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Everything posted by Kieranna

  1. Sleep is overrated. CONGRATULATIONS V!
  2. *Ice traps Perthes* Shhh......we already had 1 day without it...don't jinx the time they do flip the switch! *Holds her breath to stop her heart from pounding so fast from excitement*
  3. "You have grown strong young one" A distant voice caressed the inner reaches of Saephere's conciousness. "Last time, my eyes fell apon you, we were just getting settled into the orphanage." Saephere's breath quickened as she tossed and turned in her bed. "Soon we will be together again". The voice sounded so familiar yet so....unfamiliar. "The time will come soon enough young one...togther again.....at last." The voice fadded into the distance. Saephere bolted into a sitting position, her ears listening for traces of movement in her room. Beads of sweat had formed and clung to her brow. "Saephere? Are you ok?" A comforting voice came from just beyond the curtain. A cool breeze met Saephere as the cutains were pulled aside, revealing a strong slim figue standing above her. Kieranna knelt down beside Saephere's bed. "Are you ok? You were causing quite a comotion in your sleep." she said as she placed her hand on Saephere's head. "It' was just a dream. I am ok Kier." Kieranna did not look convinced. A soft sigh escaped the redhead's lips. "Really, I am ok." Saephere forced a smile to appear. Kieranna's emerald orbs traced Saephere's face, searching for answers that may be etched in. Silence blanketed the room as the two sat staring at eachother. "I'm here if you need me young one." Kieranna whispered into the night. She grasped Saephere's hands for a brief moment before taking her leave back to her own room. Saephere made her way to her bedroom window overlooking the streets of Silvermoon. Saephere watched as the night owls roamed around the city going about their business. Her thoughts racing back to the dream and back to the conversation with Kieranna. It was a dream...wasn't it? The voice had sounded so familar. She knew she heard that voice before...but from where?
  4. *stares off into the distance as if in a trance and speaks softly* Yes, trouble is brewing very near. I will be here for both of you and for the Clan in the upcoming times of need. Together, we will get through this and come out on top. *Curtsies to the Clan members, she mounts her War Talbuck and sets off into the cool night to think*
  5. I want to apologize for the continued absences for the past 3 weeks. I apreciate everyone's patience and concern. I am steadily defeating this naisty bug. After the rest and the meds, it looks like I can come back next week I look forward to see you all in TK next week P.S. I am glad to hear you are ok after a fall like that, Maube. Pwease be careful! *hugs*
  6. Pssst...Perthes. Come here.....*looks around and motions for Perthes to come closer and whispers* stop downloading porn.
  7. *Is frightened* um...help O.O;
  8. Ello ello all! I really want to get started on our raid drawing. If I can meet up with as many of you as I can for individual shots this evening that would be great. Just whisper my name if you are able to spare some time for me and my camara before tonights raid Edit: Ok...that didn't work. Please send tell to me in-game when you are available for glamor shots. Pwease! Pwease! Pwease!
  9. Grats! That is a well deserved victory! Here you each get a cookie! *starts handing out chocolate chip cookies*
  10. Sorry ain't cutting it. You're both on my trouble-makers list. Do you have ANY idea how many gray hairs I generated when Maube told me that you two wouldn't be able to make it? For some reason I thought you were bald.. But then again... I have been wrong before Happy Birthday! Bald? I thought he still had 1 lone gray hair left! What happened to it!
  11. With Holy not feeling well and Xephist out of town. Kara is the best option Send me a PM if you can and want to go to Kara. I want to try to fill in the spots before the run tonight. FEEL BETTER HOLY!
  12. By the time you have your alt up to 70.. The expansion will be out and you will be looking for better gear during the 71-80 grind But yeah.. im in the same boat Kieranna .. I have my lil Rakin at 61.. and it feels like its taking forever to level up lol.. I want to try and get him up FAST to get rolling in Kara and Gruuls / Mags runs. Haha I know. That is what is sad. I still have so do with Kier, it's hard to put her aside to level Saephere. At this rate, by the time I get Saephere to level 40, the expansion will be out. What to do?
  13. I wish I could bring my alt, Saephere. Sadly, she is still way too small.
  14. Don't worry about it at all Orcala. I hope you are feeling better.
  15. Maube's Hamfist is fatal. I would not want to be on the recieving end of it. Fear the Hamfist! Good work all! Grats to those who recieved thier T5 Gloves! You deserved it!
  16. *Blush* Anywho, please come early so I can get some screenshots together. Ham it up for my camera
  17. For all wondering, it was BOTH the motherboard and video card. We have both ordered and in the mail on rush. Hopefully this will fix it. If not, it is back to square one and getting a new computer which will take a little longer to do. Jas is able to log in while I am at work, so when you see both of us on, it is because I am on my work computer and he is on the one I use. At least he has a little WoW fix while I am at work so he is not completely climbing the walls. Key word...."completely". Cross your fingers and let's hope the new motherboard and video card work! *crosses fingers* Update: Video card and MB card came in. Now we just need our computer savvy friend to get everything set up. Hopefully that will be tomorrow at the latest.
  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY NAWT! *HUGS* Happy Birthday!
  19. Hey everyone! I'm bummed I couldn't go. I was with you all in spirit. I can't wait until next week Hopefully, Ori will get his T4 pieces BEFORE his T5. ~Kier~
  20. *chuckles* Holy you might want to wipe the drool dripping down your chin ;c)
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