya'll are as excited as I am
  16. It is open enrollment, yeah. Although I hope we have some of the same folks coming each week, because this instance is so new. It's harder if a significant number of new people are coming each week.
  17. Okay, we have 13 Yes's. I am waiting for at least 19 or 20 before putting up the Raid Signup. And yeah, I totally agree with Baracko. Weekends should be raidfree for as long as we can keep them so
  18. Rhoach, Wowwiki said that when his Uber Shield is up, he's immune to any spell disrupts.
  19. Weekends are too unpredictable. I know that I can only pretty much do things during the week. The possible nights I was thinking of were Mon/Wed/or Friday evenings, like our old ZG/MC runs used to be. If enough people can't make Wednesdays, would it help to switch it to a Monday or Friday?
  20. Darkkyn's so graciously volunteered to be the first to di- er.. tank for us. *grin* And Abeyota has volunteered to tank the shaman.
  21. Oh, forgot to say. If the time/date doesn't work out for you, please post as well as marking "no". I want to know how many are interested as soon as possible. Rawr!
  22. And you need to build up your health and mana, Mr Darkkyn
  23. No clue. Mine's working fine
  24. OH. Forgot to mention. If the Mage Tank dies, the raid will more than likey wipe. Fun fun, eh Darkkyn? ;D
  25. Okay, we definitely have enough people interested in Gruul's Lair. I want to know how many people can come if I schedule the first for 2 weeks from now. Like MC used to be, invites would be at 7pm, with the actual run starting at 8pm. PLEASE lemme know if you can/can't make this time. And PLEASE encourage people to read and post on the forums that don't do so already.
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