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Everything posted by Triston

  1. Oh! NOW were doing Necromancy and expanded housing! Only took what, 4 years???
  2. Ok, this is a long one, so bear with me, but it will give you the skinny on these spiffy new toys that ea is givin us smiths. Powder of temperment- To understand this one you must understand a little bit of the technical info on smithing. When an item is made (weather armour or weapon) It is given a base durability. From here all of its stats are affected by what percent of that duability the item is at. Say an item has a durability of 50 at creation. As the item is used, the durabilty slowly drops, affecting its preformance. Say a GM weapon offers exceptional damage, say +5. When the durablitiy of the item reaches 40, it now will only give +4 damage. Accuracy and in the case of armour are both on this same scale. Now then, when you repair an item, you restore its durability, thus making it useful again, but 1 point of its durability is irreperably lost. So now the same item that started at 50 has a durability of 49, but its BASE durability is still considered 50. This means that an item, no matter how well cared for and maintained WILL eventually wear and break, no matter what. What powder of temperment does is restore a small ammount of its durability UP TO the BASE level. So the item can never exceed its natural potential at creation, but it can in theory be perpetually be kept at peak efficency as though unused. Prospectors Tool- The prospectors tool is a simple item that comes with 50 charges. To use it, simply dclick it and select an area that normally can be mined. It will then reveal to you the highest possable ore obtained at this location. Example one: you use the tool on an area that yeilds only iron ore. It will quickly tell you that iron ore can be found at this spot. Example 2: You use the tool on an area that can yeild Valorite ore. It will tell you valorite ore, no matter what, and dispite the fact that iron can be found here. What the point of this item if you can already do this with a pickaxe? Simple, even a grandmaster miner can hit a val spot and get nothing but iron, im sure ive done it dozens of times. By useing the prospectors tool on an area, you receive concreate proof of what can be found there, and need not conscern yourself with weight while "search mining." (*search mining is a method of runnin around mining and marking runes so as to obtain a full runebook of one color ores locations.) I personally look forward to this one! Welp, I hope this info is useful to smiths and BOD hunters alike, both rewards are fairly low end and will be easy to obtain, but fyi, I will be buyin prospectors tools as fast as you can sell em to me for a while, im looking to finish my ore rune library. :smilewinkgrin:
  3. Cool water ran down the worn wall of grey stone, casting haunting echos throughout the cavern. Deep within the shadows of a recess of the cave wall stood a lone figure, dressed in simple brown leather and carrying a massive axe, covered in blackening oil to keep it from reflecting light and revealing its weilder, a lone woman with black eyes and short croped blue hair. No expression showed on her face as she solomly stood watch over the empty cavern, waiting for what seemed to be an eternity for nothing at all. Suddenly a shuffeling from the enterance alerted her to an oncoming figure, massive in size yet slow in movement. It was one of the caves residents, a large earth elemental, and it looked worse for wear. From multiple gashes poured forth trickles of sand and rock, the creatures lifeforce. Now its attackers could be heared as they charged in behind it, making no effort to hide the sounds of there footfalls. One was a mage, riding upon a jet black stead known as a nightmare, the other a warrior eagerly weilding a warhammer and wearing shining chainmail. The huntress watched there movements carefully as they circled the prey, observing the way the maceman held his weapon, and how the mage fiddled with his reagent bag while casting, so as to be sure it was still full. Just as the mage wispered the words of power for a spell of fire, and the macer lunged forward to finish the gargantuan beast, she leapt silently, offering no word of greating or warning, save the flash of her axe. She targeted the warrior first, but her real threat was the mage, and she knew it. Dealing a fast slash across his stomach to keep him busy, she did not even pause for a moment as she continued her silent charge upon the mage. He mearly staired at he dumbfoundedly, clearly not understanding what was going on until the blunt side of her axe met with his head, sending him into a realing storm of stars. But her timing had been off, and instead of a towering inferno blasting behind her, she was insted greated with a world of searing pain as flames lept from her feet so high they singed what little hair she kept. The pain was blinding beyond explination, but instead of realing she turned her anguish into rage and wheeled on the mage, nearly cutting him in half with her backhanded swing. He crumpled to the ground, his full bag of reagents doing him little good now, as the blood rising into his mouth kept any words of power or a command to his nightmare from being uttered. Applying a bandage she turned to the warrior, who had recovered from his shock and wounds and realized what had occured. He screamed in physical and emotional rage and made a full roundhouse swing, trying to crush her with a single blow. "Young warrior, you should not be controled by your emotions in the heat of battle..." She mocked him, easily leaping back and avioding the blow. This only seemed to enrage him more, and he began makeing a cyclone of attacks, each one hitting either air or solid stone, but never his attacker. "I tire of this now, so your time has come to an end. This is the price you pay for comming into my home uninvited." With that she droped her axe to the ground and pulled forth a small Broadsword, moving slowly forwards with every step. The young warrior made a wide strike yet again, and with that she quickly stabed into his hand, causing him to drop his hammer and raise his hands in defence. If only he had ran. A few masterful strokes later and he fell to the ground, no longer seeming so angry, just sad and afraid. She looked down at him, bairly breathing and covered in his own blood, and for the first time in years sheathed her sword without taking a life. She cut his purse from his hip, and picked up his hammer, in which she could feel the tingelings of minor majiks. She quickly used her axe to destroy it, and checked the mage for anything valuable besides his uselss reagents. Finding nothing but a few trinkets and a purse filled very well with gold, she began to leave. The warrior, bleeding from many wounds and without bandages or a weapon stagged to his feet. "Would you leave me here like this, alone and dying, surrounded by enemies?" He croaked out as he stumbled, driping blood, his lifeforce, to the ground. "I wouldnt say alone warrior, you have him to keep you company..." With that the Earth Elemental, now fully healed and rather irate came forth, and the huntress left the room, as the warriors dying screams filled her ears, echoing again and again through the vast cavern. "I need to find a new line of work, I am growing far too soft in recent days." With that Nagi the Huntress, Slayer of the Proud, calmly strolled through the halls of Shame, unbothered by its residence, and often praying upon its visitors for some time to come. To Be Continued...
  4. Yes, a White Wyrm can be felled by a group of warriors, with a fair ammount of ease no less. The Anchient Lich is VERY tuff with warriors, but a set of warriors that are VERY comfortable with each others healing abilities, and able to withstand at least one Flame Strike can do so. On the subject of an anchient Wyrm, now THAT is tuff for a melee unit, no matter how well trained. There are several key factors involved, and two key skills. You will have several warriors die to the sheer dumb luck of taking a fireball and a swat at once. Plain and simple, there is no living through this unless you get lucky and he only hits you with a love tap. The method that works best when meleeing an AW is to "Joust" it. FOr those of you not familiar with this concept, it is a method of taking down a monster that is FAR too strong to be delt with sitting still. (AW being a perfect example) You simply each run past the monster at the same time, take a swing, then heal each other. This will typicly avoid the creature being able to take you out easily, and allow for you to take it down FAIRLY quickly. Welp, just my imput on the three beasties were discussin, hope its of some help.
  5. Yeah, well all be praying for your safe return to health, and if you need anything the Leoness family is more then there to help anytime while you mildy incapacitated.
  6. Thanks for this post! I always work Sunday nights and am never able to make meetings, so this is a GREAT help. Please, if able, could you continue to do this!
  7. Triston

    An Oath

    I Triston Leoness, on behalf of all members of my family do hearby swear a vow of ooc silence in game when dealing with all persons, guilded or no. This Oath is not taken lightly, and is made in light of recent events that shall go unmentioned. I do not expect anyone else to follow my actions as this is a very extreme measure, but I feel it is a nessisary one. May HONOR guide all.
  8. ookee here we go! I think its pretty common knowlage that everyone is goning to want these spiff skill and especially stat scrolls, but its also very clear that obtaining them will not be a cakewalk either. (I highly suggest that anyone not knowlageable on this subject read up on it at uo.com or stratics, this is huge!) There are multiple obsticals standing before us in gaining these items, and I just wanted to adress my thoughts/ideas on how to get passed them. Any additions to these points would of course be apreciated. 1. The actual monsters- Sure, at the first few levels this will be pretty lax, but how about trying to kill 50 poison ellies in 10 minutes? Not that easy eh? The primary problom at this level is that it is VERY easy to die, and death is a big factor now. (a 30 minute factor actually) So the death of a few huntmembers has gone from bad to catostrophic overnight. My thought is to have a person or two whos sole job is looting and healing. This will prevent people from being distracted by looting, and allow for our units to have the extra umph needed to last. These individuals would preferably be healer/mages, but just one of the two is acceptable. Now from my studies of the line formations, I beleive that the curent system will be more then effective enough, we just need to be more practiced at it, and have more experiance relying on each other for heals. 2 The pks- Here is the biggun. For the first few months that scrolls are around, stepping into a fel dung. alone will be suicide, plain and simple. And how do I put this lightly? Ive noticed that our forces are VERY skilled at pvm, have it at an art actually, but as far as pvp goes... Well more work is needed. Most members dont even carry pots, a fact that disturbs me more then a little. Or wear full plate (no offence borg, its part of the "Emperor Look".) While Full plate offers exceptional protection, its not going to do you a thing in pvp unless your opponent is weilding a non dp gm kryss or kat. Any other wep will romp you none the less, and a mage will have a feild day while cooking you in your armour. Members also seem very unfamiliar with the "shoving" concept, something that will lead to death very often in pvp or pvp in fel. (How many of you vets can remember the frustration of dieing to a horde of wuss monsters becsue you where trapped and could not excape ) All in all, to sum up this subject area, we need more fel training, both pvp and pvm, and a basic understanding of how it works. Nothing can simulate the adrenalin rush of a true pvp experiance, escpecially when its non-concentual, its fun, but its scary, and when your scared you make mistakes. Nothing will fix this but experiance, and in the middle of a 13th teir spawn, a pk attack, even if we win in the end will be devistating. The Campions- These guys are tuff. Real tuff. And then theres the Harrower. Hes ubertuff. But wolf has inadvertantly provided us with plenty of experiance in this feild. Killin a "god" monster is far more difficult then a normal strong critter, and takes a certian level of tactics. Our practice on ancheint wyrms and liches will pay off though, and soon members will be ready to take these on. Welp, im prolly gettin close to my post length limit, so let me know what you guys think, good or bad, and most importantly remember this. These are just thoughts, nothing in motion. I have no sway in the war councle, and this is there BBQ Thanks for your time, Triston, Lancer Knight
  9. Id never... But he might... wow, I couldnt breath for about 5 minutes after reading that one. Heck, im still chuckeling. At least the Balron didnt enjoy it!
  10. man, I got excited for a second there...
  11. Congrats! That rec seemed a bit outdated anyways!
  12. Hey SNO, wanna be my squire? Itll be fun, come on!
  13. How typical.... sorry, youd think after over four years id be used to it by now.
  14. ITS A GOLD SINK!!!! Im all for it!!! We've got the tamers and bards uber gold makin abilities limited within a week, now lets start suckin out the money they pumped into the economy! (No offence to tamers and bards, I have a bard meself, but the economy is majorly hurtin right now, time for a sink people will pump money into in a major way.) They will have to keep it from involving a context menu like hair stylist do, or another proggy will just come out to make it hackable, which would do more harm then good. Either way, if they think things through on this one it would do nothing but help. Chars with an unresonable number of counts will be aleviated in a short ammount of time (at a heafty fee of course) and people will be able to freely wear there gm made cloths more easily, seeing as how a clothing bless deed is gettin pretty rare these days. All in all, this ides a 10 of 10, I love it in every way! (all this assuming osi/ea is smart about implimenting!)
  15. Anything exact on what you need in a house? I have several in felucia, all of my own simple uses right now, so what exactly are you looking for?
  16. Id be happy to build a golom for anyone with the parts on hand, free of charge. (Ill even provide ingots if its of any need)
  17. Come on ange, its SNO, everyone beats him down! (actually he won when we fought, to prevent that from becoming an argument, but he used DP, no fair!) Anyhow, I am all for helping t9c, I cant claim to have any friends in the guild, but I deal with them in trade on a daily basis and would like to be able to return the favor . Besides, with 16 commin up we could ALL use some pvp practice for those scroll hunts, and this is both an oppertune and HONORABLE chance if ever I saw one. (Come on, who DOESNT want to romp some ebayin 12 year old l33t d00dz???) Im a firm AYE!
  18. Tristons Arms Co- GM Mining, smithing, fletching, carpentry, tinkering,tailoring. (Has stonecrafting and the mining skills) Horus- GM Alchemy (has glassworking) Nagi- LJ
  19. Ive hated every new mmorpg thats come out after uo, but I do have to say this, this will probably kick more @$$ then any other game ever made. At least I hope so! Im buyin it, im tryin it, and btw, i DO think im the best DM ever, so lets find out shall we!
  20. Ok, to everyone who made the meeting, Im sorry. I have basicly had the worst day possable (welp, I lived through it at least ) Fore reasons compleatly beyond my control I could not get home in time to make the meeting, and again I apologize. Im sure Steel was more then capable of handeling all of your questions (havent gotten ahold of him yet) and if there are any that did not get feilded or you could not be there to ask, my rooste is always open as long as im on. If it is at all possable I would like to have a meeting sometime this week, so if everyone interested could post or send me days that are doable, id apreciate it beyond compair. All that withheld, I hope the meeting went well and that everyone is having fun tonight! On an unrealated and very RL note, if for any reason you ever decide to go out to eat, for the love of all that is holy please tip more then 10%. Just do some quick math, and no matter how much 4-5$ sounds like a good tip, on a bill for 60-70$, its not! Sorry, had to get that outta me system.
  21. Well put Emperor! This event is designed to be an hour long for a reason you know! If We have a big turn out (and I have volenteers for judges on the spot) We will have the contest immideatly after meeting, otherwise it will be durring this week. Either is good with me, but I dont want to interfear with any guild hunts or anything post-meeting. I am very happy with the response given, and to be on the safe side, maybe it would be wise to not bring any actual crafters to the meeting. Let me assure you all of a few things. GM mining is FAR from nessisary to compeat or even win, so DO NOT stress that. Second, magery will be nerfed so to speak, to prevent "underdeveloped" chars from being limited. With that in mind, feel free to bring your "newb" miner, he/she just might pull off an upset, and if you fail to, you lost an hour, but had a good time anyways. On a side note, there will be side/minor prizes also for honorary awards, so dont feel as though you must focus on those runics if your not the GM uber perfect miner . Ok, Im done babbeling, ill see you all tommorow night!
  22. Hail all Craftsmen and Craftswomen of PGoH, it brings me the greatest of pleasure to bring to you the foundings of what will hopefully become a perminate fixture of PGoH. After a week or so of debating and discussing, myself Triston, Legate of Mining, and Silver Darkknight Grand Armourer (steel), present the Honor Good Coilition. We hope to forge this group from a collection of skilled crafters into a variable powerhouse of trade in todays modern economy. For the time being we will be focusing on basic resources, but in time to come we plan to add to this coilition all aspects of trade. Our focus for the time will be Ore, leather, and lumber, and all individuals wanting to partake may sign up at will at 6:30 at Olympus castle, prior to the Guild meeting. Weither you are a crafter, a miner, a lumberjack, warrior or mage, we will definatly be more then happy to have your assistance! To get things rolling, we will be having a few little get togethers. DATE PENDING: The first PGoH Mining Contest. For reasons undisclosed at this time, the EXACT rules of this contest will be witheld, but the basics of it are simple: Gather as much ore as is possable in an hours time. There will be no entry fee, but all gathered ore will go directly to the HGC's stockpile, for community useage. Whats that, prizes you seek? Easily done, The first place prize will be a Copper Runic Hammer!!! Scared youll get second? Dont worry, you get a Dull Copper Runic Hammer!!! 3rd your aim? Easily accomidated! We have for you Ringmail Gloves of Mining!!! (+5 mining). This is Just the first of many events, to get things going per say, but I assure you many more are to come! For any questions, comments, or "count me ins" feel free to post here or q me or steel. As always thank you for your time, from the Honor Goods Coilition!
  23. Ok, here goes, my attempt to post my bods. (BTW, i gotta GM cook, bods for cookin would rule!) Anyhow, I am not going to post my iron, but if you need it, I either have it or will soon enough. Dull Copper LBODS 90 Normal Plate 60 normal Plate 40 Normal Ringmail SBODS 10 exp Female plate 15 exp Plate gloves 15 exp Plate Helms 10 Plate Helms 20 Normal Chain tunics 10 Exp Ringmail Gloves 20 Ringmale tunics Shadow LBODS 120 Exp Plate 30 Normal Chain SBODS 10 Exp Plate gloves 10 Plate gorget 20 Plate gorget 10 Plate helm 10 Plate gloves 20 Exp Chain tunic 10 Exp Ring Leg 15 Ring tunic 10 Ring sleeves 10 Exp Bascinets 10 metal sheilds Copper LBODS 60 Exp Plate 60 Plate 45 Chain SBODS 20 Chain Chiofs Bronze LBODS 120 Plate 30 Chain 80 Ring SBODS 10 Exp Chain tunics 10 Exp Chain choifs Gold LBODS 80 Ring 40 Ring SBODS 15 Plate arms 10 Plate gloves 20 Exp Chain legs Agapite LBODS 60 Plate SBODS 10 Exp Ring sleeves Verite LBODS 60 Exp Chain Thats all folks, that took WAY TOO LONG. If anyone cares to assist on the 60 Exp Chain Verite, lemmie know, and as always my doors are always open to anyone needin some of my bods Enjoy, and if youve read this far, congrates!
  24. Triston would be more then happy to alter any Juka Bows in need!
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