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Everything posted by Huato

  1. Oh wow! Hope everything is ok Maube - this is definitely the nerve racking part of the pregnancy (even for the guy!). Nah, he'll just be more rotten than his parents because of it if it happens.!
  2. Congratulations you guys and gals!!!
  3. Oh god...looks like I'll have to find another weekday raid to join then. Weekends are bad for me as far as raiding goes due to kids and family things going on then (except Friday nights). I'm not racing and can't race to 70 at this point. I just can't spend that kind of time right now...I have a 9 year old that is having some big issues at school even though I don't have him most of the time during the school year. I spent an hour in a parent-teacher conference over his behavior last night. I'll get to 70 in the next couple of weeks. If I can get some group help to knock out those nagging Naggrand group quests, I can probably hit 68 tonight or tomorrow. The good news is I have enough money right now to knock out my next three levels of training, my flying mount training, and the slow flying mount - so as soon as I am 70 I'll be able to get to the stuff that requires a flying mount. In the interim, I'm still plugging away at healing gear. I'm now sitting on +741 to healing unbuffed with the set I've assembled so far to heal in. Love seeing 4k+ holy lights (when they crit) go off (that's not counting the super sexy shield Harne sent me).
  4. I'm still trying to figure out how much a katrillion is
  5. I'm terrible at picking teams for the NCAA championship. I quit doing it because I was so bad! lol
  6. Is it ever getting close - anyone taking solids bets on when the little Katak gets here?
  7. Of course he is! He is a rogue after all.
  8. Good question...I probably need to update both as well.
  9. Never mind - I FINALLY figured it out...smacks self on forehead. Now - to get Blood Elves and Blood Knights added to the list of options...
  10. I'd just be happy to find the link to the raid sign ups.
  11. I hate Subway. I definitely prefer Quizno's to Subway if I have the option.
  12. I haven't cared for Wendy's burgers except the jr. bacon for a long time. That's personal preference, but I just find Mc.D's and BK to have better burgers. Oh, and White Castle...nothing like a good Slyder to cleanse the system.
  13. Eh, Dave was a figure head - he was advertisement only and had been for years (Wendy's headquarters is in Dublin, OH and I used to work across he street from the original Wendy's restaurant. They recently closed it down too). It pissed me off when they removed the chicken strips from their menu recently though - I loved that with the sauce.
  14. Good idea Al - I always forget I have the fear undead spell due to the fact we hardly see any except in certain areas. I do love holy wrath though - with my talents and spell damage that hits the mobs that don't resist for 900 to over 1000 each. And my healing set is coming along nicely - up to +671 un-buffed now.
  15. Sheesh, still can't get my name right Mr. Facedown! It's Morgard. And where the heck did the sign ups get moved too? I can't seem to find them.
  16. Thanks for the info Odenn! I hit 67 last night and respecced, so when the time comes my Blessing of Protection is now on a 3 minute cool down instead of 5.
  17. That is terrible, and you know it had to have been put in there intentionally. Sick people.
  18. I thought so too Bal, but I thought what the heck - let's have a fast food conversation
  19. He's joking?! ZOMG! I thought he was serious! :lostit: > J/K. I knew he was kidding.
  20. Well, 7 points into the protection tree grants me the ability to bubble others (or myself if I choose) every three minutes instead of 5. Like you said though, it's too far down the Protection tree to gain anything from Divine Shield for myself (not really all that concerned about that one really). Reason I say that is because I only blow my shield when it's absolutely necessary to remove a debuff or grant me a few seconds to get a big heal off. I'm more apt to use the other bubble to save a party member. I think the one I posted will be my final for a while - the one that is heavily tilted to Holy with the remainder in Prot. That seems to be the most favorable for raiding to me as far as healing and buffing goes. I may remove the 2 points from Blessed Life and move them to Purifying Power if it appears I'll be doing a lot of Cleansing (I know this was huge in MC for the Alliance).
  21. If I hit 67 tonight (which I should), I'm going to respecc to move all of my ret. points to protection and pick that up now. I have to visit the trainer anyway, so I'll do it tonight. Should make my survivability go way up.
  22. Now that you mention it, there sure is - it's in the protection tree - I've been considering moving the points I have in Ret to Protection anyway, so that's not a bad idea...it's a 2 point talent that will knock the cool down to 3 minutes from 5. Consider it done by the time I reach 70. Here's how I am specced right now: http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...000000000000000 And here is what I will go to the next time I hit the trainer when I respec (this is the 70 talents I will take): http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/classe...000000000000000 That one also lets me pick up kings which people have been asking for too (Along with toughness which will help a ton).
  23. Oh, one other thing - I can only Blessing of Protection once every 5 minutes (damn cool downs), so a Paladin would probably be able to do that to one party member once to remove the garrote. Just food for thought. I can still bubble myself if I get it, but that leaves me able to do that to one other target unless this fight is insanely long.
  24. Ghost mushrooms aren't really what I'd call rare. Go hang out in the Hinterlands in the area with the elite trolls. As you get close to the main troll, there is a cave complex and they respawn quickly there. You can pick up a few in no time (at least I used too with Zuato).
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