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Everything posted by Natobah

  1. thin (as in thin mints my fav girl scout cookies)
  2. well if its like tailoring each type of leatherworking will have a bop set that you can make. and you can switch between specialtys for a fee. but you can only wear the set from your current specialty.
  3. You know these patch notes are not complete. There isn't a shadow priest nerf yet.
  4. yes they are. But if you need my help in farmong you some nethers just let me know. And where does the pattern come from? are they vendor or drop items? if they are drops we can work on farmong those for you also.
  5. I laughed so hard when i saw this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwD9bjGk1cY
  6. morning (for all you moms to be)
  7. Natobah


    I havnt been playing a lot the last few weeks so my primal supply is gone, and my timers are up. So if youy have the mats I will gladly make one for you. either mail them to Marr or you can wait till next time you see me on.
  8. As long as you decide to keep it on a weekend Marrania will be glad to lend a hand, err spell, as the case may be.
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