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Everything posted by Perthes

  1. Im not even using the guild bank anymore.. Last time I did.. i couldnt add anything or take anything out.
  2. Jeez about time the lil one got out.. should make her pay rent for as long overdue you were. Anyway Grats to both of you.
  3. Oh my!! That is just too funny.....
  4. Vehicle-based ey... well its gonna be a challenge..
  5. Gratus you guys. Wish I could have been there.. That is epic..
  6. Happy happy Joy joy. **Hands Xeno a Tauren toy that is missing its tail.**
  7. Update on how we did last night. We one took down all bosses of Spider wing on our first try, even managed to kill em faster then any other time then before. RECORD KILLS 4TW. We also took down Noth easy. Then we took upon us to do the tango with Heigan. With the white flares.. the dance was EASY ((Thanks for Verissi for making them for me)). Yes we had a few wiped to try and get used to the whole thing.. but we ended on a good note... WE TOOK DOWN HEIGAN!!!!! This was a good place to end last night and it gave A LOT of people the morale booster they needed.. I think we will down him faster next week. So people.. read up on Loatheb... Figure out how to do this fight.. Read on WoWWiki, WoWhead and even youtube can help here.. Tankspot has a good movie about this fight.. so please check em out. Also if you want to talk to someone about this fight.. Talk to Verissi (Or his family of alts).. he gave me lots of good tips and tricks ((Thanks again V)). I also wanna say thank you to the replacements that came: Gordantell : For DPS. Bokus : For healing and totem luvin. Kalea : For healing and totem luvin. Lomar: For off tanking. We had a hickup with Fringa going DC ever 5 min or so.. Sorry to say he had to be replaced.. Dont worry Fringa.. Nothing what you could have done would have fixed your ISP.. Comcast suxxors from time to time.. most of us knows lol Also Saephere / Kieranna.. Please get better... Dont stress, relax.. And for the love of gawd.. fix Jasena's computer lol But yeah.. Kier... get some much needed rest.. I dont want to see you playing tonight.. as you need to relax.. If you are sick.. GET BETTER... THATS AN ORDER!!!! Ori thanks for respecing to healing.. I will pay you for your respec cost.. We did great people.. dont get bummed that you died too many times.. heck.. you can respawn.. the bosses cant
  8. Im seriously thinking of transferring away from AD now... this is getting old!!
  9. Alrighty gang.. please read up on: - Heigan the Unclean - Get your dance shoes out and figure this out. - Loatheb - Healer Nightmare yes.. but possible for us. - Instructor Razuvious - Read up on the Understudy's abilities and how they work.. This be the key to beating him. - Gothik the Harvester - Looks to be a fun fight.. Another thing... I dont want to spend half of our time in Naxx explaining these fights... You can check out their info on WoWhead and WoWWiki. You can also check out Holy's Short Summary. Sure I can give you guys a short summary when we get to them but dont expect me to hold your hand and explain every little detail about what their ability does etc. Yes yes.. i know that a lot of people dont know how to handle the encounter unless they try it out themselves.. Im the same way BUT if you read up on the fight.. watch a few youtube movies about them then you know what to expect.. I also want to stress out to everybody to bring LOTS and LOTS of consumables... food, HP / mana pots, elixirs. Also get your items enchanted / gemed etc. I do not want to see or hear anybody asking for a summons half way in the run as they are out of consumables and had to go to Org to buy some new ones... This is unacceptable... If you dont know how many to bring.. bring A LOT.. hell I bring Approx 10 healing and Mana pots, 3-5 Endless Rage potions every time.. do I have some left over.. yes.. does this mean I can bring less next time? HELL NO. We are here to progress not to go on a picnic
  10. Oh scary show alert.. *grabs the couch pillow and tries to hide*.
  11. I think im having a hot flash.... I ... I ... No freaking way.... lol **Starts to giggle and drool at the same time** /Feign Death
  12. I might know a few that is interested. Let me get in touch with you ingame.
  13. Thanks Bar. Mucho appreciated.
  14. After a rocky start we got some upgrade and got to try out some new bosses. Good job all. I have edited the main post so please check it out.
  15. Congratulations.. gosh.. you guys are good.. *Makes note* Bar is sleeping through Naxx.. Seriously, good job you guys I hope we will get there soon
  16. Good job last night. We did great. Remember to get pots, food, drinks, your new phats enchanted for next time.
  17. Yay for Holy and his Classic crap tours!!
  18. I think this will fit perfectly here...
  19. Thanks V.. I see your point in Attraction.. I modified it to add the points in to Primal Tenacity as I want to tank as a druid. I hope that this tank druid build is better suited overall. Time to get my hairy butt in gear
  20. I was thinking of starting out as Feral for sure.. The talent tree I was thinking of going with was something along the lines this: Possible Druid Spec Any ideas if I should change anything and why? The talent in question is based on a tanking druid.. but can be used as a dps also.. let me know what ya all think.
  21. I got tired from reading the Druid forum with the recent patch that brought some nerf cry screaming attitude that a lot is having. So I ask my fellow friends and family. What is a good leveling spec for a druid..? Im wanting to make a druid, but are not sure what direction to go with as a leveling spec.. I have been reading up on some of the guides on the druid forum but wanted to ask the Crushers who have leveled a druid on what direction should I take? Why a druid you say? I love DPS classes. I have a Warrior in Plate that I dps with (Rakin). I have a Mail toon (Perthes).. I have a Mage in Cloth that is pretty fun but on hold(Dragev). So the next place to try out is a toon that can dps( or tank if need be) in leather.. Druid was the logical choice for me.. Rogue's is leather too but.. nah.. I want something different then all my toons all together.. This also comes out as 2 range dps toons Perthes and Dragev.. I will then end up with 2 Melee toons Rakin and my Druid. Yes yes.. im weird.. I might end up using the druid as a tank if I get it up there.. but not gonna worry about that now.. as I just want to figure out a good leveling spec. Please help a confused Druid wannabe find his true calling.
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