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Winter Wind

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Everything posted by Winter Wind

  1. A COPPER Dragon Lies Beneath! I took the Inner Dragon online quiz and found out I am a Copper Dragon on the inside. My Inner Dragon is the mighty warrior of dragon-kind. It's just that simple. Coppers show up when someone's about to die. Coppers don't mess around, and they don't play evil games like Red Dragons. They don't bother with magic, like Gold Dragons. They exist for a purpose, and they serve it well. But what sort of a dragon would I be if that really was the whole story? I also like to stomp my enemies, start the occasional war, and spend lazy hours preening my battle aura. My favorable attributes are strength, physical abilities, thriftiness, warmth, and longevity in battle. Just in case some puny human (or conniving Red Dragon) thinks they can get the drop on me, I've got a concealed breath weapon - gigantic masses of Fire. Hey, it's the tried and true way to cook a cow in 0.75 seconds. Guess I need copper armour now.
  2. Please forgive my ignorance, but what is RoT?
  3. I would be more than happy to carry the cyrstals. Anything to help. Oh, Thiork. I'm also your neighbor in Novitus Sanctum now.
  4. Where? Did amazon keep the low price or was that just a one day sale?
  5. Ok, anybody know the cheapest way to get an account upgrade code? From LBR to AoS.
  6. Here is the situation. Off in Ilsh/Compassion again killing rats tongiht. Saw another player run by going Oooo OooOooo. Went in the direction he came from and saw his body. The rat archer that got him was just a few tiles away. It only had about 1/4 of it's life left. I finished it off while waiting for the other player (Winter can not rez). I tried to loot the archer I just killed and was told "You did not slay this creature." The player got rezzed and came back. Stood over him while he got his items, and took out a couple of rat men. He was able to loot the rat that killed him. but that I had finished off. Perhaps the looting rules have been changed. Will have to get a guilded character and non-guilded one to experiment and see.
  7. too little too late I guess. Are there directions for it on the uo.com site? never have been a big fan of AOL
  8. Aside from party chat, I have no idea what you are talking about with "Client Chat". Feels good to display my ignorance.
  9. If you have read the works of Douglas Adams you will be familiar with these two famous words: "Don't Panic" I am bringing these words to light because it seems the empire is attracting new people every day. A lot of these new memebers are used to hunting alone and not in groups. Let's get the worst case scenario out of the way first. You die and lose all of your belongings. Death is only temporary in the realm we live in. All items can be replaced. Feel better now? Good. When you are out hunting in a group there are people there that can heal you, that can cure you, and probably can bring you back from the dead. 1 - If the big bad monster rips your flesh open others will be able to help bandage you or close your wounds magicaly. 2 - Should that evil rotting corpse rack your body with pain from his poison the paladins can cleanse the poison with fire from the heavens. 3 - If the Ogre Lord pounds the life from you the mages or healers can bring you back from the dead. While you stand there looting your remains the group can watch over you and protect you. This is why I say "Don't Panic." When you panic you will run in wild circles preventing others from helping you. Worse, you may simply run off and nobody can find you to help you. Trust me, there is nothing more aggrivating than running while panicing and running into a bigger meaner monster than the one you are trying to get away from. But what if you are out solo hunting, should you panic then? NO! Think of where you are. Think of where you can find help. If you constantly stay aware of your locatoin and surroundings you will find that help is never far off. Besides, you can always try to ICQ for help if you need it. You do have ICQ, don't you? So now you are hurt and know death is coming for you. Time to run. The question is, which way do you run? Run towards an area you know is safe. Run towards an area you know healers can be found. Run towards a moongate. Run towards a town. Run towards an area you know is popular with other players. You may not make it all the way to any of these places, but you have put valuable space between yourself and your foe. Not to mention you are closer to help than you were when you started. To summarize. Always be aware of where you are and where the nearest "safe" areas are. In a group situation be aware that there are other people to help you. When out by yourself remember that help is never far away. Most importantly, "Don't Panic." Oh, and don't forget your towel.
  10. Sounds like a plan Elathiel. Time permitting next weekend, count me in. Just let me know when and where.
  11. Prometheus. That is correct. The one advantage an archer has now is the moving shot ability. I cannot recall if that is with the crossbow or composite bow. The drawback, it drains mana. Might have to play around with that some next week.
  12. Well, you do not have magery so Eval Int isn't that important to you. Focus replaces Meditation Tactics will be helpful for weapon combat. Resist can be usefull for getting out of Paralyze and blocking any non damaging spells. If living in Fel, hiding can be usefull.
  13. Check the first sticky post under UO Discussions. There is a general map of the city there. If you have gotten somewhat familiar with Malas, or have the map that came in the box. The city is located on the SW end of Gravewater lake. If you are going to head there on foot or mount I would suggest starting in Umbra and head West until you hit the mountain, turn South and follow the mountain line down. That will lead you right into the city. The reason I say follow the mountain is in case you bring your necro. There are Pixies in the forest North of the City.
  14. pros and cons to each template. Hard to say. The necro spells are going to drain mana. Would be bad to need to get off a strangle or in vas mani but have no mana. The warrior skills are nice, but then again that is in close fighting. If you take the warrior route you shouldn't need more than 35 INT. That still leaves a decent amount to split between str and dex. Should you go the mage route you will need to be able to keep your distance to get spells off and will still have the armour limits. Unless that has changed as well. Plus, you willl need more than 35 INT Hehe, go for a compromise. Necro / Archer. Yes, only I would say that. You still get the necro spells, plus the damage power of the weapons. With a bow you can do paralyze and mortal strike. With a heavy cross bow you can dismount. With the repeater you have the double strike ability. That usually hurts. Might just have to try experimenting with each and see if one works better for you than the other. I do know that the horrific beast form can do wonderful melee damage no matter which templet you use. Not sure if I have posted it in these forums before or not: I did watch a horrific beast "own" the small orc fort in Malas, NW of the PGoH city. He was litterally beating to death the Orc Mages, Captains, and Lords as fast as they could spawn.
  15. MrTact (Lead Server Programmer, Origin Systems), has posted the following information. I don't dispute that there are probably still issues with stat gain. The trouble is, that code is pretty hairy and really really needs to be refactored. I have looked at it and have not found any obvious bugs that would account for the stat gain problems people have described (but see above wrt hairy -- read bug-obscuring -- code). I have also not had a lot of success duplicating the problems. Yesterday, for example, I started a n00b mage char & gained int very quickly from casting Magic Arrow. I don't expect to have a chance to clean up the skill gain/stat gain code for Pub 18, but I am tentatively planning something for the publish after that. I'm not a designer, so I don't really have a lot of say in this, but personally I would like to see things changed so you just gain a stat every 15 minutes. It's arguable that that could be abused (just leave yourself logged in) but you could just as easily be unattended macroing in your house or a remote location, so I don't think that would stop "cheaters." Therefore I'm not sure it's worth making it harder on honest players who JUST WANT A POINT OF INT, FOR PETE'S SAKE! :-) ------END----- Well, at least OSI is aware of the problem. Although they cannot duplicate it. Kind of like your car not making that weird sound when you get it to the auto shop. What worries me is that they do not see a solution until after pub 18. Which is after Pub 18, which is after SP recieves AoS, which is who knows when.
  16. Ok, it's a career personality test with a "Medieval" theme: The Medieval Personality Test Your distinct personality, The Black Knight, might be found in most of the thriving kingdoms of the time. Your overriding goal is to win. You approach each task or situation as a contest to be won strategically and efficiently. Because you can control your feelings, it is not unusual for you to charm, as well as successfully delegate tasks and responsibilities to the more emotional types. You are often concerned with what's in it for you. You seldom involve yourself in activities where you can not foresee a reward for your investment or effort. On the positive side, you can be analytically empathic and logically persuasive. On the negative side, you may be unemotionally manipulative as well as arrogant, selfish and impulsive. Interestingly, your preference is just as applicable in today's corporate kingdoms. ------- It's been too long since I have seen "The Holy Grail" BLACK KNIGHT: Oh. Oh, I see. Running away, eh? You yellow ######s! Come back here and take what's coming to you. I'll bite your legs off!
  17. Winter Wind

    PGoH Mall

    It's in Malas, but not inside Novitus Santcum. That's about all I know of it.
  18. If you are comfortable with PS I have a pic I would like touched up for a sig. My character is bald and needs hair painted on. Whenever you have time, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
  19. She will be in the hearts and minds of all of us. May she come home safe and soon.
  20. Ooops! At least I warned them not to go alone. Who knows, you might show up one day and 10 legionnaires say "Ooo oOoo oOooO oOoOooO oOOOoo oO!" Lord knows I've said it enough.
  21. Best bet Lukkan, ICQ Ballyn at 157771541 Best time to catch him is in the evenings.
  22. Additional information added to the essay. Sorry Ballyn, I think I may have actually broken the 2K word mark.
  23. Sounds like PGoH is holding Pay Per Views. Sounds like fun to me. Was thinking about an archery contest this morning. Just a really rough idea. If time permits I would be more than willing to help with the scavenger hunt. I have tried a couple in the past but abandoned them. Seemed they each involved buying things from various vendors for wayyyy to much money. The book idea sounds good to me. With the item list the potential for cheating becomes a little easy. Items on the list may be held by the players in their homes or bank boxes already. Would the battle royal be held in Felucca so others would not have to resign from their guild or would a stone be placed for the battle? There is a home in Malas that has a battle area and stone setup for that purpose. I believe the owner stated he chared 1K an hour to rent it out. Let me know if you would like to see it.
  24. According to Mr. Tact (Lead Server Programmer, Origin Systems) Stat gains have changed under AoS in the following ways: - 1 gain per 15 minutes, max 10 gains per day - You have a chance to gain a stat with any successful skill check. Since stats no longer affect skills, the skill you use has no bearing on which stat you gain. The ONLY restrictions on gaining stats would be: * You are at your total stat cap * The stat you are trying to gain (per your stat locks) is at its individual cap * The state of your stat locks
  25. If you don't mind, the Wind sisters could use: bow hit magic arrow 20% hit lower defense 30 composite bow hit life leech 38% physical damage 100% composite bow hit mana leech 22% energy resist 9% physical damage 100% heavy crossbow orc slayer hit mana leech 14% swing speed increase 5% repeating crossbow durability 20% physical damage 100% repeating crossbow hit stamina leech 12% hit life leech 20%
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