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Everything posted by Natobah

  1. Natobah


    Well we all knew that sleyvas didnt have much class to begin with.
  2. yes but i love this one it sends the person a reply that say Hello <name> Sorry but i didnt not recive your last message I am using a new spam blocker. Whiaper me <password> to be added to my safe list. Marr then i set it to sileance mode adn i never see a whisper from someone not on the safe list ever again.
  3. Well here it is folks the greatest mod in the world http://wow-en.curse-gaming.com/downloads/d...amm-protection/ this is a verry easy to set up mod that will block unwanted incoming whispers. The default message is a little hard to understand for most folks but it can be edited if you choose to.
  4. Have you given point values to items?
  5. I'm all for helping Cfolks key up so if you need some healing or some dps for any step let me know if im on and I will be happy to lend a hand
  6. well with that 5 mil scryll has i dont think well see him spaming for a bit
  7. Happy Birthday! Are you being serious Scryll? No, I wasn't being serious. It was just the topic de jure. I couldn't reply early, though, because that would have been hypocritical. Besides, I'd realized the casino would probably more than meet the needs this thread was designed for. I know you wern't but theres verry little way to express sarcasme on forums. But I Think evryone was just kidding in the thread.
  8. Are you being serious Scryll? I think he is
  9. Takes one to know one! Yeah but i was just posting to say that your cheating not becuse i was tring to cheat my self
  10. Wow theres alot of spam going on around here
  11. Hey,No fair cheating that wasnt 5 post
  12. remind me next time you see me on and ill check my bank
  13. Thanks everyone. Had a fun time yeasterday, and There should be an even funner time on friday.
  14. I dont know i kinda like the hair
  15. you notice how it was all the girls that read and giggled at teh list, kinda like they understand.
  16. Natobah

    Entertain me!

    Its going to take me a while to find the good shots
  17. Did kat at least go to Classes with you to tell you when to he-he hoo and when to all the other stuf fi forgot in the last 8 years?
  18. Ok someone allready picke dthe 10th, but I still have to go with it and im saying 8lbs 11oz.
  19. Natobah

    Entertain me!

    I belive i have a nice size stacks of varies WoW locals. now to just turn them to JPEGs
  20. I was spring cleaning yeasterday and this afternoon i was driving in a rain/snow storm.
  21. Natobah

    What what?

    Why dont I ever learn not to click the links
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