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Everything posted by Maube

  1. I'll get Tazzo out to mine the Thorium for yah - need a break from Demon farming anyway
  2. ::tWiTcH:: Oh and Kytae... LOVE your new Avatar
  3. If you need me - let me know - I need patterns from the instances cept Black Morass and that one I just ike running
  4. Maube

    Primal Deal

    Unfortuantly Ko does not have the transmute recipes for Primals - just the Might - and I need so many of those damned Mights >< but after Maube is done getting her Mights - be glad to offer my transmute - although I am not planning n going Transmutation specialist with Ko - elixirs for Maubey baby!
  5. Maube

    Gruul's Lair

    I am really bummed out I missed it. But gawd this edema is bad. I think this might be a pattern - play one day - spend the next with the feet up. I thought I was waddling before - but now to bend one's feet is hurting >< Hopefully after Sunday I will have my glider and ottoman ( of course we have to get rid of our dining room table... we so need a new apt =/ ) and I can at least have the ottoman for my feet.
  6. Maube

    Gruul's Lair

    Poor Vrugz... stuck in CT with us crazy folks... hey at least that buffet was top notch
  7. All depends on when Vrugz comes to visit
  8. Specially when the cleavage is leaky =p
  9. Maube


    Apparently the address is Blacklisted - so Gra you may wish to call t he company up and figure out why they have been such. And if need be get your $$ back!
  10. Maube


    Thanks for checking in =) server just isnt the same without you folks
  11. Maube


    Just to let you all know - we are aware of the problem and hopefully can get it resolved as soon as possible. ::nudges Gra::
  12. I cannot come in and offer myself exclusively (with the baby coming and all) but any support I can offer =)
  13. Heh.. spellsteal will be fixed - because you are right - stacking that 6times isnt exactly working as intended... but we have already been nerfed. Hell I know many mages who have be shelved because of it. but hte video was sick =p
  14. ::comforts:: Sorry to hear that
  15. Mage.... Tank... Oh dear lord....
  16. Maube

    Gruul's Lair

    yup - level 70 - so Jiris/Tainish GET TO WORK =) I'm in until motherhood takes my WoW life away =)
  17. I just realized something... Call me dense... but you have the same birthday as my Brother-in-Law ::giggles::
  18. ::nods to Rel:: ko got into a couple groups like that before the Expac - and I am a ######ty hunter BUT you made contacts - so honestly - those contacts will help you get the gear - but I think themount is out of my reach - I am not Hardcore PvP enough for that. I enjoy it when I get really stressed out - but then again - I wont be sinking that much time once the baby is born
  19. Mobs can dispell it now... which means you iceblock - they dispell and continue beating on me =p and it is not an Absolute aggro dump regardless
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