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Everything posted by Mareak

  1. Red and Blue teams took turns defending various buildings from each other in Trinsic City. A fun time was had by all !!! Present for the training were Charlie, Kodoz, Jin ChampLoo, Avatar, Mareak, Callista, Gabriel, Serick De Vanlir, Ivor MacGregor, Serick De Vanlir, Shiraha, Laurana, Kelfer, Liliana, Ricardo Von Dex, Shawn Tanglewood, Greg, Lord Mandrake, Ismene D'Arville, Lord Rothgar. (Not everyone was in this picture)
  2. Shanghied and dragged to the Fel Chmap spawn are: Kodoz Charlie Strider Mareak Avatar Obake Ayala Ravensmire Harmony Due to incoming forces of a (very) unfreindly nature, and a well placed PGoH spy, we terminated the hunt early to sail for open waters.
  3. I also have fun ! ((how did you get the cat to ONLY lick the rat?!?!?! That's amazing!!)) ( could not decide which little fun icon to put here, so I added alot of. : - ) ))
  4. Happy NEW YEAR !!! ( I had no idea ;-( and who is the mini knight, that is surrounded by all the colorful monsters?!?!
  5. *removes his shroud of silence* It seems we are all on the same page. I am glad to see this. ((as I enjoy positing here in the forums)) Thank You all for your input(s) and any/all time put forth to our guild. That is MOST appreciated. “How can I help?” I would like to add a special thanks to Doc Vale/Eisaac.
  6. It is a sad day when when an individual from our guild can not post their thoughts and experiences in a forum designed to do just that. When it is to be thrown back in their face, by, I am am not even sure how a non guild member was able to create an account, but there it is... and then to happen upon a specific entry, and then continue with exactly what the post following states shall not happen, including threats (however minuscule they are, that is how they are presented). To others who may yet read this, before it is deleted, please take heed at what has and is happening here, and more importantly, by whom. For those in leadership, when your first priority is not your followers, you have much to learn about leadership. Until I feel secure with my guild mates; I am making this my last verbal post to these forums. Lord Mareak -henceforth- The Silent Knight. Ask of yourself this: “Is what I have done HONORABLE?”
  7. Mareak

    For Thom

    This is SOOO funny!!! But what is this is I see? Is that a hint of love that Piper has for Thom?!?!?!
  8. Ayyyee matey Ayyee. *takes a swig of rum* but'n perhaps not all des yellow bellied land lubbers knows what we're yammering 'bout here...ehh? http://www.talklikeapirate.com/ Arrggghhhh.
  9. TMI Doc, TMI which leads right into UMI. ( Unwanted Mental Image)
  10. I took some time ( more than i thought it would take, but i finished it up) to put down last nights tales into a readble text. 16 Sept 2006 Bard Tales Event at Galehaven Attendies: Anthea [G*F] Lord Kether [G*F] Huma [G*F] Kris Lapp [K|R] time wizard [K|R] SCOTT STONEBLADE [K|R] Lord Kane Stormswift [KoI] Kali Mazaar [KoI] Anna Va'duar [KoI] Liliana [KoI] Filbert Eggcup [KoI] Ismene D'Arville [KoI] Lord Ivor MacGregor [KoI] James [EKoC] Deborah War Hammer Kodoz [PGoH] Daniel'le [PGoH] Biz [PGoH] Callista [PGoH] Piper [PGoH] Thom [PGoH] Thom [PGoH] Snekin Uhlung [PGoH] Lord Mareak [PGoH] Zora Liliana [PGoH] Lady Melanie [GRI] The Judicature [GRI] CatLord [GRI] Celiclya [GRI] Obake [GRI] DJ Sandman [uO|R] Skooter [uO|R] Pug [T:C] BarefootPrincess [sCB] Ally Oop [sCB] Arakasi [Pont] Skara Jack Jones [AKY] Galena Leri [AKY] Amelia Leigh [s^S] Esmeralda Kilsek [MoA] Lord Kenyon [LBRS] Drizzt Do'Urden [LBRS] _____________________________________________________________________ The first tale was told by Huma [G*F] Huma: Tonight my tale will take you back to the town of Trinsic to time far back when the mighty city was in dire peril. Juo'nar and his inhuman minions were going through Trnsic unopposed the gallant General Dupre watched this all from the parapet of a tower till hilding out hope until he saw something that made his heart sink he looked to the west and saw a detachment of them making for the Chaktamir pass. Now not many know of Chaktamir pass it was shortly destroyed after the invasion when all the energy was released when Juo'nar fell but at the time it was an ungarded way into Trinsic which even at the time few knew of. Dupre saw this and knew the fight went from hard-fought to desperate now he knew reinforcements from Birtania were coming but by then there wouldn't be a Trinsic to defend so Dupre called in a small core of troopers there was Orpash and Helbin two brothers hailing from Skara Brae I believe archers not surprising given the city and there was Slith a monster of a man ten feet tall there was talk of ogre blood in him not to his face of course and there was Durac a native born Trinsic citizen and Balon Durac and Balon went through childood and young adulthood together they began as shield bearers fer the knights of Trinsic and became knights. Together Durac would say if he had to fight Mondain himself he could with Balon at his side. Dupre called them to the tower and said "Look men I am about to ask something from you I should ask no one" he pointed to the pass "Juo'nar is sending forces thrugh there if they get through we'll be shredded. Lord Odovar is bringing his army from Britain but we need more time and with what I can spare I doubt we will even do that I am asking you guys to buy us time. Yes I know this is the actions of a desperate man a drowning man going under for the fourth time but if you fail this mighty city will be nothing but rubble and I fear other cities will then soon follow. Meet back here in one hour". Durac went to Essana his wife or "starlight" as he was wont to call her. Essana was heavy with child the clerics said the child was to be born that day. Durac took Essana in his arms and explained what would happen and asked Essana "you will tell him his father died bravely?" to which Essana said "Tell him yourself when you get back!" it managed a weak smile from both for the rest of that hour they spent comfortably entwined in each other's arms knowing it was the last time it would happen in life. So Durac met back up with Balon at the tower to which Balon said, hmm wonder how long you'll last against them number eh? to which Durac said, "you won't know. I'll outlast ya" "Bet a beer you're wrong" said Balon a bet was promptly struck. They assembled in battle formation as Durac took the lead "Under the hills the heart of the axe arises from cinders the still core of fire heated and hammered the handle an afterthought for the hills are forging the first breath of war" the soldier's heart sires and brothers the batttlefield come back in glory or on your shield their blood stirred by the song they marched shoulder to shoulder. Now there were more than the four naturally but not much and then they came in waves in deluges it almost looked like a wall of flesh. The valiant defenders stood their ground when they could which was not often. Slith one time clubbed a skeleton almost to powder. Durac was everywhere at once rallying troops felling closed breaches in the line in fact there was only one time he paused when he saw Balon get torn down from his horse from behind. He rushed to the aid of his dear friend but alas by the time he got there his childhood companion was barely recognizable but there was no time to mourn as they were closing in and quick. As the horde of undead tightened around them the defenders fought with a strength borne of desperation and then Durac saw something that made his heart leap with joy the crossed saber standard of Lord Odovar. They sliced through the inhuman attackers and swept them from the Chaktamir pass giving the defnders a much needed victory and rallying point. Durac should have been overjoyed but Odovar's timely rescue wasn't timely enough for Balon and he would have traded anything to prevent balon death. Durac ran home though like a man possed and swept Essana in his arms watching a sunrise they thought they'd never live to see together. Huma: the end The second story/performance was told by Piper [PGoH] Piper: *stumbles down, obviously drunk* Piper: *scratches her head for a moment, thinking* Piper: Well, it would seem I've forgotten my original story! Piper: *mumbles something* Piper: But! Huma: tell the one about the three bears Piper: *raises a shaky finger* Piper: That is a fine story indeed! BUT! Piper: I have another, I guess, though it's not so much a battle as a fight, you'd say. Piper: *slurring some* Piper: *stumbles around* Piper: Well! Piper: See this on my face, then?! Piper: *points to a fading cut* Biz: *looks* Piper: Of course you do! Kodoz: *nods* Piper: Well! time wizard: *stares* Piper: My guild has a warrant out for the arrest of a certain person... Piper: *squints* Piper: Drow by the name of Renor'Orbb! Piper: Know what she does?! Piper: *yells* Thom: *scowls at the name* Kane Stormswift: What does she do? Piper: *points* Kodoz: *winces a bit* Piper: She'll steal your soul! Melanie: *winces* Piper: YES! Filbert Eggcup: grrrr Piper: YES! Callista: *is glad Piper is around to tell her story* Kane Stormswift: NO! Piper: ...YES! Ismene D'Arville: *winces* Piper: I TOLD YOU! Piper: SHE'LL DO IT! Kodoz: So um..is that all? Piper: You know she'll do it! Daniel'le: *giggles to kodoz* Callista: Aye I do Piper: No that's not all! Kane Stormswift: Not all? Piper: No! Piper: Anyway! Piper: She stole this fine lady's soul once! *points to Calli* Callista: *smiles shyly at everyone* Piper: And she's wanted for murder, you see! Piper: So! Piper: One day I'm minding my own business Piper: Having a walk in Britain Piper: When I see her! DJ Sandman: *blinks 3 times hard* Piper: *squints* Piper: I follow her into the little tower there by the bank! Piper: And there's a man in there... his name escapes me now... Piper: She tried to steal his soul too! Piper: So my nightmare knocks her out! Piper: *stumbles* Kane Stormswift: Which nightmare was that? Piper: My horse! Ally Oop: *smirks* Piper: I'm a tamer! Kane Stormswift: Oh.. Piper: So! Piper: Then this other fellow appears as I'm preparing to arrest her Piper: And wouldn't you know, he says I can't! Piper: So! Huma: *fliches in terror when he hears the word tamer* Melanie: *arches a brow* Piper: I figure Piper: If he wants her, fine! Piper: They wouldn't let me leave with her Piper: And he says he'll take care of it! Piper: So! Piper: I have a seat under a tree across the bridge Piper: And she comes after me! Piper: Let her go, they did! Piper: And they knew she was a murderer! Piper: She tries to do it to me too! Piper: She starts starin' at me like she does Piper: And I try to poke her eyes out! Piper: *hiccups* Piper: SHH! Piper: Calli her comes and gets me just in time! Piper: A fine lady she is! Callista: *smiles to Piper* Huma: *throws a thumbs up to Calli* Piper: But not before she scratches my face you see! Piper: But! Piper: I'm lucky to be alive! Piper: BUT Piper: She's still loose, you know! Piper: SO! Piper: WATCH OUT! Piper: *yells* Kodoz: *blinks a bit* Piper: OR SHE MIGHT GET YOU! Melanie: *flinches* time wizard: *listens more closley* Piper: EVEN YOU DJ Sandman: YIKES!!! Piper: OR YES Piper: YOU Kodoz: *stands abit* Kane Stormswift: NO! Melanie: *arches a brow* Piper: Or you or you or... Melanie: Wow Kodoz: That was Lady Piper and um.... DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Piper: *points all around the room* Kodoz: *glances at her* DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Kether: *claps* Piper: YOU EVEN!! Ismene D'Arville: *winces* Kodoz: ......her story. The third tale for this evening was told by Daniel'le [PGoH] Daniel'le: i tell a tale of a battle fierce! Daniel'le: The needs of many people lay only in my hands!! Piper: *GASPS!* Daniel'le: I stood before my foe! Daniel'le: It just sat there not moving in front of me Daniel'le: I stepped up to it!! Daniel'le: Proud and full of courage i did!! Daniel'le: But really i was scared... it was a tough one!! Daniel'le: I knew it! Daniel'le: But i ran in and grabbed it with both hands!! Daniel'le: Knowing the people needed me! Daniel'le: I gritted my teeth and showed no fear! Daniel'le: I grabbbed the neck of that wine bottle and pulled its cork out!! I was victorious!! Anthea: lolol Piper: YES! Kodoz: *slaps a hand to his face* Melanie: *laughs hard* Kodoz: *chuckles* Piper: Victorious! Huma: HEAR HEAR! Thom: *puts his head in his hands* Snekin Uhlung: *laffs* Kether: LOL!!!!! Mareak: *laughs* Snekin Uhlung: Ya dats guud Daniel'le: That wine bottle stood no chance!! Mareak: Hahahaha Daniel'le: *giggles* Huma: a tougher battle I am yet to hear of Callista: *laughs* Kris Lapp: *smiles* Daniel'le: *does a flip backwards* Liliana: *smiles* Piper: Champion of wine bottles! Filbert Eggcup: haha Mareak: *appluasefor the flip* James: *grins* Piper: Slayer of corks! Kodoz: And that was Danielle and her winebottle... The fourth performance was given by Snekin Uhlung [PGoH] Kodoz: Snekin Uhlung Mongbat kin...Mongbat what?! Kodoz: Mongbat! Snekin Uhlung: *slips chocolatz into kodoz bag* Kodoz: Gah! Snekin Uhlung: *grinz* Snekin Uhlung: Ullo ebreywun Kodoz: *thwacks mongbat with the book* Kodoz: Tell your story! Snekin Uhlung: *rubs head* Kodoz: *mutters about mongbats* Melanie: *snickers* Piper: Hello Snekin! Kane Stormswift: Mongbats? In a house? Snekin Uhlung: Wudda. . DJ Sandman: *grinsd* Snekin Uhlung: *thbthbth* Kane Stormswift: I won't stand.. Snekin Uhlung: *shows kodoz his teeth* Snekin Uhlung: Okie Snekin Uhlung: Laydeez und germz Ally Oop: *smiles* time wizard: *small chuckle* Ismene D'Arville: *smiles* Snekin Uhlung: Dis story wuz not on a battlefield Snekin Uhlung: er on da streetz Snekin Uhlung: or in da woodz Piper: Where was it?! Snekin Uhlung: But in da very bedruum ub snekin, da mongbatz kingie Kane Stormswift: Ale run.. so that I can't see the damned Mongbats running around the house. Kodoz: Oh Gods... Snekin Uhlung: * sigh* Snekin Uhlung: Yu see Snekin Uhlung: Derz dis frend ub snekin Snekin Uhlung: By da way snekinz is muh naym Snekin Uhlung: *waves hand around* Snekin Uhlung: His naym is bill da drunkerd Kane Stormswift: When I can see a talking Mongbat.. I know I'm not in good shape. Mandrake: *waves at Snekin* Piper: Bill! Snekin Uhlung: *nods* Huma: *and hopes mongbats are houseborken* Snekin Uhlung: *looks at the crowd with a smile* Daniel'le: *giggles* Huma: *makes mental note to ask a tamer that later* time wizard: *smile back* Mareak: *winks and smiles at snekin* Snekin Uhlung: Does anywun lyke chocolatz? Liliana: *smiles* Snekin Uhlung: *reaches into his bag* Kodoz: Mongbat! tell the story! Huma: nah it goes striaght to my hips Ismene D'Arville: No thank you... Kane Stormswift: Aye.. more ale. Kane Stormswift: I want chocolatz! Snekin Uhlung: *flips chocolatz to the crowd as if they were watching a parade* Melanie: *grins at Huma* Ismene D'Arville: *ducks* Snekin Uhlung: *sits down and shoves chocolate into his mouth* Snekin Uhlung: *munch muinch* Piper: *blinks* Snekin Uhlung: thu you thee thersth thisth guy bill Piper: Get on with it, then! Snekin Uhlung: *muffled words with full mouth* Piper: *mumbles* Snekin Uhlung: *swallows with a gulp* Snekin Uhlung: Himz gibbed snekin sum moon. .. uhh.. moon..sh moonglow! Snekin Uhlung: nub datz not it.. . Snekin Uhlung: wutz dat stuff called Kodoz: Moonshine? Kane Stormswift: I think I'll need one more pitcher... Snekin Uhlung: Ya! Kane Stormswift: And another two or so bottles.. Snekin Uhlung: *points to kodoz* Snekin Uhlung: tankz Snekin Uhlung: Himz trikked snekin Snekin Uhlung: sed it wuz liqwid chocolatz Snekin Uhlung: *grumbles* Snekin Uhlung: dat turned snekin into uh. . . Snekin Uhlung: into uh..! Snekin Uhlung: a horrid beazt! Snekin Uhlung: Doh Kodoz: *blinks as the mongbat takes a rabbit form* Snekin Uhlung: A horrid beazt! Piper: *gasps!* Melanie: Heh Snekin Uhlung: *slitherse through the crowd* (he had re-taken the form of a snake) Kodoz: *blinks a bit* time wizard: eek Snekin Uhlung: *wraps around kodoz arm* DJ Sandman: YIKES Kris Lapp: *whacks snkae* Filbert Eggcup: Ach! Ismene D'Arville: eeeh!!! DJ Sandman: *stomps feet* Snekin Uhlung: *grinz* Kodoz: Mongbat! Kodoz: *growls* Snekin Uhlung: *tosses chocolatz to kodoz* Kodoz: *mutters and catches it* Snekin Uhlung: Wen snekin gotz home Snekin Uhlung: id wuz tree in da murnin Snekin Uhlung: himz had nu shooz Kodoz: *frowns a bit* Kane Stormswift: I thought this was a story of battle... Snekin Uhlung: *thinks back* Snekin Uhlung: Nub Snekin Uhlung: himz had wun shoo Snekin Uhlung: *laffs* Piper: One shoe! Snekin Uhlung: I kin laff now Kodoz: So what is the battle here? Snekin Uhlung: snekinz crawled intu bedz Kane Stormswift: What is this? Snekin Uhlung: and guess ho wuz not happy tu see himz Snekin Uhlung: Yub Snekin Uhlung: Yu gessed id Snekin Uhlung: Missus snekinz! Snekin Uhlung: O da battle iz abowt tu begin Kodoz: Theres a...another mongbat?!? Daniel'le: *smiles* Kodoz: Arrrrgh Snekin Uhlung: Nub nub Kodoz: *grabs his head* Snekin Uhlung: Sheez nub a mungbatz Snekin Uhlung: shes uh Snekin Uhlung: ... neber mind Piper: *blinks* Kodoz: Well? Snekin Uhlung: Snekin got slapped suu hard when himz tryed to gib lub Kodoz: Go on Kodoz: Oh dear gods.... Snekin Uhlung: didnt wayk up fer DAYZ! Liliana: *frowns* Piper: *laughs* Kodoz: Ookay, thats it, Times up, Mongbat's done! Snekin Uhlung: *reaches into his pack* Snekin Uhlung: ey Kodoz: *picks him up by his wings* Snekin Uhlung: snekinz nub done Snekin Uhlung: *growls* Kodoz: Time to go back to your seat Snekin Uhlung: let snekinz down! DJ Sandman: *claps* Snekin Uhlung: *vanishes* Kodoz: Fine Kodoz: *drops* Mareak: *claps* Kether: *claps* Ally Oop: Yeaa great story Filbert Eggcup: aye...when is de bedroom brawl? Kodoz: Twenty more seconds Huma: *claps and cheers* Piper: That was... fantastic! Snekin Uhlung: De end! Ismene D'Arville: Bedroom brawl? time wizard: *claps (not about story but about it ending)* DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Kodoz: That was Snekin and his ....tale of a fight with...whatever his wife is... Kodoz: *frowns* Ismene D'Arville: Oh.. *frowns* but sir how could you do that to your wife? (will we ever know what type of wife Snekin Uhlung has?!?!?!) Our Firth tale was told by Kris Lapp [K|R] Kris Lapp: Evening All Deborah: evenin Piper: Good evening! time wizard: evening kris Liliana: Evening Kris Lapp: first a question Kris Lapp: we all seen how land is cursed with undead Kris Lapp: havent we Kris Lapp: well does anyone know why Kris Lapp: Well sit back as i tell you the real reason Kane Stormswift: Because of the Mongbats having bedroom havocs. Kris Lapp: as told me by me grandpa Kris Lapp: Early one morn Kris Lapp: through out this land Kris Lapp: two Great armys marched Kris Lapp: with weapons in hand Kris Lapp: Chaos and Order Kris Lapp: as they were known Kris Lapp: their leaders hearts Kris Lapp: was hard as stone Kris Lapp: they met in a valley Kris Lapp: between two hills Kris Lapp: then battle begain Kris Lapp: and many were killed time wizard: *listens* Kris Lapp: British sat there Kris Lapp: upon his horse Kris Lapp: sending men to their deaths Kris Lapp: ith little remorse Kris Lapp: Blackthorn sat back Kris Lapp: laughing with glee Kris Lapp: because brave warriors Kris Lapp: refused to flee Piper: *listens* Kris Lapp: The battle lasted till the setting sun Kris Lapp: cause both armys refused to run Kris Lapp: that ight Kris Lapp: night Kris Lapp: they returned to their camps to rest Kris Lapp: and await the morrow Kris Lapp: to renew the test Mareak: *listens intently* Kris Lapp: when among the dead Huma: *on edge of seat* Kris Lapp: a great lich appear Piper: *eyes widen* Kris Lapp: sending mens hearts Kris Lapp: trimbling in fear DJ Sandman: *closes eyes from fear* Kris Lapp: Rise up souls he did command time wizard: *also leans forward* Kris Lapp: revenge thy deaths Kris Lapp: throughout Kris Lapp: this land BarefootPrincess: *listens intently* Kris Lapp: upon his command Kris Lapp: the dead did arise Kris Lapp: as spectors and ghouls Kris Lapp: as thick as flies Kris Lapp: they attacked both armys in such haste Kris Lapp: more braves souls were laid to waste Piper: *grimaces* Kris Lapp: then both armys dropped theri weapons and lfed Kris Lapp: you can not slay Kris Lapp: whats already dead Piper: *her tail curls some in anticipation* Huma: *notices a tail* Kris Lapp: Blackthorn and British Kris Lapp: where the first to run Kris Lapp: just then realizing Kris Lapp: what they had done Kris Lapp: So as you sit Kris Lapp: by your hearth at night Melanie: *crosses her legs* Kris Lapp: trimbling in fear Kris Lapp: and sickened with fright Piper: *leans in* Kris Lapp: and Evil comes knocking Kris Lapp: upon your door ris Lapp: you can thank the great Lords Kris Lapp: FOREVER MORE Piper: *jumps a bit* time wizard: *claps* Ally Oop: Yeaaa Kodoz: *applauds* Melanie: *smiles and claps* Filbert Eggcup: Hurrah! DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Anthea: clapsssssss DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Pug: *watches the Inethrians intently* Mandrake: *claps* Deborah: excellent Piper: *then claps* Liliana: *claps* Kether: *claps* Huma: *claps cheers and stomps* Mareak: *applauds* Thom: *claps* Kris Lapp: thank you DJ Sandman: STANDS *CLAPS* Daniel'le: ..i dont get it Daniel'le: *giggles* Kodoz: That was Kryss Lapp with Ode to the Lords the sixth tale for the event is Zora Liliana [PGoH] Kodoz: our next contestant is... Kodoz: *looks at it* Kodoz: Who signed with just an L? Zora Liliana: *clears her throught* Zora Liliana: Well, I had a glorious tale Zora Liliana: But i Zora Liliana: I'd rather tell a...more personal one Zora Liliana: *glances at piper, and frowns that the mongbat left* Zora Liliana: *gives a shrug* Zora Liliana: This happened many years back, as i was training under my father Piper: *squints at her through blurry eyes* Zora Liliana: He warned me every day as i walked out the door to fetch the water Zora Liliana: "Now listen here, little lady. You watch out for the demons, and Beware of the Balrons!" Zora Liliana: "Beware those Gargoyles that walk about, and the ferocious imps" Zora Liliana: So every day, I'd have to put up with it... Zora Liliana: I suppose that's just how fathers are. Zora Liliana: *gives a soft smile* Zora Liliana: So one day i head out, just me and my dagger... Zora Liliana: Carrying my bucket to fetch the water Zora Liliana: And as i reach the well and hoist the rope to tie the bucket to it Zora Liliana: I freeze, as all my blood runs cold Zora Liliana: I hear a noise behind me, a terrible screech, and I can't even move Zora Liliana: For I knew that what my father warned me about had come for me Zora Liliana: I closed my eyes and cringed in fear hearing the flapping of great wings behind me Zora Liliana: And in my haste to run as i finally stopped being paralyzed with fear Piper: *listens* Zora Liliana: I forgot to let go of the rope Zora Liliana: So i ran fast away from the creature behind me and ran and ran... Zora Liliana: And was suddenly stopped short Zora Liliana: Like the end of a whip, *makes a loud noise with her hands in a clap* Zora Liliana: I was snapped and hit the ground, all the breath gone from me Zora Liliana: And as i heard those great wings coming for me Piper: What was it! Zora Liliana: I found my breath once more and crawled away when a great being with claws struck at me Zora Liliana: I felt the claws rake my back, and then another creature scratched my face! Zora Liliana: I was sure that this day was my last.. BarefootPrincess: *cringes* Zora Liliana: But i intended to make my Father proud Zora Liliana: So from my pocket i grabbed my dagger Zora Liliana: And with a frightened shriek i slashed and slashed! Zora Liliana: Screaming the whole time until i realized i was hitting nothing but air Zora Liliana: And as i finally calmed down and realized that the monsters had fallen Zora Liliana: I looked uponthe bodies in shock and horror... Zora Liliana: Completely aghast at what lay before me... time wizard: *pays more attention* Zora Liliana: For the creatures i had been besieged by were no mighty balrons Zora Liliana: Nor a fearsome demon Zora Liliana: Or even the ferocious imp Zora Liliana: But merely a mongbat and that very rat who was yanked up by the wells rope Zora Liliana: And though on that day i still had all the adrenaline pumping through me Zora Liliana: All the fear in me Zora Liliana: Nowadays i look back and laugh Mareak: *grins* Zora Liliana: But on that day...You would not have found a prouder little lady in all the lands Zora Liliana: *smiles widely* Piper: *scowls, flattening her ratlike ears and thumping her tail* Deborah: Kris Lapp: *understands* Zora Liliana: *bows her head slightly* Mareak: *claps* Zora Liliana: Thank you for your time Melanie: *claps* Kether: *claps* Ally Oop: *smiles* Piper: I'm sure... Ismene D'Arville: *claps* Anthea: CLAPS Filbert Eggcup: very nice...warm tale Kodoz: That was... Kodoz: Lily and her tale of a little ladies fight Kodoz: *smiles* The last tale to be told in the evening is Lord Kane Stormswift [KoI] Kodoz: *motions to Kane* Kane Stormswift: Thank you. Kane Stormswift: *smirks* DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Kane Stormswift: *begins to chug some ale* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: My story.. Mareak: *watches kane* Kane Stormswift: Begins in the tavern of Skara Brae. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: Where myself and some fellow Militiamen, were having a couple of ales. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: We were speaking of our earlier accomplishments. Kane Stormswift: Setting up crates in front of the Abbey. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: When we hear some trampling foot steps outside. Kane Stormswift: And then... Kane Stormswift: CRASH!!!!!!!!!!! Kane Stormswift: The door flies off the hinges Kodoz: *blinks in surprise* time wizard: *eyes widen* Kane Stormswift: And a squad of Orcs come through the doorway, bearing arms. Melanie: *blinks* Filbert Eggcup: grrrr Kane Stormswift: We turn around, staring them in their blood red wide eyes. Piper: Orcs! Kane Stormswift: *hic* Snekin Uhlung: *munches chocolatz* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: As they say to us.. Kane Stormswift: "Gib shiniez" Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: "Meeb wun tribuut!" Mareak: *grins* Kane Stormswift: My friend stands and says, "You can lic' yer fochin' tribute off de bottom of meh boots." Kane Stormswift: *hic* Mareak: *laughs* Piper: *laughs* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: The Orc captain, begins to grow angry. time wizard: *thinkin back near the dawn of the ShadowClan orcs* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: And he squats into his position... whatever he does in that position. Kane Stormswift: He begins to swing his axe, wildly and uncontrollably. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Piper: ! Kane Stormswift: My friends and I stand up, staggering, being slightly inebriated. Filbert Eggcup: dem fochin orcs Kane Stormswift: As we reach for our weapons and shields. Kane Stormswift: I barely got my shield up by the time the Orc had swung his first blow.. Kane Stormswift: BANG! Piper: *jumps* Melanie: *winces at some memories* Kane Stormswift: He hit me square in the chest, my ringmail was dented. Kane Stormswift: By that time... Kane Stormswift: Wait.. Kane Stormswift: Excuse me.. Kane Stormswift: *begins to chug some more ale* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Huma: *flinches at the thought of that blow* Kane Stormswift: Anyways.. Kane Stormswift: Where was I? Kane Stormswift: Oh yes.. Kane Stormswift: The Orc had hit me in the chest. Kane Stormswift: I then got my weapon in hand and began swinging. Kane Stormswift: By that time, my friends were all running. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: And I was there, by myself.. facing twelve or so full grown Orcs. Kodoz: *wide eyes* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: Not those little pushover cubs they have. Kane Stormswift: Full grown... Kane Stormswift: BIG! Piper: *blinks several times* Piper: BIG?! Melanie: *frowns* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Skooter: *cringes* Kane Stormswift: They surrounded me, and said if I gave them a tribute, they would let me go. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Melanie: Heard that before Melanie: ahem Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: I told them to kiss me on the arse.. and dropped into my fighting stance. Skooter: hehe Ally Oop: *smiles* Kodoz: *gives a wry grin* Kane Stormswift: The captain said, "Bery well den." Kane Stormswift: So on and so on.. Kane Stormswift: The moral of the story is.. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: I got squashed by twelve orcs. Kane Stormswift: And it wasn't fun. Kane Stormswift: *hic* Mareak: Hahahaha Deborah: Melanie: *shakes her head* DJ Sandman: hahahahahah Thom: *laughs* Deborah: Piper: *cringes* DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Kether: lol Kane Stormswift: And when twelve Orcs are standing in a circle around you, demanding a tribute. DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Piper: I imagine not! DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Kodoz: *grins a bit* Kane Stormswift: *hic* Kane Stormswift: Give it to them, or they will beat you to a pulp. Kether: *claps* Kodoz: *applauds* Kane Stormswift: *grins* Skooter: *claps*!! Melanie: They will anyway Ally Oop: *smiles* Mandrake: *claps* Liliana: *claps* Piper: A useful moral indeed! Kane Stormswift: Thank you.. short and sweet. Huma: *claps* Snekin Uhlung: *laffs* DJ Sandman: *CLAPS* Melanie: *grumbles*
  11. Just the five of us, trekked around one of the Tokuno islands.
  12. I voted No. Having the existance of "safe areas" is why Trammel and Felucca exist. I feel these zones would provide a means for dispute, (and aditional areas for ambush) that can avoided by simply not having them. As much as I dislike PK'ing I am willing to do this, as it will only help me improve what little PvP skills I have.
  13. I am Glad to se PGoH on the calendar !!!
  14. Wowzers!! Can I hire you to decorate my house, when I get done rebulding it?!?!?
  15. Glad to see you posting here Mare!! I know what it's like to be taking time off ( approaching 4th month right now, unplanned time off...anyways) I will be seeing you around!!!
  16. Last night several gaurdians came to the defense of Vesper. This is a screen shot of us entering the city in it's defense.
  17. Congradulations to Lord avatar for passing his Codex test late last night. Woot Woot !!
  18. I also got a demi god result...but the author of this page did say, and I quote, "...It's a silly test. And sometimes I'm a cynical ######. So please have a sense of humor when you take it. "
  19. Congradulations to Sir Thom, promoted to Heran Centurion !!
  20. Our "official" marriage portraits
  21. Yes, Mareak and Callista finnaly got married, it was a spur of the moment, un-planned event, our apologies to all who would have liked to attend and were not able to because of our hastiness.
  22. Our family lost a child, several years ago, and it hit eveyone hard. I did alot of reading on this, and I discovered from one man's words of wisdom, what I and others needed, to get through one of the hardest times anyone can experience in life. It is not the loss of the child that can be explained, but feel gratefull that the Lord blessed you with one of his angles for so short a time. (paraphrasing) I have also experienced/felt/seen infants at the P.I.C.U. and I have learned that there are things worse than death for the infant, and more so for those that love them. I can only express my sincerest and honest condolences to the parents, and family. I hope that these mere words will provide some measure of comfort to them, as it has for others in the past. -TimJ
  23. I'd LOVE to help out there! Does "casting my sword" at your head count? HAHAH seriously, I also have a not very much played beginner Mage, I can also gain skill from casting on you!!
  24. Mareak

    PGoH map

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA You cracked me up!!! that was too funny!!!
  25. Mareak

    PGoH map

    Yes I know how to zoom out Allright, allright allright...my words were not aimed at anyone, just something I saw and typed in there, I am not even sure why...OK? zoom out off me huh?
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