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Everything posted by Maube

  1. ::giggles:: that temptation is soooooo strong - if yah want a free 10 days - remember we can send yah a scroll of resurrection
  2. If you need the belt of blasting - I have it=p
  3. ::grins as she reads the missive then posts it in the center of Camp:: Ahh yes - I remember that priestie - Katak was having a rough time and asked me to fill in... prim and proper - not bad at all for a Blood Elf. I ask Crushers - look out for these, try to get to know them so maybe they can count on you to be a sponsor.
  4. definitely keep moving - some of the orbs you dont ever se e- you just get hit with them =p
  5. Dunno - I enjoyed it - havent gone there since I came back
  6. so would tazzak - currently shadow but willing to heal if needed =)
  7. Hyjal is a rush of adrenaline for sure =) but Rage was easy peasy - specially when I can get out of the most devestating attack muhahahaha.
  8. Have a great day Gwenny!
  9. ::Hugs:: You show RL who's boss girl! Keep in touch on the forums please! Gunna miss you!
  10. i use it and i do not have vista
  11. The forums joke is giving me a headache At first I thought it was just stupid people... and then... well.. yeah... cant read the forums like I usually do patch day =p
  12. Happy Birthday Kailand! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! And Happy Easter to any folks celebrating
  13. Mmmm mPower Infusion ::frools like Homer::
  14. Yeah it really was a blast =) So worth adding to my sleep deprivation Thanks for the tour =D hope I get to play in there again
  15. Well since when I get a 0call from .Uglutz - I usually give ya'll and update... well here you go - mind the bad typing - Gabe would be helping me type at the moment. Little bugger now has 7 teeth - and he likes to bite arms toes legs noses anything he can =p He is on the verge of walking - he hangs on and can take a couple steps when he lets go before he goes boom on his bottom. He and Kat are getting over a really nasty case of the flu - both are still not feeling 100% but they are getting there. Little bugger is stilll refusing to sleep at night - but That will pass eventually. Well itll be short this month - because well - you could prolly ask me in game
  16. Well happy birthday Moo! Since I am stepping foot back in Azeroth - figured I'd start up the Happy Birthday Bunny Patrol again =)
  17. If you need a mage or a healer that is trying to get back into the swing... I am very rusy but have a magey a hunter and a priesty that can join yah
  18. Hehe Jade - as much as we would like another baby ( everyone wants a girl) my body isnt ready for another go and I really need to find a job so we can save up money to buy a house. Unless we win the lottery which isnt likely =p Funny - two months ago Katak said he didnt want anymore... but now that Gabe has settled and likes spending time with his daddy - he is wanting another ::laughs:: Good thing I didnt mind being pregnant - and labor wasnt THAT bad - the sucky part was being alone for the endpart =p But now the little bugger is trying to stand up - caught him trying to pull his way up in his crib this morning. Yikes!
  19. Poor gabe already knows there are claws attached - of course he was a really young newborn at the time - the kitten jumped up to swat at a toy and landed right on Gabe's face - scratched him across the eyelid. Lucky he didnt scratch Gabe's eye - he still has a little scar =( The only cat he can catch is the kitten because Snuffles is stoo stupid to MOVE. Little guy started to sit up on his own too - and is very adamant about following me around the house if he wants me. Bugger followed me into the bathroom earlier Stay safe everyone!
  20. It is official... Gabe is mobile. He is a crawling and scooting fiend - and getting into trouble everywhere - Already had one choking scare - he found a piece of plastic on the ground and of course it went pop into the mouth Luckily no harm done - and we are wiser for it =) He now has 2 1/2 teeth - one broke the surface a week ago but doesnt want to come up anymore - so his poor gum is VERY sore. Gabe is having a blast chasing the kitties right now - only the kitten is stupid enough to not get out of the kids way Speaking of- here he comes - he just noticed I wasnt playing on the floor with him hehe Missing Ya'll - might see you guys soon - at least I can hope =) Hope all is well!
  21. Maube

    Hello Again

    Hey folks =) Just giving a holiday update hehe Well Gabe FINALLY cut his first tooth - and is finally starting to sleep better. He now prefers to sleep in his crib - which is sad for cuddling but good for sleep all around. I can even put the bugger down awake and he will fall asleep on his own. So things are looking better on this end at least baby wise. Employment.. well still not having much luck =( Miss ya'll somethin fierce - gets awfully boring on this end. but thought I would give everyone a heads up - hope to chat with ya'll again soon!
  22. He isnt exactly 'new' anymore but one heck of a high needs fellow. and he really is a Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde baby - one day he can be the perfect playful happy baby and the next he is an angry baby who just wants to hang onto me all day =p
  23. awww - I missed it! Dangit =p One of these days Gabe will let me play again..
  24. Maube

    OK you geeks

    I had a Toshiba that played games well... but that was like 4 years ago hehe - our cat ended up breaking the plasma screen so it got tucked away... And yay for moving to boston =D Closer to meeeeeeeee =D Gabe is in need of a roadtrip >.> <.<
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