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Everything posted by Mareak

  1. Plantronics 510. Thats the way to go, freind of mine bought 3 at once, didnt like any of them, tried at least 7 types and the Plantronics510 is it!!! for what it is worth.... personal I dislike bluetooth...I would rather just have it wired. Incase of bluetooth: see a dentist ASAP!!
  2. Just wondong how things in game, and IRL are going for everyone. I am going to assume that everyone is busy preparing for the holidays, and weddings, and new house setting up. I myself am right now "inches away" from joining the working force again; pending on thier offer right now. I would be installing bussiness VOIP systems, and all that is required to do so: from pulling the wires, installing end user apps, to maintaining the server. I just wanted to keep everyone upto date, concerning my unintended absence in game.
  3. Thank You both for the update!! I feel better knowing that two "big strong knowledgeable orcs" are guarding the gates to T.H.E. ........................ .^Martok......^Mareak..........^Balandar
  4. Martok, Just checking up with this....have you had a chance to check this yet? *bump* ( I like this "bumping" I have seen lately here )
  5. n00b True, true....a better way of putting it would be: "FOR THE HOARDE" (Grinin)
  6. Not yet...still waitting on that...*digs deeper into his pocket for more patience* *winks*
  7. (Grining) Well I actually did think about making the toolbar purple, but that would be up to each individual !! We are now on the tool bar!! Here is Nok's response: ""Hi Mareak, Yes, I'm the UO Toolbar admin. I just added both your guild's site and forum, they are on the Community menu (Community|Forums and Community|Guilds). By the way... Nice site your guild has. Have fun and spread the word! ""
  8. I sent Nok an email, asked him to add us with a link to our main website, OR to let me know who to contact if he does not do this any longer.
  9. Here is a link to all things LOTR/Tolkien related. (elvin dictionary included) http://www.glyphweb.com/ARDA/default.asp *puts on thinking cap, the one with pointy ears, and thinks of a name* Where did you get the beta download from? I filled out the online form, and I have been waitting for a response... I just did a quick google for LOTR beta download, and came up empty... How can I get this?
  10. I thought that new membership forms for the website/forums here had to be manually approved. if I am incorrect in this please let me know.
  11. T-Day was awesome!!! I hope yours and everyones was good!! and you are absolutely correct, no such thing as left over turkey!!! (fed-ex driver eats it all anyways..)
  12. This is a quick way of saying it, but it seems to apply (again) ... The meaning is still as sincere as it was the first time.
  13. OK, I googled "Toyota Hilux" nice truck!!! You got one? Have any pics IRL of one?
  14. I also just signed up for the beta. if I do get in and like the game I would like to have some part of T.H.E's efforts to establish ourselves in that game.
  15. *signs up for 10* I'll pay & pick up as soon as I can there Doc !!
  16. I believe this person Nok, I noticed reading on the stratics forums, can add us to the UOToolbar... http://boards.stratics.com/php-bin/uo/show...amp;o=&vc=1 Should I contact him with our info...or would someone else like to do that?
  17. Glad your Home Ug!!! I should be home next Monday...
  18. !! was that 33 on 22nd? or 22 on the 33rd? (grinin)
  19. Kay Co. got it. Sells Mary Kay out of her pack mule behind Luna bank. got it. *smiles*
  20. This is great....JUST great!!! So what stuff were you two posting? anything from the vendors.....a box of goodies you dont want anymore....? Some great fantastic item that you just cant keep anymore? This is for the MARKETPLACE items... not a rant about a single forty bottle. Which does seem to be overpriced.... BUT, that is not the intent for the posting... IF you two would list and vendor or items to sell.... anything? Hopefully a full bottle of forty powder at a lower price....or something better? LET US KNOW!!!!
  21. Well Done Bear! I am sorry I missed it ; - ( Well done to all involved!! *note to Aikeo schedule snapshot and desktop arrangement class; All are invited!! , thank you!! * -Picture Elf GM Picture Taker GM Picture Poster Elder Elf
  22. I am posting this, I hope as a start, for us to list vendors and items. The power scroll list gave me the idea, and I think it is a good one, others have agreed with me, so here it is! This vendor I am listing is not my own, as I do not have one of my own, but this vendor is run by a good freind. I have purchased things from in the past, and speak with frequently about many things. If you would visit the vendor, in the Luna White Mall, as pictured, I hope that they may have what you need. ( I think Dew was lookinig for some white chest, which this vendor does have.) If you have a vendor, and or items that guildmates might actually need/use please put up a quick post here, I intend to list the "no-so-well-used" items of value here I have myself, in hopes of finding them a better home. I will try to accomplish this while I am down south for turkey day.
  23. Yesterday was a busy, unexpectedly so, I will be going to Jacksonville FL for about a week, visiting freinds and family. I will be online, here and there, probably going to be bringing the computer, as I will have a place to set up and spend some time in game. I want o offer a happy ThanksGiving to all, any leftover,or unwanted turkey can be fedex'ed to me!!
  24. I found this during my researching, and now use it daily, it is UOToolbar. It has all things U.O. related in it, each catagory neatly organzined, from guild forums (should ours be listed there?) to RSS news feeds, and eveything inbetween. (I actaully played UO Chess online, not in game) I just thought I would mention this to all, and provide a link to the home page for this very handy and helpful browser plugin should anyone wish to take a look see for themsleves. http://aview.org/uotoolbar/
  25. My congratulations to Ug'Zyx, he passed his codex test with flying colors!! and just to impress us, this is the first time I have ever seen or heard of double questions, not once but twice, during his codex testing!! Very well done Sir Ug'Zyx. Standing with Ug is his IRL wife, Lady Wolf Silveroak.
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