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Hullo everyone!

Just wanted to pop on and say hello to everyone - dont want people thinking Kat threw us both into the nearest river :D

I am doing as well as can be expected on limited sleep and sore bewbies :D I think Gabe just hit a growth spurt because he has been voraciously hungry. Kat weighed him a couple of days ago and he is already 9 pounds. Hard to believe honestly! They grow so danged fast. Although lately he has been refusing to sleep at all - just little cat naps. makes me a little crazy and Kat upset =p


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Well no wonder he's cranky...he's mummified! :D Good to hear that all is ok and, don't worry, he'll get to sleeping more regularly soon enough :D

I love the hat too...wonder if they make adult-sized hats like that...

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Nice to hear from ya! Waldy is right, he'll be back to sleeping realtively soon, if indeed he is going through a growth spurt it doesn't surprise me too much that he hasn't been sleeping well.

::Pictures Waldy at his computer with adult sized version of gabe's hat on::

. . .

. . .

::falls out of chair laughing::

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Gah! Must not look at the baby picture. Must not develop that goofy grin I can't wipe off my face for an hour afterward. Must stand stro... damnit, too late! This is your fault, Maube, now people are going to wonder if I'm on drugs for the whole afternoon! Damned babies and their irresitable cuteness *muttermuttergrin* augh!

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He is cranky because we put mittens on him ??? He had an eye infection and they were itchy! He has almost grown out of that hat already and that makes me sad =p Today was a MUCh better day - of course escaping the house without him for 2 hours was a nice change... but I did come back to a VERY frazzled Kat. Tomorrow is going to be a rough night for all of us - my mom turns 60 on Sat. and my dad is throwing her a surprise party - so I am leaving Gabe with my friend for 3-4 hours :yahoo: I hope I make it through! Been pumpin all week to try and store up enough milk to get him through - and then Saturday he gets baptised :0 great Birthday present for his Nana. Lets just hope he doesnt go gassy again! Now that is misery for everyone - cant make him happy because the gas hurts =(

Last night he only woke up twice... but that was probably because I was cosleeping =p not something I was planning on doing - but it makes breastfeeding sooooooo much easier. Although my arm usually is numb when I get up in the morning.

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Fresh Update:

My days are spent on the couch nursing constantly. Gabe takes after his father in mannerisms as well. They say at 5weeks BFing get easier..

It better get easier =p my bewbies werent made to be constantly in Gabe's mouth. I swear... ia m a human pacifer.. waking hours are usually spent latched onto me =p

Breastfeeding is the best choice for Gabe... but dang it is more inconvienent when you have a baby who likes to comfort suck =p It is a heckofalotcheaper. And Kat is thrilled that he doesnt have to take a midnight feeding =p Of course I think we lucked out - for what he lacks in sleep during the day - he sleeps like a rock at night now. Sure he wakes up 2-4 times a night to eat - but since I cosleep with him - he nurses in his sleep and I nurse him in mine :D So I usually get at LEAST 4 hours of sleep a day =p daytime naps are a bust tho - unless I luck out. He will eat then fall asleep but if I move at ALL - he is back awake and demanding more nursing =p

He is growing very well tho - at least 11lbs already - already holding his head up - scooting around on us (usually to get to his food source) enjoying his tummy time and VERY observant. Tho he is almost too big for his newborn clothes =( Makes me wanna cry!

I finally got my hair cut - 11 inches of hair sent off to Locks for Love - and you'd be proud... I didn't cry! Still adjusting tho :p


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