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Everything posted by Houli

  1. If you let me get 2-3 hits in as tank....you wont steal aggro. yay -harne
  2. Rhoach and I are doing a 2v2 team. I havn't set any 3v3 or 5v5 teams yet. neat! -harne
  3. We did it. It was not an easy fight. You dont needa tank ((non heal'able npc's do it for you)) Watch your aggro. Yikes! fun. -Harne
  4. aye, That quest is fun. If you ever need help with stuffs' just ninjar invite me....brainah does it to me all the time, seems to work well for him -Harne
  5. This thread on the general forums seems to pretty much have it all: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...89056&sid=1 A quick tid'bit i suggest looking at if you just want a gist of how it works: Flowchart: http://www.avowry.com/viewtopic.php?t=7109 And a Summary (kinda long lowel!. taken from the thread link'd above): MOST OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS POST COMES FROM http://www.wowwiki.com/Instance_attunement. IF YOU'RE CONFUSED, VISIT THAT PAGE There are 7 instances that require either attunement or keys. IF THE INSTANCE ONLY REQUIRES A KEY, A 70 ROGUE CAN PICK THE DOOR IN EVERY CASE. Note: Technically, Opening the Dark Portal in CoT requires "attunement" of doing Hillsbrad first, but that's weak sauce and I left it out. ((ZOMG Rogues are useful, sorta Lowel!)) Keys: -Shadow Labyrinth (Auchindoun) - Drop off Sethekk Halls final boss - No quest -Arcatraz (Tempest Keep) - Quest starts after Stormspire quest line from A'dal -Shattered Halls (Hellfire Citadel) - Quest starts from Smith Gorlunk in Shadowmoon Valley Attunements: -Karazhan - Quest starts in front of Karazhan -Serpentshrine Cavern (Coilfang Reservoir) - Quest starts in Slave Pens Heroic Mode -The Eye (Tempest Keep) - Quest starts from letter after Cipher of Damnation questline -Battle of Mount Hyjal (Caverns of Time) - Quest starts after you complete Hillsbrad and Dark Portal So. To get every attunement, which is required if you ever want to visit Mt. Hyjal, you can do the following solo, IN THIS ORDER: (Keep in mind that the KEYS are optional if you have a rogue, but still a good idea). 1.) Kill Smith Gorlunk http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=22037#00Rzc and loot the key mold, which starts a chain that leads to the Shattered Halls (Hellfire Citadel) key. EDIT: You can't solo the final part. You need to kill a Fel Reaver in Hellfire Peninsula. Doable with balanced group of 3 minimum (at 70). 2.) Start the Karazhan quest line from the blood elf in front of the tower itself. Get to the point where you need to get "the first half" of the key (after you talk to the mage on the North side of Dalaran). 3.) Do the Cipher of Damnation quest line in Shadowmoon Valley. Ends with killing "Ruul the Darkener" which requires a group. (everything else is solo). You get a letter in the mail to visit Khadgar and he gives you a key quest. 4.) Do the Stormspire quest line in Netherstorm. Starts with Nether-Stalker Khay'ji having you kill a guy outside Area 52, goes to the Image of Nexus Prince Haramand, then the triangulation points. You end up heading to Shattrath and A'dal gives you a key quest. 5.) Gain the following factions revered by either turn-ins or instancing so you can get the heroic dungeon keys: - Cenarion Expedition (Coilfang Key) ---Requires running Steamvaults to get from Honored > Revered - Sha'tar (Tempest Key) ---Requires running Tempest Keep (any wing) to get from Friendly > Revered - Lower City (Auchindoun Key) ---Requires running Shadow Labyrinth to get from Honored > Revered - Honor Hold (Hellfire Key) ---Requires running Shattered Halls to get from Honored > Revered GETTING ALL THESE KEYS ARE REQUIRED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now it's running instances and getting quests for the keys/attunements. You'll need to run a total of 17 instances, 5 on heroic mode, 4 as raids. Here we go: 1.) Sethekk Halls (Auchindoun 5 man) - Final boss drops Shadow Labyrinth key. 2.) Mechanar (Tempest Keep 5 man) - Final boss drops quest item for Arcatraz key. 3.) Botanica (Tempest Keep 5 man) - Final boss drops quest item for Arcatraz key. 4.) Shadow Labyrinth (Auchindoun 5 man) - Next to final boss is chest with first part of Karazhan key. 5.) Arcatraz (Tempest Keep 5 man) - To get second part of Karazhan key. Corner of blue room after first boss. 6.) Steamvault (Coilfang Reservoir 5 man) - To get final part of Karazhan key. (Right off bridge after first boss, chest underwater) 7.) Hillsbrad (Caverns of Time 5 man) - To unlock Opening the Dark Portal. 8.) Opening the Dark Portal (Caverns of Time 5 man) - To finish the Karazhan key and have Medivh work his mojo. Pick up the Battle of Mount Hyjal quest for the future. 9.) Slave Pens (Coilfang Reservoir 5 man) HEROIC MODE - To talk to a guy after the first boss to get the Serpentshrine Cavern key quest. 10.) 25 MAN RAID Gruul's Lair - Kill Gruul to get first part of Serpentshrine Cavern key. 11.) 10 MAN RAID Karazhan - Kill Nightbane (Servant's Quarters) to get second part of Serpentshrine Cavern key. 12.) Slave Pens (Coilfang Reservoir 5 man) HEROIC MODE - To go back to the guy that first gave the quest and get the key. 12.5.) Kill Ruul to finish Cipher of Damnation if you haven't already. 13.) Arcatraz (Tempest Keep 5 man) HEROIC MODE - First part of The Eye quest from Khadgar. 14.) Shadow Labyrinth (Auchindoun 5 man) HEROIC MODE - Second part of The Eye quest. 15.) Shattered Halls (Hellfire Citadel 5 man) HEROIC MODE - Last part of The Eye quest. Khadgar gives you The Tempest Key. 16.) 25 MAN RAID Serpentshrine Cavern (Coilfang Reservoir) - Kill Lady Vashj to get first part of quest. 17.) 25 MAN RAID The Eye (Tempest Keep) - Kill Prince Kael'thas to get second part of quest. 17.5.) Turn in to guy at Caverns of Time to get Battle of Mount Hyjal attuned. -Harne
  6. *wants to meet in outland so he can poop on unsuspecting fools heads* ! (( i know this is not possible yay )) i'll be there!
  7. you liar! you will never leave! We have you! yay -Harne
  8. aw ghidrah, dont cut yourself short, you a fantastico warlock -harne
  9. yup sounds good, Thanks Maube!
  10. Houli


    -- sad you must go... -- May your new adventures treat you well!
  11. lowel the second after i posted this new topic...my powerwent out. im on the 4th attempt to install! do i need to delete any folders you think before attempting to restart the install? crap... i hate ice. and again. i think im gonna go to bed... one more try is all i got in me /cry
  12. as im installing the game....3 tims now damed Ice storms! Hope all is going well for the rest of you, -harne
  13. so preorder a gagillion copies yourself!
  14. ! dont loose all yer money in one place! and! remember, you cant pick'pocket in real life.
  15. ppl seem to be wigg'n out...i personaly would have no problem with it...
  16. yay its fun being a University of Michigan Grad student and a Crusher
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