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Everything posted by Guilozak

  1. Thanks for that reminder of the good ole days Odenn!
  2. ::Guilozak emerges from his tent and listens to Scryll carefully:: Boom be 'avin ma 'eals to mend 'is wounds mon!! Ah be der wit'cha Scryll ta save da mighty Boom!! ::Turning back to his tent, the priest looks to preparing himslef for the destruction of Sormwind and the protection of his friends:: ((Le sigh, my participation is of course dependant on my ability to have a decent connection and the use of Xaos' computer. Other wise I fear I would be little more than an easy HK to some Alliance fool before the server . . . and my decrepit laptop . . . crashes. =) ))
  3. So . . . First off, I'd love to attend just about anywhere we end up. That being said, if we end up in Cali, my GF was the event coordinator for a state-wide non-profit organization for seven years so she has several connections that we could use to get group rates throughout the state. I would love to end up down south in the Anaheim area. She knows the rep at Disneyland so maybe we could even include a Disney-day. In addition, she has a family conection to the blizzard IT group if we want to do that as well. PM me or contact me in game if you want some more info. All in all, I'm looking forward to this. Guilo
  4. <------ Is now officially disturbed for the day. Edit: Me r nt gud spelr
  5. Hey Perth I've been absent for a bit but if you armory me you can see a good set up of gear . . . unfortunately you may not get the SSC stuff too quickly, lucky drops for me =). I've forgoten how to check which recipes I have without logging in but I think I can do at least one part of the whitemend set. Also, I am mooncloth specced and have a very free timer. Hopefully the others will attest to my skills here. As for specc, do what you want, I swear by mine though if you want to be the uber-healer you will need to keep mostly in the healing tree. Guilo
  6. Guilozak

    Hey all

    So I logged on for a few this evening to say hey. To those of you I missed I apologize. Hopefully I'll be around more often in the near future. Miss y'all. See you later!! Guilo BTW, like the new forum design!!!
  7. Guilozak

    Hey all

    Yup, still here, just in a different part of town for a while, between my own financial situation and my folks needing some help we decided it would be mutually beneficial for my daughter and I t move in with them for a few months so I can save up some cash and help them with their various maintenance issues with the home. All in all I'm pretty busy all day and crazy tired at night. That and my laptops increasing problems leave me in a tough spot to get on-line for avery long, hopefully I'll make it on soon though.
  8. Guilozak

    Hey all

    Hello all, So as I'm sure you've noticed I havn't been around much. I've been forced to move and don't have much for an internet connection. Hopefully, I'll be back in-game in a week or two but for now I'll say see you guys then!! Guilo
  9. Hey folks, just an fyi that i wont be there tonight. The good news is that I found some work that'll keep me busy and make me some money for now. The bad news is that the hours may get a little strange and I' will more than likely be working into the scheduled raid time tonight. Hopefully I'll be able to make it next week (although next monday is ST. Patty's =) ). Lets hope the work keeps coming though or I'll be forced to move back in with the folks for a while. If that were to happen I really dont know what play-time would be like, they have a decent connection but I couldn't get away with slacking off around the house like I do here. In any case, have fun tonight and kick some arse!
  10. 'appy birt'day der Mama moo! ::raises a glass::
  11. I'm usually around in one form or another to help out as well either on Guilozak or Sildaka depending what you need.
  12. /agree I got spammed in Org yesterday a few times. It had been awhile but it seems that such activity is back on the rise. That being said . . . I'm unemployed and looking for work right now. You could pay me to farm gold for you . . .
  13. Congratulations guys!! I am very proud of all of you!
  14. I'd like to bring Sildaka along. 1. Sildaka 2. Hunter/Marks 3. Available most nights though, that is subject to change. I'll take the same tack here as in other raids. I'd love to be "a reliable replacement." (( =) )) I can say that I will almost always be on when you start, and will be ready to go. I'm glad to see you stepping up and starting another Kara raid Shelah, you bring honor to the clan!!
  15. Very nice find! So much for getting work done today.
  16. I think I have nearly a stack of Fel Lotus sitting in the bank waiting for discoveries. Hit me up if you guys need a few, I've gotten lucky the last few weeks in my herbing. Edit: Spelling, however, apparently is an ability that is slipping away from me.
  17. I suppose I could work on etting Guilo/Sildaka keyed for Naxx depending on whether you'd want the healing/dps. I'd love to go back and see the old content we missed, so as Smeddy said let us know when you have a date in maind and hopefully I can join ya.
  18. Nice! ::copies and pastes throughout the forums::
  19. Are there any specific mats we can help with for the resist sets?
  20. Here here! Welcome to all of our new members. As I said last night its an honor to have you with us Kalea, but be warned, you will have your hands full if you intend to impose any discipline on some of our more . . . outlandish members. ::shifts eyes to Rhoach and Harne::
  21. Hey Cal, I'd be willing to hook up with you on either Guilo or Sildaka. Hopefully we'd win a few but if not, meh, points are points!
  22. I'd love to bring Sildaka if you have space/I get him keyed before then/I'm online. If any of those fall through . . . have fun guys and gals!
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