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Everything posted by Volonazra

  1. Ah yub annuddah apprentiz ready fur da trial. Lurn da sekretz here http://www.wowmb.net/content/Dreadsteed.htm Dit hab pikturz if yu nub read su gud. harhar Xaoz is da keepah uv da shadow artifactz, him will ovahsee da ritual wid yu. Alzu, all da materialz needed kan be ubtained frum da many crushaz. Su, skribul wat fingz yu needin agh wez help if wez kan.
  2. I will try to be there too. How can i miss out on the AOE fest?
  3. I will try to be there.
  4. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5...8263801&q=loose 9/11 documentary. From the people here. http://www.loosechange911.com/
  5. Leroy? Nah, he's Da Dancin Queen. Dont ask him, he denies it, but it is the truth. He sings ABBA while fighting. Maybe just an inspired moment in DM, but he was definately serenading us on TS with Dancing Queen. There were witnesses. Anyhow, Happy Birthday Greenbull!
  6. Volonazra


    Thanks for saying so. We may not have the fastest, most productive, most experienced, most "raid professional" groups in the world. But you WILL have a good time. Woogah!
  7. link to our under used gallery, straight from the homepage. http://wow.thehonorempire.net/gallery/
  8. Nice shots. Would you please upload some to our homepage? Thanks.
  9. Anyone in central Ohio is welcome to join the central OH party. Last minute notice i know, i only heard Crik was having people over late last night too. It will be held in Columbus. Starting at 8pm and going until whenever. Ill be checking in, PM me with your phone number and ill call for more details.
  10. Volonazra

    Add ons

    I had used Insomniax for a long time. It just got too memory intense for my computer. If you have a good system, defiantely check it out. currently i still need a few things: CTraid is a must in end game, also i use most of the rest of Ctmod. Scrolling Combat Text, configurable on screen combat info. SCT is good for every class. SCT not only tells you damage, but other combat info as well. Sort Enchant, and Enchantingdatabase are very helpful if you enchant. Sortenchant, well, sorts your enchantments into categories. Enchantdb will help you price your enchants according to the current AH prices of materials. Bank info addon (i forget the name) lets you view your bank contents of any of your characters, anywhere. Very helpfull if you have alot of alts. Necrosis, or Servitutde if you are a warlock. I personally prefer Necrosis. It has spell timers, shard tracker, add buttons for just about everything you can summon, announces to raid/group things like summoning, seduced target, etc. Also it gives audio cues on events like "shadowtrance"
  11. - World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.9.4 (2006-02-09) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General - A new Guild Recruitment channel has been added. This channel will be on by default. - Fixed a bug that could cause players to appear to be porting around in a small area. Mac - Addresses a timing accuracy issue on Intel-Mac systems that affected the perceived speed and/or progress of transports and other moving objects in the world; PowerPC-Mac systems were not affected. Yay! More spam to deal with!
  12. Thats right ogres! The Skullcrushers are running things from now on. Wheres our tribute peasant?
  13. The chieftan pays homage to a fallen hero. Volonazra hoped one day he would make a difference worth of a shrine to built and live up to the legacy of his ancestors.
  14. Facing Gar, the Argent Covenant planned the attack. The Chieftain had to use his power to banish the elemental and keep them at bay or die trying.
  15. The apprentice is now almost master himself. He begins the ritual to bind a powerful dreadstead to himself. He will truely feel the power of the shadow path, if he survies...
  16. Happy Valentines Day to all! Who has a date tonight? What are your date plans? What kind of romantic things are you doing for the ones you love, or want to "love"? Who could care less about this "holiday"? Is anyone unable to be with their valentine today? What will you be doing if you dont have any romantic encounters tonight? As for me, the love of my life is in Denver for some work confrence. So, nub lubin fur da Chief. I sent her off on Sun. with a card made by me and my two little girls. I hid a series of love notes in her luggage and paperwork she took. She called and said she only found two of the three. I plan to pick her up tomorrow and will bring her some simple flowers. So, im probably kicking around WoW tonight. Whatever you are all are doing, I hope it brings a smile to your face.
  17. Honor ta Howlin Wind! Datz da Horde Spirit at wurk!
  18. Itz ah time uv nuw lub an romanz. Bruddahz dunt furgit latz schweethartz diz yeer. http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/info/events/loveisintheair/
  19. We will be here. You will be missed. Last night we were talking about who was the first Crusher that you recall getting to know/friendly with. Took me awhile...then I realized it was you. We were all young an naive, running around the Sepulcher. Met you by coincidence in where the werewolves live. You took and POSTED those intimate pictures of what appeared to be naughty encounter with a deadie. I was tricked! Ahhh good times.
  20. no doubt It seems the simpler things get for people the more spoiled and helpless they become. Ahh humans....sigh...
  21. Thats ok Greenbull, sometimes you just cant un-see things and this is one of those times.
  22. Josh, you already know how I feel about it. Call me. My brother-in-law knows a lawyer specializing in traffic stuff, I can get his info. Eric said he would talk to you and let you know up front what he thinks he can do for you and the fee. Get ahold of me.
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