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Everything posted by Maube

  1. VERY nice amahli - what medium did you use? Looks like Watercolors to me
  2. ::Maube walks up and posts a notice to the dragonhide noticeboard:: Attention Crushers! Due to my Frosty nature... I am having trouble with Primal Waters - will Trade other Primals for Water Primals - inquire at the Chief's tent!
  3. ::hugs Scryll:: Completely understand bud - get your affairs in order then get your Olog arse back to us =) hopefully before the baby is born and I am stuck taking my leave of absence =p
  4. Pinned for the valuable info Dabu Bar~!
  5. being that the baby is due soon - and I will be gone from 6 - 10 weeks (depending on how long it takes to get into a routine) Not a good idea for me to commit to something like this =p Dont think the other team will wait while I feed a newborn
  6. Well - if I am around and not busy with Kat - count my measly DPS in - I've done that event so many times my eyes are bleeding =p
  7. ::grins:: Just enough of a taste to make us curious...
  8. The Armored Drakes are an arena reward to the top Arena Team. Yeah like that is going to happen to many Horde in our Alliance dominated server =p
  9. Heroic Mode is all based on Rep in the various cities. Certain dungeons like Kharazan - Shattered Halls - ETC require a quest chain - WoWwiki is a great site for info =)
  10. Dont forget folks - this is tonight - take a break from throwing yourself at the level cap to spend some time with the Clan =) Oh and Al... Honorary Crushers are ALWAYS welcome to attend
  11. For those of you who think like I do... that our flying mounts look sick and diseased... There will be a chance for us to get Netherdrakes as posted by Drysc: Weird, I know I posted about this last Thursday. Well anyway, the armored Netherdrake will be available through the arenas as a reward, and a Netherdrake that has a distinctly different appearance from the armored Netherdrake will be available through a quest line which has not yet been implemented. It's likely that it will be implemented with the next major content patch. They're both epic flying mounts, just to clear up any confusion on their speed. Dont know how long that quest will take to get Implemented - but I know I will be grinding that quest out IMMEDIATLY upon its implementation! (My Netherdrake Whelp has to grow up sometime!)
  12. To give Heroic Dungeons a go... EVERYONE in the group needs to have the key... So this is going to be one helluvah rep grind for all the factions if folks want to try out the heroic modes. On another note... Shattered Halls is a nasty vile place... but a good old fashioned challenge. The first Boss went down at the same time I did (thank goodness) thanks to cold snap - my elemental and a critical frost bolt... but Yikes... his 20% health ability really sucks Uglutz' peetub. However - that seems to be the best way to work on Thrallmar rep past Honored. I believe Marrania and Verissi both have their keys (Or V just needs to kill a Felreaver)
  13. Maube


    Actually Bula... Ah think that to raise faction with a few...you have to kill Ogres... deh are not very good Ogres
  14. Whoa! Remind me to stay on Bula's good side! Excellent work =)
  15. Maube


    I havent decided what my BIG repgrind will be yet... However - Aldor is my faction and I am currently 1/2 through Honored. If you have any Fel Armaments or Mark of Sargeras you dont need - Name a reasonable price =)
  16. Enchanting: +40 Spell Power to Weapon +20 Spell Power to Bracer +15 Defense to Bracers +30 Intellect to Weapon HoT to surrounding group member to Weapon +35 Healing to Gloves +30 Healing to Bracer Tailoring: Imbued Netherweave set Silver Spellthread (+46 healing +15 stamina to pants) Spellstrike Hood
  17. 8:45pm game time in the Undercity Some Very relevant things to bring up about the direction of the guild - guidelines - and expectations. Ignorance isnt an excuse... so make sure if you cant be there for RL reasons - you find out what was discussed. This meeting will effect everyone!
  18. as if your insane Stamina doesnt help against casters Rel >.< My entire mana pool cant get you down anymore =p
  19. in other words... this is going to get bad again (population and Q time again) so we shouldnt think ourselves completely out of the woods for a Split... just not as immediate as we were thinking. ((of course consensus was among most of the horde guilds to move to the second option to try and get a Horde population upupup)0
  20. The finished products are BoP so it only relates to the person making it
  21. I am so torn right now... I get to choose a tailoring specialty now.... Question is... will I remain an Icemage to go for Shadoweave (Frost and Shadow damage - includes +sta) or will I end up Arcane/Fire for Spellweave (Arcane and Fire - includes +int and Crit chance) Dont normally go for +dmg in a specific school... but dang those patterns are purdy And then reading the forums... someone brought up a good point... The stuph you make from there could easily be Ousted by dungeon gear (should we ever get to that point) but the Primal Mooncloth lets you make 20 slot bags o.O Oh I am soooooooo discombobulated On further inspection... the mooncloth bag does NOT require a specialty in Primal mooncloth... which may be a bug
  22. Drysc in the General Forum: We're not currently in the planning stages for splitting any realms, nor are any specific realms on any sort of "list" of possible candidates. If and/or when we decide to move ahead with a realm split procedure we will be giving prior notice. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...07339&sid=1 I think the last someone counted - 86 Horde left...(that was the guilds and friends of folks that was tally'd)) I know some alliance left - but not the mass exodus that was Horde... sad that we are now even MORE imbalanced then before... and people are still allowed to come to the server.
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