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Everything posted by Triston

  1. I have already told a few people this, but I will now make it publicly known to all. I will be remaining with OU for at LEAST another 6 months or so, and will continue to give this guild my 100% any time I can. Around Nov Dec, barring any issues, I will be moving to Istaria (horizons) and attempting to found a chapter of our guild there. I will give this about a month to see if its worth the effort, and if it is I will close my UO accounts. ALl of my possesions (including the tower) will be given to the guild without hesitation. I had entertained thoughts of selling them all but decided that I dont want anyone benefiting from my hard work when they have done nothing to diserve it. I will then hand over my account name and password to leadership for them to do with as they please. Keep in mind folks that this leaves plenty of time even if the game ships on schedual, and I cant remember the last time a MMORPG shiped on time, as much as any game for that matter. So unfortuanatly you will all have to put up with me for some time to come. *chuckles* See you on the inside.
  2. This was smashing good fun even though I managed to loose every single round! The unicorns are comming! There gunna get me... ! *twitchs* Screw prizes! Id do this every week just for the kicks! Trust me guys, if you didnt make it tonight, you gotta be there next week!
  3. I too am begining to loose faith. I have supported their money grubbing ways for too long. When 30$ expansions became a normal thing, I told myself it was to fund their development. When the Lake Austin/Advanced Charicters fiasco occured I continued my mantra... "To help UO Survive." Heck, when TRAMMLE came out and litterally destroyed dozens of years old player communities, I allowed them to justify it by catering to a player base different from mine. But this is the final straw. UO has been 9.95$ for 6 years now, and nobody has ever questioned it. Even as service and features became a thing of the past, I still paid. Now they expect me to pay even more then I ever have for less then I have ever received? Its Ludacris. Not only does this guarentee my departure in a short period of time, it makes me ultimatly confident that I will NEVER play UOX, even is it turns out to be the greatest MMORPG of all time. UO is no longer the dream that it was so many years ago, it has slowly decayed into a corperate dungheap that continues to exist out of habit alone. This guild has kept me in the game for over a year now, it and it alone was the reason I constantly returned dispite the fact that simple gameplay drove me great levels of anger. I probably have less then a month left for UO, as I refuse to pay yet more of my very hard earned money in order to fund another game that will recycle this vicious circle. I will continue to play MMORPG's, and no I dont know which one. I will be around and very active until the day before I am billed this new fee, at which point I will simply cancle my account. It crossed my mind to sell the account or my tower or my rares, but I have decided against it. That would simply make me nothing more then what OSI has become. I apologize for the rant, but simply put this is as far down this pit that UO has become that I am willing to fall.
  4. You can count me in. If you have any ideas for prizes, just let me know and ill be happy to donate too.
  5. Sounds Very good. I presume this will be a no hold barred (all weps allowed, no reg or pot limit) competition. Friday night is my far and away the best night for me, as its my only "high traffic" night I have off. Either way, assuming Im not working, PHEAR ME!!! *chuckles*
  6. While I love this idea, unfortunatly those blood sucking .... People... yeah... that I call employers have required me to work saturday nights. Perhaps one of these weeks we can do one on fridays, but until then I cannot partake. Either way, if you guys come up with any good prize ideas let me know, Ill be glad to contribute where I can.
  7. Sept 2003. Ill go see it, but im not gettin built up again.
  8. Welp, I went and watched it, and was reminded of two things. 1) Never go to a movie on opening night, for the following reasons A) You cant hear a thing because there are 50 people in one room chewing on popcorn B) People WILL bring their very young kid (Im talkin 9 Months to a year old) who will be inconsolabel through the entire movie, and do they leave? No, if they had had any courtasy they would not have brough it in the first place. (Sorry, this is a pet peive of mine as I did theater through highschool, and always had to deal with a crying baby in the audience) C) Its crowded and you end up next to some very unique individuals. D) Last of all, the 16-17 year old couple in front of me that spent more time making out then Neo did fighting. 2) A very tough lesson indeed... Sequals are never as good as an origional. (and dont give me that its a trilogy crap, thats just a tactic to fight the stigma) A) Storyline progress was poorly done, unlike the first B) While still an orgy for the eyes, the fights where pretty much the same as in the first. (excluding the freeway scene, even I have to admit that was very very fun) C) In an attempt to keep our interest for the next few months while they finish the last one, they raise thousands more questions in an half ass manor, but didnt answer single one. At least the first movie had the courtisy to answer a few. D) THE ENDING SUCKED Sorry, had to say it. It was cheesy too, its pretty clear to me that they simply could not come up with a mor creative way to wrap things up. Ok, Im done complaining as much as I can without spoiling anything, but you better beleive that I will be back in about a week once everyone has seen it to gripe about the details!
  9. You see now, thats just my problem. I dont care what the odds of my breaking my stuff is, I simply want to take a crack at what item would be the best in my mind. But, I suppose that this is good for that too, as I can find out what an item will be like after being enhanced, so I can pick the correct metal.
  10. Anytime I have issues with a perticular patch I simply reinstal UO. Its yet to fail.
  11. *Drools* Man, I never thought I would want to play an online game that was not fantasy (well you get the idea) based. This looks most promising.
  12. Gah! How many more can the old dog have!?!?! Just playing with you wolf, I hope your birthday is as good as they get!
  13. The free for all idea intrigues me, as almost all tournies are 1v1 or 2v2. I think it might aid in showing a few younger members the difference between dueling and sparring, and just how chaotic it can be. Either way though, assuming I am not working or such, I shall be there.
  14. Amusing what people will do with way too much time on their hands...
  15. May all your days be blessed
  16. That was VERY amusing, although I have to say I would not have been as binevolent or good natured about it, he did do the right thing.
  17. here here! to the moms out there! We love yall!
  18. *runs manicly off into the night to slaughter designer cloths makers!* No really, great job marcus, a preatorian to the end! (I probably butchered that spelling)
  19. Just message me if you see me on, and Ill crank you out one
  20. ok, quick rant then I get to the question. What they are going to do with resist will totally unbalance pvp yet farther. While it will help mages greatly, us warrior types already have well over 40 in each resistance, making it essantialy worthless. Now then with a skill that difficult, that really irks me. I think it should be a minimum bonus of a far lesser ammount. (like +1/5 total skill to all resistances. That would be much more fair) Ok! Now to the question! Poison- Its expensive, it takes ages, and its as boring as it gets. Its also great in pvp and pvm, and is about as good a finisher you can ask for. The cost thing is not all that big a deal as there are many alchs here in the guild who would make it for you for nothing more then the nightshade involved, but trust me, make sure you have lotsa time and patiance for this one. Resist- Barring my previous rant, this is, or was, a great skill. Presonally, i would wait till the jury comes in to make a descision here, but I presonally will not be droping it until im sure they are on a final answer. On a side note, this is one of the tuffest skills in the game to gm or gm+ Hiding- By far the easiest and cheapest of the three, its a valuable skill in a jam. Its one downside of course is that its essentially replaced by a spell that you can already cast with ease, and the spell never fails even if they are standing right on top of you. Another down side is that house hiding is just as easy in pvp, and requires nil skill. Either way, to make this call you really need to consult your game style more then anything. When I was newer I loved this skill, because when things got heated, just break line of sight and all is well. Now Im not saying its a newb skill, im just saying its great from pulling yourself outta the fire when you bite of more then you should have.
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