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Everything posted by Orcala

  1. This shirts only around today: http://riptapparel.com/service#whendoigetmyshirt I already bought one haha
  2. Orcala


    The part where the baby was sucking on the extension cord was hilarious haha
  3. ... got to find a black lioness to tame and name her orcala ... and she'll stay in the stables at all times afk Haha my hunter tamed a cheetah and named it Orcala. One thing they didn't change in the new expansion is travel form!
  4. I love the lava spiders my hunter has one! He's hot
  5. December 7th the new game comes out! Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/World-Warcraft-Catac...c/dp/B002I0HKIU Gamestop: http://www.gamestop.com/browse/ProductMerc...;loc=homeflash1
  6. Definitely me I have a wolf collection!
  7. Orcala


    The piano solo at the end was great hahaha HIDE YER HUSBAND!
  8. Orcala

    Undying run

    /afraid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enz0gNLctaA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfGDhQ-WZtU http://img354.imageshack.us/img354/2528/catcarxk1.gif says it all Calling all monster trucks!
  9. I actually did this already with one of my alts but I am willing to sign anyone's charter!
  10. Was fun but we need a break. See you in the raid again in the expansion, I'll be trollin then!
  11. Motivational speeh for today, it's not over just because we beat the game!
  12. Yeah until I pay up my account on Thursday haha
  13. I can heal. Also here's an informative video on how to fight 3rd graders if you get into that situation before the raid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kZ9YfB9Q3U
  14. LOL We got an extra achievement for having Orcala with us. Shhh or i'll slap ya back to China!
  15. It's been fun having you as a raid leader over the years and glad to hear you won't be leaving the game for good! Will you consider me tanking 10 man again in the expansion? PS: I really was in the process of getting my gun permit last Wednesday, hope that's not the reason why that's canceled now!
  16. Sorry Ug, but it has corn syrup in it, so she most likely won't fall for the trap. ... On the other hand: gimme that carton. *grabs spoon* Little FYI for tonight: Orcala and I will be on, but there's a nasty-ass thunderstorm over my home as I type this. So if we go poof, it's not because we kicked out the modem cable Hahaha No it has Reeses in it! Dam it's raining and the icecream truck is hiding... maybe Lieutenant Dan has some in his pan he likes hiding them cones in there!
  17. I've been practicing karate, let's get the Lich King this week!
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