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Everything posted by Eigun

  1. Hrm. Boss fights says you're #4.
  2. AGAIN with this crap. Bump to remind people NOT to click on links.
  3. Date is set. Let me know if you would like to be added to the list! bump for antibump
  4. Then you are a shame to your parents. Scryll: 10 points! Nicely done! Now *THAT* was funny! Epic.
  5. I'm Asian and I don't understand this.
  6. Fixed. Am I the only one who thinks Holy secretly wants to upgrade his girlfriend to Zu or Kail?
  7. 1. Hook it up first. 2. Tell me if the damned thing works before you even celebrate. lol 3. ? ? ? 4. Profit. I know of no other couples that live together that communicate primarily through the forums or in-game chat.
  8. I didn't look at it but then you said it was russian porn so I clicked on it, and now my life is both better and worse.
  9. This is an unanswerable question without specifically considering spec. A raid destro build will have a very different play style then a 5 man affliction build. As a demonolog.y lock, on bosses, I send the felguard in and hit demonic empowerment every time it is up. Depending on whether I have another dps caster in the group, I'll either apply curse of elements, or, if I'm the only one and I don't expect a very long fight, curse of agony, then corruption and the fire one (forget the name). Then shadowbolt spam. Depending on the mechanics of the boss, I may run in, pop metamorphosis, set the area on fire while continuing to blast shadowbolts and refreshing the three dots. That combination of damage is generally enough to keep the demon healed up. The downside is, if I don't have awesome healers, I will have to life tap/siphon life in order to keep going. But that's my limited experience on a build optimized for soloing. Draegloth seems to do pretty well in a raid-specific build. Check out Zu's 25 man raid thread and look at the WWS for breakdowns of his damage.
  10. On a slightly different note... It would probably be a much more efficient usage of time if we tried pooling our fishing efforts to make fish feasts for everyone. That is to say, instead of 5 people fishing all over the place to each bring a handful of fish feasts, we could probably just pick a person and have them always lay it out for everyone. Then we would just donate fish and/or spices to that individual. In the spirit of giving (and since I won't be here the next two weeks), I'll donate 100 spices and four stacks of nettlefish to Kalea, for her to make fish feasts for everyone, all the time. So, without us micromanaging the fish bank, I hope everyone will just find the good will to donate fish feast mats to Kalea and have her centralize our food buffs. Thanks Momma K!
  11. From any other person this would be a lame excuse and I would call shenanigans. But it's Orcala, so I actually believe her. Now, the real debate: What's worse? Making lame excuses, or being so absent-minded that people are unsurprised when this kind of stuff happens?
  12. I think I know of a feral that wouldn't mind a spot. Especially since he is now 95% NOT going away to play in the sandbox.
  13. Eigun


    Having read and re-read this story dozens of times, I have to say I was very happy with the film. Has anyone seen it that had not read the book first?
  14. Eigun


    Happy birthday, Kalea!
  15. I an NOT a furry! So you are a shaved.... not gonna go there I will! EVERYONE loves a not-unshaved kitty! Even Zu!
  16. Shut up, you goddamn monkey. Go back to when I was still out-dpsing you. How's that for feedback?
  17. I don't know how or if this would work, but how about receiving a partial refund on an item if the same slot is upgraded again? Say, I take a weapon worth 200 dkp. Later on, another weapon drops worth 250 dkp. I would be credited with half the dkp back from the first weapon, so that the new item cost would only be 250-100=150. This way people who incrementally upgrade don't get into a hole they can't get out of, and it still rewards people who wait for best in slot items. You all should really speak up more and tell me to shut up, otherwise I just keep spouting garbage and wasting everyone's time.
  18. Not that I have any opinion in this any more, but here goes anyway, Mr. SpeckleDust. 1) DKP hoarding vs. spending: Some raiders tend to gear incrementally (an upgrade is an upgrade). Others choose to go in big chunks (my best in slot is going to drop, so why bother?). I don't think you can state categorically that all those who spent lots of dkp did so foolishly or haphazardly (although maybe some did). Furthermore, if an incremental upgrade is sharded because "it's not worth the DKP", then how does that help the raid? 2) "Punishing" DKP hoarders: If anyone was really hoarding Naxx dkp because they thought they would get the jump on Ulduar pieces, speak now... A raider that waits for best in slot vs. incremental upgrade will always be such. They are likely to hold out in Ulduar for best in slot also. So... regarding DKP "mistakes"... If one of us has "spent" DKP mistakenly, does it not behoove us as a team to advise such player? Or are we so concerned about pecking order that we are secretly cheering when said player !needs on an item? (PLEASE stop telling Orcala that things are offspec!!!!). I'm not suggesting that we are all responsible for each other, but... we're all responsible for each other. Why is it reasonable that if someone needs an upgrade, we all agree to farm a run until they get their drop, but if it's regarding DKP, we hush up and let them fail? In a perfect world, we would be able to main-spec roll for an item, IF no one else rolled for offspec, at a reduced DKP cost. That would balance out the min/maxers plus the incrementals. Would it lead to abuse? Probably. But this is a pretty cool bunch of folks, so maybe it wouldn't be that bad.
  19. Happy birthday man. Wait... if YOU'RE getting older, then that means your SISTER is getting older too... you better get me her myspace page quick before she gets too old for me.
  20. Although I haven't been a Crusher as long as others here, I've been raiding with you clowns since Gruul/Mags got started up at the end of summer 2007. Hands down, without question, all the memories since those days have been the most fun I've ever had with a game, any game. And I've got you guys to thank for it. Don't be a stranger.
  21. So, for those of you that didn't know, I have a fun job which I will not be discussing in detail. However, I recently endured having camera crews hovering nearby for the past six months as Spike TV filmed a reality show starring some very good friends and co-workers of mine. Although, from all reports, season 1 sucked (because it was in Detroit), I've seen advance screenings and this coming season is much, much better. Season 2 premiers this Tuesday, Feb 10th. I encourage all of you to check it out. http://www.spike.com/show/26319
  22. Since Karrock has graciously volunteered to sit to help in raid progression, I thought I would bring up the simple point of contention that he's missing, since he's a mouth-breathing idiot: DPS is not being allowed to sit so that an extra healer can run. At this time, only healers are being asked to sit. Which leads to the obvious follow-up question of, even if they're not being ASKED to sit, can DPS OFFER to sit, to allow healers to continue gearing? Which means, when (as has happened so far, on almost EVERY SINGLE NIGHT we have raided) a raider isn't available, we don't necessarily try to replace that raider with the same type. We simply run with an extra healer. Or, we have a healer DPS. I don't think it would be unreasonable to have the raid bank split 50/50 the costs of the two respecs for a healer to switch to dps for a night and then back again. Or, we could ask for volunteers - you pay your own respec costs, but you get a DKP discount on any items you bid for that night. God forbid we try to get the crappy mod to do something even more complicated. Consequences of this are clear: DPS races might be harder. Balancing things might be trickier. But, to me, this seems like a fair balance between helping raid progression while not unfairly putting a burden on a single, hard to replace class. Now, on to the reason for all this: Conversations about Ulduar and what may or may not happen when that content arrives are not reliable and barely relevant. You can't predict the weather a week out, so there's no way of predicting what will happen in real life to 26 different people two months from now. Although I hate to see it happen, it isn't just possible but probable that between now and Ulduar someone will have some crap come up and this entire conversation will be a moot point. And, since no one has yet been asked to sit, clearly, what we're currently doing is working. To me, I see it as two options: 1) Decide what to do with 26 raiders now, and prepare for content that is two months away. Pros: We'll be ready to jump right in to Ulduar immediately and compete for server firsts. Cons: If we decide now, we may or may not cause some angst. 2) Hold off on that process until Ulduar hits and worry about it then. Pros: We'll get back to the business of having fun with a game instead of having this hang over our heads and being resentful of each other. Cons: We run the risk of the problem not going away, us having to deal with it on a larger scale later, and not being ready for Ulduar immediately when the content hits. Make up your minds already, you bunch of goddamn monkeys. It's not rocket surgery!!!
  23. You're half right, Xeno. Yes, we've never had a week where we haven't had a replacement. Although it is occasionally a healer, it seems to me like we end up missing tanks and dps much more often. Now, if missing a tank or dps meant that we ran with an extra healer and were short a tank/dps slot, then I wouldn't see a problem. But it looks like we are trying to replace tanks with tanks, and dps with dps, instead of allowing us to have all our regulars run, including our extra healers. Which, if we think about our goals, may or may not matter. If our goal is to enjoy playing this game with the people we enjoy playing it with, then, we won't force a particular class to sit. On those extremely rare nights when everyone is available (hasn't happened yet) we could always ask for volunteers, and maybe one of the bored folks would rather PVP or work on an alt or something. If, however, our goal is progression, then we shouldn't care about keeping people happy, as long as "the raid" gets its kills. In September of 2007, I recall telling Elrikk, Loot Whore In Training - "Stop worrying about loot. We're never, ever, EVER going to see the inside of Black Temple. Just be thankful we're playing this game." And look where THAT advice has gotten us.
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