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Everything posted by Baracko

  1. Tier 4 Armor Tier 4 armor video! enjoy! Oh, Warlocks.... you made out like bandits. That armor looks absolutely farkin incredible!
  2. I need the priests, so we may wait. It will depend on who is around when we start. Talk to me first when you get on, Evan
  3. No worries, Tain! it happens! I do have to be fair to those who signed up though. We'll get you in next week, and I have things worked out with *iris. An understanding has been reached! *winks* Bar Okay... scratch this! Goro come as Goro... Odenn cannot make it and we need an experienced puller. Evangelina, if yer reading this, yer in! Bar
  4. Baracko

    Raid Rant

    He isnt kidding! He tracks it all!
  5. Hey guys! Since Tainish if a forgetful warlock, we need to make some slight changes tonight. 1. Goro! Please switch over to Dirth... 2. Odenn! Get yer butt in here and prepare to pull on Hakkar 3. Evangelina! Please be on standby if yer reading this... should someone not show up, I would like to add some damage/healing. Thanks everyone! Hakkar must fall again! If a mixed group of clanmates can do it on the fly in one shot, so can we!
  6. This may be a peculiarity... I have access to the WW boards, and the links they have there are still active...
  7. The Loot God's transmute is at your disposal as well
  8. *laughs hard at the sammich*
  9. Baracko


    All the thanks go to Morgh!
  10. I find WoWwiki to be the best so far... they are a little slow to post changes in encounters with patches, but overall, the strategy is sound. www.wowwiki.com Happy reading everyone!
  11. Thanks a ton, Ionas! Seriously though... we have a great group in there! Some good experience and some folks who are learning fast! The group is what gets us through! They learn quick, offer suggestions, and get down to business when its time. Lefou! That is by far the best Fraps I have seen yet! Wonderful work and thanks for doing that! (Make sure you do one when we get to Jindo! ) For the glory of the Clan!
  12. Greetings, Crushers... especially Shaman! As everyone very well knows, we are doing very well in clearing MC and getting geared up. Furthermore, we are preparing as best we can to tackle BWL. In an effort to make the raids more efficient and to make sure we cycle some folks in, I will now be choosing the shaman roster each week. **Take Note** --> All signups for the shaman roster must be entered by Ony time on Sunday, whether we go or not. I will make the choices Sunday evening based on who is signed up. Failure to signup is no excuse, whether you are a regular or not. If for some reason you arent sure about your schedule, send me a private message and let me know why and that you would still like to be considered. Other things to note: 1. Many of our priests are cycling due to real life, and we may be short in coming weeks. With that in mind, healer shaman will be more valuable. This is not a matter of opinion - it is fact. Being resto is not the requisite... just being able to use the healing spells you have. 2. Preference will be given to those who have been there in the past. I am going to try and keep one slot for cycling out new people, however, to get experience and possibly loot. 3. As regulars begin finishing their loot goals, I will cycle them out on Wednesday's more often. Many of us, myself included, are nearing completion. 4. Friday will always be for those most prepared, as Rags is much more FR intensive. Almost all of our FR gear is from places other than MC... work out there so you can get in here! 5. (And last) Bring your A game! Wanna come back? Do a good job! Good luck out there in your preparations! Sign Up Early! New folks please be patient! We have a great crew, and once they are geared, they will all gladly cycle out to get you more experience, myself included! Baracko Your Shaman Warmonger
  13. Victory is ours! Hakkar has fallen to the might of Clan Skullcrusher! Thank you to everyone who came back for the second night! RAAAAAAAAAWRRRRR!
  14. *chuckles* My dreams usually involve loot and UNLIMITED POWAH, as Vrugz puts it. Shocker there! Honestly, I did have a dream once about not being able to clear the first mob in ZG for over an hour. Maube was screaming at me, Katak was laughing, Vrugz was sending me tells to do something... and then I left the raid.... that was when I woke up. *chuckles* *chuckles* The Worst is fever dreams... mine tend to be recurring - Ill have the same when 20 times in a night. My luck, it will involve the EF helm dropping for the first time in eons, only to be lost in the shuffle not unlike my Elements kilt was!
  15. Odenn wasnt going to be able to make it, so you're the man, Gordy. It will be good to have some experienced son pulling in there.
  16. As we've often told Depaa... PUT DOWN THE BONG!!
  17. Greetings! Due to our successful evening last night but lack of additional time, I will be putting together a group to go back into ZG and take down Hakkar tonight starting at roughly 9:00 server time. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my workout days, so I will try to be home in time... Those who were in the group AT THE START of the run last night will have first dibs on the slots. If those folks are not on by 9:05, I will begin filling their spots as needed. Bring your A game, and lets get this SOB down!
  18. Bah! Smed's a midwesterner too! Kal, I wish I could take the day off and head down to Mobile... Break a leg down there! Bar
  19. The ultimate goal is to clear all of them out... the problem is that we started on Monday's, and oftentimes, it resets the next day. Also, many arent as familiar with the place as others. However, I think we're making good progess... getting to Hakkar in a month in no small feat with a shifting roster. I just havent seen a way yet to make two days work. I havent had much time to work on it lately, but I hope to solve the problem soon (RL sucks!)
  20. Good luck, Bud! Knock em dead out there! Bar
  21. Woot! Add the Vestments to my list, Mauber! Belt, here I come.... Hat, well, Im not going to get my hopes up *winks*
  22. Ah, but in our runs, our priests being anywhere near OOM is usually followed by a "Can I get an innervate on <Insert Priest name here> please?" *grins*
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