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Everything posted by Triston

  1. ok, Im glad a 21st birthday is something that only happens once, because I doubt I would have survived two goes at that... Either way I wethered through in resonable pluck and health, and thank you all for your well wishes!
  2. I met roy a few days ago, seemed like a nice kid
  3. This wonderful idea warms my heart! I will be there with bells on!
  4. I missed a party! Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Either way happy birthday Steel!
  5. Fine then... *TAG! YOUR IT!!!* Im kidding, of course id be happy to help
  6. I cant even put into words how I feel about this whole thing. Logan is one of my oldest friends within the empire, and a true friend if ever I had one. We have been through everything and anything together, and more hard times within this guild then most of you can imagine. If this was actually so severe that it would drive him away, then Im amazed. Im amazed that so many people who claim to be adults could act so childish. Im amazed that you can loose sight of how great a guild this is and how much better it would become if you would all just drop the petty crap and start caring about something besides yourselves. The people you attack are trying to help you and this guild, yet all you do is complain when its not exactly what you would have done. We voted Logan to represent our interests, not cater to our whims. There are several dozen families within the empire, and simply put there is absolutly no way he could have made everyone happy with any given descision. But instead of focuing on the greater good you all act like a bunch of four year olds every time you end up on the side of the line you dont like. As far as Im conscerned, this guild is not the family it once was, and that saddens me greatly. I have tried to be the neutral listener here, and have tried to understand both sides. Now I realize that this is like negotiating between religous zelots. You cant convince either that they are wrong, and in all liklyhood they both are. Im not going anywhere, but neither shall I stand in place...
  7. Triston


    Tis better to walk away then it is to stay and fight most of the time. Enjoy your R&R time, and come back soon friend.
  8. On a related note, Im looking for a Bright Purple smithing hammer, and paying well! Oh and if a decent Bright purple lance could be found, ill also cough up huge for it. *thinks* Ooooh yeah, and my really wanted item. I BRIGHT blaze hued fancing wep (faster is better, but ill take any of em) with undead slaying on it. Yeah, I think thats all...
  9. Welp, I finnaly got around to rebuilding my tower, and now its in serious need of a makeover. As a direct result I am paying well for a few items, and giving away quite a few more. Buying: Vines- Paying 5k a pop, need about 20 Plain Champion Flowers(decorative, 1st gen)- 2k a pop, far more then they are valued at, but I need them, so if your hard for $ feel free to grow em and cut a real nice profit. Colored Anvil- The higher the metal, the better by far. l'll pay real good for one of these suckers. Giving Away A whole lotta stuff. Lots of tailor reward cloth, more weps then I can count (including piles and piles and piles of bows for you archers out there) Selling A whole slew of old school rares, come check them out if your interested. Sadly, Logan already snaged all my potted plants. ICQ me if your interested in any of this.
  10. Just a simple reminder, its only a game. If everyone would please just step back and relax a moment, all would be well. Thank you. *smiles*
  11. Just plain disturbing.... And I thin he was actually trying to look intimidating... Thats all I have to say on that issue...
  12. The dark undecorated room of his home seemed somehow comfortable to Triston, as over his long sleep he had grown most comfortable with the shadows. A fluttering at his window drew his attention as a pigion waited on the still, quietly and patiantly. The small note on its ankel was tied with a gleaming purple ribon, telling him it was from Emperor Logan. Placing a pinch of seed at the birds feet to thank it, he gingerly removed the note and read... He inhailed sharply as he finished, and began to reach for a weapon he did not wear in his private quarters. To the heart of Doom eh? The Knight was familiar with every dark crevace of sosaria down to the last rock and wretched inhabitant. Every crevace save Doom, which he had never even entered... This looked to be a long night indeed. Flinching from a half dozen wounds he gingerly lifted the bird from its roost, drawing a small protest from the feeding creature. He carefully jotted a note onto the back of the message Logan had sent him stating a simple reply. "So it is spoke, so it is done. I shall be there my Lord..." With that he released the animal and began pacing his armory, trying to decide what would be best to bring, and what would be best to leave to those left behind.
  13. Drop a line, I have a 10 and a 15 if you need it
  14. *sorts through lances* *looks Up* Oh yes, count me in!
  15. Yes. Yes! Imma huge fan! At 11 my "shows" start right at the same time I have to leave the computer so its perfectly timed At 11 its Trigun then 1130 its Inuyasha (both on cartoon network) then Startgate @ 12. Then I get seven hours of sleep and wake up hehe. I think its a really well developed show with just the right amount of drama and fantasy, but its real appeal is that you can put yourself into the charicters shoes because its happening durring our time, not some far off future, distant past, or distant galaxy. Oh, and on a side note, I beleive that Christopher Judge (T'ilk) has a minor roll in the X-2 movie comming out tommorow, just thought yall would like to know.
  16. Triston


    awww how sweet, people have been lying for me! (Or at least leaving stuff out)
  17. I tried 3D for about, hmmm.... 5 Minutes? Im 2D
  18. Triston


    I have now fully returned to the Relm of Sosaria and find their to be quite a large number of new members of this guild whom I have not the ICQ numbers of. If it pleases you, please send a message to 158930637 with your name in game (all your guilded charicters that is) I am more then happy to help whenever it is needed, and can be called upon for everything from ressurections, to armour repairs, to a hunting partner. Also to those who are new I am an advanced craftsman as well, and can make most any item in the game, so if you need anything feel free to ask, I almost never charge, and when I do its at cost to guildmates. Either way, I look forward to meeting all of the new faces of the empire!
  19. His legs where screaming. It was amazing how lying down injured for several month could make one unfit for running. Lets just hope that the swordarm had not lost its touch... Comming around the final bend he saw something his eyes would not accept, and it was not clear to him that he had slept just moments too long. Steel was standing, in a manner of speaking, but bleeding from many wounds and clearly quite pale. That was not what had suprised the Lancer. What was shocking was the beast which loomed over his old friend, a deamon with wings that seemed to swallow the stars, and a skin so black that the night seemed to be drank into it. The beasts weapon was raised, a sword three times the length of any man and easily weighing over a ton. It was almost impossable to move watching its decent upon the weakened Steel, such vicious beauty... Such certian death... At the last possable moment Steel sidesteped and jabed is sword into the beasts wrist, causing it to bellow in pain, but not to drop its weapon. As though woken from a dream Triston kicked his horses flanks, suring it onwards, for the battle was far from over. Steel continued his dance of feints and lunges but it was clear that one blade could not fell a beast of such size, but three possably could... Drawing his spear from the strap across his back he launched it through the air, aiming for the base of the beasts skull, then holding the reins he stood in his saddle, waiting for the beast to feel his little present and turn around. While Steel had no way of know who was comming, my purple cape should be fairly visable, and he would know what to do. The spear landed home a second later, implanting itself at an impossable angle seeming to stick deep within its neck, but not kill it. That was impossable, Triston though, but only for a moment before the beast turned. It was impossably huge, and the only point of light comming from it where in its deep red eyes that seemed to hold the very fires of hell. The fear any mortal felt looking upon a deamon began to wrap around his heard, but was quickly dispelled by elation at the beast bellowed and began to teater backwards. It might not have a spine, Triston though, but his achilles tendon is in just the right spot... Triston Leaped from the saddle and jumped impossably far thanks to the horses speed, and landed exactly where he both did and did not want to, square in the balrons chest, kryss' first... The battle seemed to go on for hours but it was surely mear moments, and when it was all over the two warriors sat atop the beast, covored in its black ichor blood and breathing heavily. Triston looked around at the wrecked forest and the trail of deamons Steel had left behind in his mad dash for the moongate. There had to be a dozen of them! "Let me get this strait..." Triston said between labored breaths, "You could have killed just one more and save me all the trouble of comming out here?" He asked with a grin as the two old friends shook hands for what seemed like the first time in an eternity.
  20. Nestled deep within a jungle lost to time sits a mausoleum, small but sturdy in appearance. Up and down its walls crawl vicious kudzu, trying to work their way between the most subtle faults in the buildings craftsmanship. Within sits five tombs, each with simple decorations and beautiful sculpting etched along the surface and lids. Nothing moves here in this sealed place of rest, and in the eyes of many noting shall ever move here again. Yet something begins to happen. At first it is subtle, no movement or sound simply the occurrence that life is present once again. And then, deep within the central sarcophagi comes forth a low but steady moan. It seems as though the lungs that produce the sound know no quantity to air, and instead of slowly tapering off the moan grows louder, then develops into a voice. The thumping would have been quite quiet anywhere else, but in this place it seemed to shake the walls. Steadily it continued, growing ever louder and coming in rapid succession. Suddenly the central sarcophagi was shaking as though the armies of hell where trying to escape it, but then it stopped. For endless minutes the quiet seemed to have returned and come to stay, as though the event had never occurred. Then the burial Vault shattered… Covered in dust and shards of marble was Triston Lioness, Lord of Lioness Keep and Lancer of Honor. His chain mail armor made the sounds of an ocean of steel as he shook the debris free of himself and his long dark hair, and he seemed to shield his eyes in the very dim torchlight. He shook his head as though to remove the blast of the explosion from his inner mind, then looked about. It took him a matter of moments to find what he was looking for, and lifting the large war hammer from his coffin, he raised it to his shoulder and walked to the sarcophagi next to his. “Sorry to wake you cousin, but it is a little pressing…” With that he brought down his hammer in an arc of green metal and arcane energy, fully shattering the lid. “It is about time, I thought you would never wake up and get me out of this spider ridden daemon’s den.” “Your very welcome. It would seem that the guardians are in a bit of a bind with the Army of the Sands, and either way it was growing dull here.” Triston said with a grin. He then suddenly went ashen pail and seemed to be looking towards the ceiling to find something that was not there. He quickly tossed the hammer to Arms and began striding towards the door. “Wake the others, its far worse then I thought. Meet back at Lioness Keep and arm the family, were going to war…” He said, turning at the door to take one more look at his cousin who was far from a warrior but an expert at warfare. “But where are you going in such a hurry, help me get them out!” He exclaimed. “One of our brethren is wounded and fighting a dangerous foe, I must be off…”
  21. If anyone needs a hand I truely enjoy writing out stories, and would be more then happy to handel what most consider the tuff part of making a plot, such as teaser stories for the forums or a summary story for the aftermath. Just drop me a pm and we can talk it out.
  22. Gator!!! I remember learing from this about three (maybe it was two, im a little fuzzy at this point) years ago, I learned from it. Gator is exceptional, and Im thrilled you have added a link to the forum. I can remember a very frustrating night spent with sno ball (a few of you may remember him spending last summer with us) trying to explain 8x8 to him. The way I do it is using UOA and UOA8x8 a program that plays off UOA in order to guarentee gains. It recognizes when you gain and automaticly stops at the correct tile and moves you forward in order to truely guarentee gains. Well... I spend four full hours trying to explain this when sno decides to bring up the fact that he does not have UOA... and is unwilling to do it the manual way. This is after four hours of back and forth... Maybe you had to be there...
  23. As of current I am without ICQ, so if you could please post which areas you are looking for opinions upon. While I am far from a master stratagist (I prefer to rush in and meet death with open arms personally) I would like to add what words I can. Thank you as always, Triston, Lancer of Honor
  24. I enlisted just bairly over a year ago, ironicly enough a week before Lord Logan did. (funny story there, I was promoted to knight within three weeks, whereas it took him over a month to make squire, not he is being voted for EMPEROR!!! Bet he never saw this comming!) Either way I just re-read my post and realized it has a strong possablility of comming across either hostile or preachy and I want to apologize. I supporty Stan hell or high water, and the views of others will not sway that, but the fires of change bring the rebrith of of a new era. I will stand by this guild as I can from a seperated standpoint right now, and once I am back in game (give me maybe a week or two here guys, bear with me) I will support it there regardless of policy. I have friends here I number amoung those I have met in real life, and I will no sooner walk away from them then I will from my own blood family. Here is all I ask of those who challange the staus quo: Our guild was founded upon one indesputable princaple: Honor. With every word you speak, question its honor. With every action you take, question its honor. With every breath that leaves your lungs, question its honor. If ever you are in doubt, seek honor and you will find your answer. Thank you for your time, Triston, Lancer of Honor
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