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Everything posted by Huato

  1. Coolness! Where is this place located? I'm working over in Grove-tucky now.
  2. Yeah, the dragonscale has these. I dropped Hu's old professions for skinning/leatherworking and power leveled both to over 300. Now if I ever play him again I can work towards getting to 70 and being able to get leatherworking high enough to make these.
  3. Don't you people check the main WoW page?! That's been up there for a couple of weeks. It's a Blizz published thing. They'll be at Blizzcon again.
  4. Huato

    Back in town

    Just don't break out the wash tub...you don't want to scare him off again!
  5. Those wraps are awesome - it keeps the child close to whomever has it on. Kids need that closeness, so tell old auntie that she doesn't know what she's talking about. Awesome pics! They grow way too fast!
  6. Hey! Stealthed healers FTW!
  7. I love the Hardware Store video, and the "I Am Murloc" is up there too (check out the WoW main page for that one
  8. light (at the end of the tunnel)
  9. hope And congrats you two!
  10. Damn, from the title this thread could have been so much fun.
  11. Huato

    Guild Wars

    Cool, I need to reinstall it since I did a reformat/reinstall of Windows.
  12. Then there's the proc part of WF totem to factor in too. Anyone that's ever played a Shaman with a big slow 2 hander knows how erratic wf can be. At least with GoA you know what you are getting 100% of the time. And as a Shaman that relies on self WF buffs, the WF totem is useless.
  13. Interestingly enough, Gruul is a ranged dps fight. Avoiding an 8k+ hit is a big bonus, even with the preventative and over-healing that is going on. When I was attending the Gruul raids (and killing him), it was more ranged than melee dps on Gruul, and GoA was down for the MT and OT to help avoid those hits. Being able to avoid one shot during a shatter or silence is paramount, especially once he is over 6 growths, even with a ton of HoT's on the MT.
  14. Pretty sure it helps parry, but I could be wrong. But the additional dodge for a MT is very helpful - ask a healer how much more helpful this is! And as Rhoach put it, the extra agility really helps a rogue for dps too.
  15. No, I PM'd him and haven't heard back.
  16. And here I thought tanks liked to be spanked!
  17. Why does everyone in the discussion of GOA vs WF always overlook the dodge/parry benefit of GoA? It's not simply a DPS add totem - it's much more than that. With improved totems from the enhancement tree, it adds a nice boost to a MT's ability to dodge and parry as well as get critical strikes, not to mention what it can do for a rogue.
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