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Everything posted by Orcala

  1. Sorry about yesterday I thought we raided until 10:30 and were going over to finish that last wing. Holy didn't tell me until I shut down my computer that you were finishing the last two guys up too. You have permission to boot me if it happens again no matter what holy says. (just because hes main tank and i'm his gf doesn't mean I get to screw up!)
  2. A belated happy birthday and you're old to you sir!
  3. Woo i'm not at the bottom of DKP anymore! Thanks Anamarie for showing us how low it can go wahaha
  4. I think I know of a feral that wouldn't mind a spot. Especially since he is now 95% NOT going away to play in the sandbox. Sweet if you want to swap with me be my guest so you can get that staff! Oh and you lucked out for not going there, those kids don't play nice..
  5. So uh... do I get a break this week since I went last week???
  6. I was poking around to see who in the Boston area from my guild would like to get together for a a Boston meetup. If anyone in the Skullcrushers have any interest let me know on this thread or the Ani thread here: http://unrestrained.guildportal.com/Guild....dMsgID=39842017 Want some caaandy? BOSTON WARCRAFT MEETING: LFG 2009 (Sept 5th & 6th) ATTENDEES: (1) Karrock (2) Lagduff (3) Räyce (4) Dialight & wife (5) Zivosha (6) Lillianar (7) Orcala (8) Holyssa (9) Nais (10) Neela (possibly) (11) Zenjaya/Dreguuz(possibly) THE AGENDA: Friday, September 4th, 2009 8:00PM - Anyone arriving out of state or at a hotel and want to get together for dinner and a drink can contact me via cell. (please PM me here or send me a tell online if you would like my cell #) **NOT MANDATORY SINCE MAIN MEET WILL BE SATURDAY Saturday, September 5th, 2009 10:00AM - Grab some breakfast at Cambridgeside Galleria Mall DIRECTIONS:Take Green Line MBTA to Lechmere Station 12:00PM - Meet at the Museum of Science and see the exhibitions. (also purchase tickets for Duck Tours) DIRECTIONS:Take Green Line MBTA to Museum of Science Station 2:00PM - Tour Boston on the Duck Tours DIRECTIONS: Right outside MOS is the Duck Tours pickup/dropoff 4:00PM - Walk through Boston Public Garden DIRECTIONS: Take Green Line MBTA to Arlington Street Station 4:30PM - Dinner at Cheers Beacon Hill DIRECTIONS: Take Green Line MBTA to Museum of Science Station, walk through the public garden to Beacon Street. Located on 84 Beacon Street. 6PM-8PM - Break time! 8:00PM - Meetup at McGann's Pub (197 Portland St.) DIRECTIONS: located just off the green line at the North Station stop. Straight across from the TDBANK NORTHGARDEN. Sunday, September 6th, 2009 10:00AM - Akido Tekkojuku of Boston (taking a class for fun with Rayce) DIRECTIONS: 561 Windsor Street, Room B404 Somerville, MA (will hammer out how exactly to get there later on) 12:00PM - Meet at RedBones in Davis Square for Brunch DIRECTIONS: Take Red Line MBTA to Davis Station 2:00PM - Catch a Movie at Loews Theater Boston then hang out at the Boston Common DIRECTIONS:Take Green Line MBTA to Boylston Station 4:00PM - Say Goodbyes! WHEN: September 5th & 6th. (Early arrivals on Friday the 4th can also meet that night) WHERE: Boston WHY: To put a face to a name/voice and see others again from previous meets! ACCOMODATIONS: Usually I prefer the Sheraton Boston Hotel which is located right next to the Hynes conventions center and Copley Mall, But the Park Plaza Hotel is another choice and is less pricey. Hotels.com might be your best bet to get the best deal: http://www.hotels.com/ Sheraton Boston Hotel (This hotel is right on the MBTA green line, Prudential or Hynes convention center stop) Park Plaza Hotel Boston (This hotel is right on the MBTA green line, Arlington stop) Double up! If you know anyone going that's willing to share a room try to go for double beds and split the cost to save $$. Another option is to stay with friends and family in the Boston area, gives you an excuse to see grandma =P TRUST ME... you'll have fun
  7. Umm yeah probably... I say we dump dkp for a new start once Uldar comes out to avoid people doing this. (Uldar won't probably be out for at least a month)
  8. On the Wednesday night douche run with Karrock we got almost all the achievements in Naxx in one night so at least I have a idea of what they will be. (like staying alive during the safety dance fight!) I know the heroic 25 is obviously a bit harder, but we could pull off all the achievements by the time the patch comes out!
  9. I didn't realize that BWL was after Gruul. You are on a roll in this thread orcala Oh jesus I mean Black Temple! They both have the word black in them... ....Yeah I don't know how I got into Schaden haha
  10. Well i'm with ya (at the bottom). The DKP shouldn't be a issue really since Uldar won't be out for awhile. (they are starting to test it now right?) Personally I think DKP should be reset like when we went from Gruul to BWL and SSC. Naxx is like kara of this expansion, we haven't hit the challenging content yet. **For example, when I briefly ran with schadenfreude in BC we had separate DKP for every dungeon to avoid these issues. It's more work to have separate DKP tables probably, but it would help.
  11. *points at the Edit Post button* I swear, you're blind. I too will be out tonight with everyone's favorite AFKing furry. Do your best in Naxx tonight! I an NOT a furry!
  12. I just noticed I said "hell" to all. sorry about that haha See you all on Thursday!
  13. Hell all, I won't be able to make it tonight due to a family emergency I just became aware of. Sorry for the late notice, but I can't mark the raid calendar as declined since I don't have WoW on this computer.
  14. Haha bottom of the barrel for you!
  15. I agree! That sounds delicious and functional.
  16. Hey you gave notice it's not like you dropped everything today =) Cal and a few others will probably like to take the reigns so it's not the end of the world for us. Leading is very time consuming, so hopefully this will give you some stress relief
  17. Good thing I bid on the T7 chest last night, with the new upgrades if I still lack DPS... it's Holy's fault for making me do the dishes.
  18. Thanks guys! I found out the hit cap for druids against a level 83 mob is 262.32 so i'll try for that. Also this thread was helpful on the WoW official class forums: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.h...76427&sid=1 Looks like my dps rotation is spot on its just gear/pots (need to farm more) Here you go Eigun in case you haven't seen the thread>> The order of importance for your DPS bleeds // Debuffs are as follows: -Savage Roar (This is a combo point move and usually gets put up immediately and is usually efficient with 2-5 combo points) -Mangle (You need this mostly for the debuff not for the damage as it is less DPE than shred, If there is an Arms warrior in the raid with trauma you should find you seldom click this button) -Rip (Major combo point bleed but you need points to use it, use at 4+ for best results.) -Rake (This is your major bleed, be sure that it FALLS OFF so you get the last tic or you are wasting energy and the DPE for this move is decreased thereby decreasing your DPS, but be sure to refresh it as soon as it falls off) -FFF (Obviously this helps DPS because it reduces armor therefore your shreds do more damage)
  19. I see my dps is pretty much near the bottom on the statistics page. I honestly don't know what else to do (enchanted everything and beefing up +hit) I'll have to give up my afk addiction I guess... My boots still have to be gemmed since I won them last night but does anyone have any suggestions? My armory: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.x...wn&n=Orcala
  20. Yeah I saw it too, we weren't drinking! But seriously with Naxx and the other content we have done so far doesn't seem nearly as challenging as BC content. Thank god they have achievements for the dragon + adds! Also we probably don't have to worry about healers sitting out. If need be i'll "adopt a healer" for a night and pay the respeccing fees.
  21. With the upcoming dual specs I don't think it will be a problem if everyone gets a decent dps/healy set. (most likely in the Uldar content patch). I can't think of any instances we really have to worry about now.
  22. Sweet I need to get my rep up, and my DK started on the crap too =P
  23. The DPS meter really helps to get my ass in gear and start gemming. Thanks Kailand!
  24. I am INFJ (Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Judging) Famous INFJs: Nathaniel Hawthorne Fanny Crosby, (blind) hymnist Mother Teresa of Calcutta Fred McMurray (My Three Sons) Shirley Temple Black, child actor, ambassador Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, martyr James Reston, newspaper reporter Shirley McClain (Sweet Charity, ...) Piers Anthony, author ("Xanth" series) Michael Landon (Little House on the Prairie) Tom Selleck John Katz, critic, author Paul Stookey (Peter, Paul and Mary) U. S. Senator Carol Moseley-Braun (D-IL) Billy Crystal Garry Trudeau (Doonesbury) Nelson Mandela Mel Gibson Carrie Fisher Nicole Kidman Jerry Seinfeld Jamie Foxx Sela Ward Mark Harmon Gary Dourdan Marg Helgaberger Evangeline Lilly Tori May
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