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Winter Wind

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Everything posted by Winter Wind

  1. Yes! Yes! My EVIL infulence is spreading.
  2. I was going to suggest Lukkan [Ghost of Shame, PGoH] Ha!
  3. Um, 50 lockpicking and no cartography If anybody is willing to teach, I am willing to learn.
  4. If you wanna help move em, hehe, I got a place they can be stored. As archers come into the empire, we'll pass them along.
  5. I like the UBWS lance idea. That opens the competition up to more than just fencers. Hopefully some matching lances can be found so nobody can complain that they lost because the other person had a better lance.
  6. Nah, even if the guild only had 1 member he or she would always find a reason to change their mind.
  7. The problem with an in game ballot box is that anybody can come along and vote. Just like here. I understand some feel that the system of voting we have here isn't 100% fair. Regretably this is the best system we have. *edit* the voting ends today by the way. I understand your view on wanting to null out the votes and move it to an in game ballot box. Regretably, I must take a stand against that. It was my big mouth that started all this voting to begin with. We are having our say on who our leaders will be. It was agreed at the meeting that this forum is how the leaders would be choosen. I know there has been some confusion. Votes changed in posts. People accidentaly using the "Null Vote" just to see the results. We are making progress here folks. Just trying to keep the controveries to a minimum. Please don't start a flame war here. Valid points are always accepted.
  8. Use the bow Elathiel. Use the bow. Strong with the bow you are. Sorry, couldn't help myself.
  9. See? You got Elathiel so stunned he doesnt know what to say.
  10. There you go talking about getting naked again. And not minding being naked in front of anybody! How are we gona get any training done now?
  11. Wonderful information Steel. I appreciate it. I am guessing the necro's would fit well within the shadowrider ideas. They aren't much for healing as a general rule, but the wither spell can work wonders. As well as animating the fallen enemy. I'm evil I tell you. The hard part to remember is that necros, while they can cast spells, cant really heal anybody but themselves. And even that can be tricky in a rough spawn.
  12. Sorry, I just couldnt help myself What if George W. Bush played UO:
  13. I have got to get some of these. Just too funny. Herobuilders.com "The infidels are not within 100 miles of our glorious city" *tap, tap* "Hi there! I'm George W." "Auuuuugh! Run away!!"
  14. The poor farmer didn't know what to do. The poor old man couldn't keep the rouges out of his fields at night. He had no fighting or weapon skills. What was he to do? One day the rogues around town started showing up with bandages, which made them easier to spot, and were complaining about the fire balls this poor farmer would throw at them. How did he do it? How did a man of poor education, no magery training, and no idea about alchemical arts create these fireballs? Come close my friend, I will tell you. The old man was sitting by his fire one night upset about the rogues stealing from his crops and lossing his problems is a bottle of liquor. Before long his coordination was lacking and droped the bottle on the stones by the fire. He watched in amazement as the liquor went up in flames once the fire touched it. He knew he had a weapon, but how would he use it safely. He spotted the oil cloth next to his tools and knew it would burn, but that was a different and somewhat painful story. The old farmer found he could use an oil cloth on a bottle or pitcher of liquor and create a firebomb. Now my friend, you know the secret as well. I promised the old farmer I would only share his invention with those of HONOR. That I have done. If you will excuse me, I have things to blow up now.
  15. Actually I did read your whole post. Hopefully all of this will just be another step in the guilds progression. I am not going to argue with anybody at this point if it is right or if it is wrong. From what I hear and my few limited encounters with Borg he really is one heckuva guy. No doubt about it. When did/are you enlisting? And what branch of service? While I would like to see everybody vote, I understand why you have chosen not to. I can not argue with that logic.
  16. Once the nudity hits, all hope is lost.
  17. While on a hunt today to tame a swamp dragoon for a new legionnaire I recieved a piegon that the dark rider, now known to us a Veneficus, was seen in Felucca. At the Skara Brae moongate. I arived at the moongate a bit too late perhaps. He was not there. I decided to scout the island and then the mainland. Near the Hedge Maze my patience paid off. He was on the East side of it and speaking with one dressed in Red. I presume this is the one Joxer is said to have encountered named "Zodiac." The Dark One seemed to be fearful and in a bit of pain. I did not wish to expose myself while outnumbered so I stayed a ways off. I only caught parts of the converstaion. Here is what I learned: They belive "the traitor" has joined PGoH. The dark one said he has not spoke to anybody but has been looking for this traitor. (Odd, I know he spoke to me. Perhaps this is the honor he spoke of?) The one in red seemed to be in charge of the situation. He stated "Death will come to the traitor and those who protect him." And that the master was furious. I wanted to learn more but I spoted a theif working his way towards them. It wasnt long before the one in red spotted the thief and cast a spell upon him. The thief seemed to be strangling. Then a spirit dressed in black wielding a black hally appeared and removed the theif's head from his body. The time had come for me to move quietly away. I fear these two, thier master, and the one called "the traitor" are going to cause a disturbance for the empire.
  18. Just about all the replies that came to mind would probably get me banned But not this one! Pride, you feel free to run around in game as naked as you like.
  19. You are the Dragon. In medieval Europe, dragons were considered mostly evil and a generally bad omin. Christianity linked the dragon with Satan because of the dragon's snake-like apperance. However, to the Orient cultures the dragon was a symbol of widom and roalty. It was a benign animal and the fifth creature of the Chinese zodiac. It resided over the east and the sunsrise. It was also said to bring rain and the springtime. The dragon is interesting because it combines all four elements: air, earth, fire, and water. It could fly, had the horns of a ox, breathed fire, and resided over the moon. What mythical beast best represents you?Take the quiz! Wasn't quite what I expected. But I'm not complaining.
  20. GURPS! Lord I haven't heard of that in so long. Too bad the first release is to be the Old West. I was really looking forward to trying to recreate my super "The Wonderful One." He was basically a Fantastic Four rip off. All the powers bundled into one character. Only he seemed to always screw them up. When he needed to be invisible only part of him would be, the rest might go up in flames or fall to the floor like strechedout silly putty. He was a great comic relief.
  21. Was reading about the Beta 2 of MS Office 2K3 in PC Magazine. I like the new feature of Outlook. Self destructing e-mail. I can't count how many times I have had to go check an employee's PC that was "running slow" only to see that they had over 800 e-mails in their inbox, maybe 100 in the deleted folder, and between 800 - 1000 in their sent items folder. Now e-mail can be set to auto delete (permenatly) and save some space and admin headaches. That alone makes it a worthwhile investment for me. For you Frontpage/Dreamweaver types. They are coming together, sorta, in the new office package. Front Page has been redesigned to offer similar options and functionality of Dreamweaver MX. The assimilation has begun, resistance is futile. Word has also been updated to interact with Access Databases a lot better than it did. It also uses XML for the templates now. On the fly across the network editing keeps improving. Gotta love it. PowerPoint. Now has the ability to run fullscreen streaming video. Not sure if this is a good thing or not. PowerPoint can be a usefull tool, but all too often people want to put every animation and sound into their presentations and just wind up ruining it. Like that run on sentence I just typed. I'm still just excited about the self destructing e-mail. Wonder how long it will be before the virus writers find a use for that?
  22. Maybe that's why Sadams government fell so fast. He was too busy PKing in Fel to see what was happening outside his palace.
  23. we can play any online game! Dude! We're looting a Dell!
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