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Everything posted by Eigun

  1. Guys - Sorry for the short notice, but I won't be able to down Vashj tonight. Hopefully Xeno may be around to take my place. The friend whose computer I was allowed to use is expecting to entertain female company tonight, and he was not thrilled about having me in his bedroom. Even though I promised that I would only look once or twice. T-minus 13 days until my new machine arrives.... Eigun
  2. Bad news: Ship date on my computer is April 4th. Which means I should have it around the 10th. Good news: I "convinced" a friend to let me install WoW on his computer. I also "convinced" him to give me an extra key to his place so that I can raid. I *should* have it worked out ok for the next few weeks until my machine arrives, but I'll keep you all posted.
  3. I'm writing this from my wife's 8 year old mac powerbook g4. I can't even get past initial boot - I just go right to Blue Screen of Death. That'll teach you not to back up all your important information. Sorry about tonight guys - I'm going to pull the hard drives and bring them somewhere to try to reinstall windows. Barring that, I'll need a completely new machine. <singing> "I...... love technology...."
  4. Please please please please reread my list of debuffs and tell me if any of them sound remotely realistic. Druids do NOT have these things. Well, the thing where Baracko dies, yes, but not the other ones.
  5. Personally, I use 8 debuffs on every boss fight. While they don't seem that great, they really increase my personal dps quite a bit. They are: 1) Mangle: +30% bleed damage on bleed attacks. Also affects Shred. Lasts 12 seconds. 2) Faerie Fire: -1955 armor, target unable to stealth or turn invisible. Healing reduced by 75%. Lasts 30 seconds. If your other druids aren't coming up with the same number it's because I'm uber. Also I spent points to get to the 36 point talent spec. 3) Nature's Wrathful Draining: 12 second cast time, 3865 mana. Consumes one Fel Lotus OR Large Prismatic Shard. Causes 850 nature damage per second, + multiplier by every non-nature damage DOT on the target, ie, two affliction spells = x 1.2, three = 1.3, 12 DOTs = x2.2. Lasts 45 seconds. Again, you have to spec for this. 4) Shadow of the Silent Claw: Lasts 60 seconds. Melee threat caused by party members decreased by 1.5%, but all healing threat increased by 40%. This debuff is only available if you have completed the heroic quest chain. 5) Gift of Malorne: Lasts 60 seconds. All DOTs also have a 2.5% chance to return the damage as a HOT divided evenly among all party members. Chance for spell critical strike reduced by 40%, 20% for nature spells. 6) Memories of Illidan: Each time a melee attack is dodged or parried, applies a +2 reduction in chance for next melee to be dodged or parried; but also reduces melee critical strike damage by 50%. Stacks five times. Lasts ten seconds. 7) Aura of Deadly Protection: Increases the damage that plate-wearing classes will cause by 0.5%. Also increases the likelihood that DPS plate armor will drop by 85%. 8) Ysera's Curse: Chance (0.2%, talent spec increaseed to 4.0%) for Baracko to die on each melee hit. I like keeping all 8 debuffs up as long as I can, but if you're going to spec Affliction, Helreath, I guess I can drop one of these dots. The only question is... which one?
  6. Hey guys - I apologize in advance for those that might get tweaked by this message, so I ask you all to take everything I say with a grain of salt. Remember, it's a forum post, so the way you read it and the way I meant it might not exactly match up. I blame you for your inability to read my mind. Having said that, I know we've all been having a lot of fun, and not just of the winning = fun type, either. This is, without a doubt, the most fun I've had since I started playing this game. You guys all rock, and I really mean that. So, I'd like to ask you all for a little favor - namely, two minutes of your time while you read this post. As we've all loosened up and become more comfortable with each other, several humorous themes have developed on the TS chatter - such as, Harne's mom, Baracko always dies, etc, etc. One of these ongoing jokes has evolved into something that I'm not entirely comfortable with. That is, "Baracko gives happy endings for $5" has begun to increasingly incorporate a bad Asian accent and/or mimicry of the Vietnamese prostitute character's dialogue from "Full Metal Jacket". Which, in itself, is sort of funny, in the absurdity of the comparison of Baracko to an Asian whore. But the reason I'm bringing it up is because (having dealt with it from personal experience) it reinforces a negative stereotype about Asian women that I don't appreciate. Please note that I am NOT insinuating that ANYONE in this raid is or was a racist, intentionally or unintentionally. But I am saying that people might not be aware that it's a stereotype that Asians have worked long and hard to overcome, and using that stereotype, even in jest, serves only to reinforce those negative cultural beliefs. Now, you'll note that NOWHERE in this post did I ask anyone to stop the joke, or that anything race-related was off-limits. I wrote this post simply because some of you may not have thought about this before. So I wanted you all to be informed enough to make your own decisions. But please understand that I cringe and a little piece of me dies every time I hear, "me sucky sucky love you long time". And then, I steal a kitten from Calendar, and put it in a blender. - Eigun
  7. I've known her longer then you have. You forgot about death coil, and her AOE taunt, causing all nearby things to instantly hate her.
  8. One of these days, all the druids are going to switch toons. Eigun (as Harne): Why do I keep pulling aggro? Oh... this toon hits hard... Harne (as Orcala): Wait, what am I tanking? The Moon? The Star? The Square? All three? Sorry. Wait, what? Orcala (as Eigun): <went afk, but since she's on Eigun, no one even noticed>
  9. Blessing of Protection, don't fail me now! /outofcontext Scene: The raid, waiting in front of Hydross, for a member having technical difficulties. Holyssa: "Mmm.... it's warm in here..." Orcala: "Get out of my butt!" /discuss
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