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Everything posted by Triston

  1. Ahhh, the quest for Runic hammers and anchient hammers, its a truly massive undertaking. I personaly have an extended family of smiths and collect about 6 BOD's a day. 6 a day mind you, and the best I have mustered is a Copper Runic. These are insanly hard to come by, but sooooo worth it. If anyone needs to use a Dull Copper runic Just ask, I have several, and if anyone gets a SBOD for 20 exc Verite Chainmail, drop me a line, id give anything short of my tower to cash this one in. (Can we say agapite hammer? I knew we could ) We should communiticate more on this issue if we are to suceed, for where few suceed, many excel. Thank you, Triston, Pontifex of Trade
  2. Just a thought on the "scenario" thats going on right now with Wolf and all. I personally am enjoying it quite a bit, and many guildmates ive spoken to seem to also. There is one thing that bothers me though, and thats the fairness of the skirmishes. Its typicly one or two "possessed" making a mad run at the castles, against impossable odds. If there was any way to even the teams at all (Possess a few other members of PGoH) then the fights would not only be longer but also far more fair. Id also like to take a moment to give congrats to Vish, hes doin a great job of keeping people on there toes, and making life much more interesting for everyone, good job! If whomever is running things in this little undertaking could give me a Q on how to become more involved, I would sure apreciate it. Thank you, Triston, Legionarre
  3. Triston, sorry for taking so long, missed this thread
  4. I am absolutly thrilled with the response we are receiving on this idea, and would like to add a few thoughts. First on the Emperor's thoughts, keep is simple stupid. I personally could not have put it better. I have the unfortunate curse of being both amitious and creative, and as I found myself before the keyboard I could not help but type down ALL my ideas. While I still like them, they are very long term goals, and as is keeping things simple would be in the best interests of all involved. To Steel, I AM SO SORRY! I totally forgot to mention you, and this was as much your brain child as mine!!! I feel horrid about that! With that said, yes, a "wal-mart" concept is very good, to be able to provide all wares to all customers both guilded and alike would be wonderful! For such a task though, many would be needed. I have seen many a well stocked shoppe go under not for lack of buisness, but for lack of capability. One or a few individuals simply cannot support all wares for a wide customer base. (trust me ive tried on many an occasion) As far as the mining/chopping/leather madness ideas, we can beat those recs, no doubt in my mind! To recap, thank you all for response and support, and especially input. The best ideas on paper never work in real life (see: Communism ) but with lots of valuable input and support, what i feel is a worthwile venture may see the light of reality and become a perminate fixture within out lives.
  5. Please pardon me if there is anything wrong with the post besides my horrid spelling, I am new to actually posting on forums and know little about it. (Nothing I can do about the spelling, I by nature suck at it ) For those of you who have not met me yet, I am Lord Triston, Pontifex of Trade and Olympus' new weapon vendor. I have had breif discussions with many guildmates on there craftsmen "brothers" (could not seem to fine the actual brother itself) and the potential for a formal coilition of miners, with the intent to make colored ingots readily available for sale to both the public and PGoH members. For those of you out there with miners, it is common knowlage that gathering any vast ammount of any one color of ore is a truly daunting task, one which takes lots of time, skill, practice, knowlage and luck. My proposal is to have members of PGoH dust off there "brothers" show them the light of day for once, and have them come and RP a craftsman! Sound boring? Not in the least I assure you, while its not exactly slaying anchient evils, it is entertaining in its own right. There is two possable methods to go about this, an easy way I personally dont like, and a hard way I do, I am open to suggestions. The first method is the "broker tactic" which basicly breaks down to you sell to a broker and he sells for higher. This is far easier in both time involved, paperwork, and claims resolution, but I dislike it for many reasons. One, it hammpers the ability to RP, my key objective here, and basicly makes your charicter no more then a mule to make you money. Also, it limits the "equal profit" nature of a coilition, something I have no desire to do. What I prefer is the a far more complex but rewarding scenario. All miners interested in partaking form up a governing body, one which decides everything by a 2/3 vote. All decisions, from elected positions to price setting will be voted on, and no person will have absolute powers. To ensure that we can make and mantain a reputation as an all encompassing coilition in stead of another group of players out to make payday, all ore will be mined, and valued on a scale within the coilition. (Example- 1 val ingot is equal to 3 ver ingots FAR FROM IN STONE, but you get the idea) Then, we elect a coilition head, an exchange head, and a sales head. These positions have no greater vote then any other position, and hold no veto power, they simply maintain order and consistancy. From here we elect a miner for each colored ore, from Dull Copper to Valorite, this person is in charge of seeing to it that his/her color is being harvested. Should everyone try to harvest valorite for max profits, the exchange head simply will stop taking them, thus stoping credit for that color until all other colors have been caught up. Why do this if not for profit? Simply put, this is not about profit, this is about RPing our craftsmen to the fullest, and enjoying each others company. But profits there will be indeed. The Sales head quite possably has the most difficult task before him, as he must maintain exactly how much of each ore he sells, and see to it that all funds are transfered to the Exchange officer, who sees to it that all miners receive there due pay. Why will this be efficent? Simply put, after 16 everyone will want there val suits, but several factors stop them. 1-availability, 2- affordability and 3- loss. These will make a midrange suit most effective for most players. (say shadow, copper, or bronze). There is a whole lot more ideas I have on this, but this is ground one, the skeleton, I need feed back, and to know if there are that many players out there who would play there craftsmen given the oppertunity. All feedback, good and bad, flame or blessing, is apreciated, and will be taken in stride. My thanks, Lord Triston, Pontifex of Trade
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