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Everything posted by Houli

  1. I think he picks out one week of the month and takes down Crushers PvP rankings on the WoW website....
  2. Houli

    Arathi Basin

    Lately I raid earn cenarion reputation and pvp! If there is a team forming, i'll usualy join up to get some pvp in
  3. *nods and respects Grimgor's lead* See you on Monday! -Haq-
  4. *cheers* respectfully passes "captain clomp title to Rhoach" *cheers* -haq-
  5. haha, fomor hates the elvies. Good plan! sounds like sombody has done this before...
  6. Houli

    Arathi Basin

    Rhoach set up a raid sign up for Alterac Valley i believe for some organized pvp. I personnaly love the pvp'age, and if im not farming for cenarion circle rep, i'll try to get a team together! If we are going to set pvp time during normal playing hours, it will have to be on sunday day, Monday eve, Tuesday eve, or Saturday.
  7. Click to see who came! the group pic only has 2 crushers ... me 'n ashley ... enjoy! and quit stalking me!
  8. Houli


    i gota make myself one of those... and did we give up on the lil' updatable character sigs?
  9. so here's the thing...a lil foot rub, or one night together doesnt seem to work well with my smart little loved one... She too smurt fer me. I gotta show she comes first...#1 on the list...if I am able to do that... *poof* aggo -43143453453 yards (the radius gets big somtimes ) ((the problem for me is i SUCK at multi'tasking soo...if im' play'n wow dat all im doin...))
  10. Houli


    Thats debatable
  11. Houli


    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so rhoach are you or arent' you com'n baq? heya ya brainah : )
  12. HARNE: SLOT----------ITEM----------------------------------FR HEAD........... cenarion helm.......................... +10 NECK........... drakefire amulet...................... +15 SHOULDER... N/A.......................................... +0 BACK........... cape of the fire salamander..... +12 CHEST......... peerless armor of fireresist...... +27 WRIST......... cinderhide armsplints.............. + 10 HAND........... bloodfire talons....................... +10 BELT............ cenarion belt........................... +7 LEGS............ N/A......................................... +0 BOOTS......... coal miner boots..................... +10 RING1......................................................... +18 RING2......................................................... +11 TRINKET1.................................................... +10 TRINKET2.................................................... +0 WEAPON.......varies..................................... +0 OFFHAND......skull thing.............................. +15 TOTAL FR UNBUFFED...................................[155] NOTES: On Friday July 7th, I lasted until the sons began to bang on me ... with 155 FR + Druid buff, and no shaman totem, i barely went thru one Greater Fire Protection Potion before the Sons came out....so 155 is a good amount to have for a caster. Haq has 50 FR ... maybe
  13. Houli

    Scape goat!

    Haq fell asleep standing. Shoot! Add me to the group of kool people like Greenbull who fall asleep at the keyboard Fell asleep after the rez (first wipe) ... woke up at 1:30am... /sorry! my scape goat: BLAME INDIA! speaking of, i got some pics to post...if i can just stop myself from play'n the game long'nuff you all will get to see em! Well, i hope you all did well last night, too bad i earned 0 DKP lol, serves me right, and sorry again! -Haq- the sleepy troll.
  14. Houli

    Patch 1.11

    *prays for a decent rogue review*
  15. Houli


    you stole pronger from me. im in india. my team sux. but im still a hockey fan
  16. I am a wow purist. ((that means i dont use addons.)) (until uglutz and maube used peer pressure and made me download CT_raid)
  17. heehee, i'll take what i can get while in india
  18. Part I: ((found originaly @ http://forums.thehonorempire.net/index.php?showtopic=9711 )) In the wake of Volonazra's departure, Haq too felt the winds of change. The winds however felt heavy and despairing. Haq had regrets. The final departure was missed. The last image of Vol' Haq now holds is him spreading his wisdom to the Clan at the inn of Splintertree Post. Time spent with the Chieftan and the Clan was just to little. The lust for the blood of the enemies consumed him for many months, revenge always seems to be bittersweet. With the news of Volonazra's departure, Haq resorted to solitude and meditation. Perhaps one day he will be able to prove his worth, to make up for any short-comings. Communication with the clan, and his warden Harne will prove useful certainly. Haq above all hopes to reinforce the values of the departed chieftan, let us not forget. But hope remains, Times of change are exciting and Haq knows this. Time will tell a tale of grand adventures, glory, and honor for him and the 'Crushers alike! PART II: **In the solitude of the barren wastelands Haq sits in quiet contemplation** Breathe in. (stream of consciousness) Meditation has helped me hone my skills. All that Rhoach has taught me is making sense, even the “crazy” stuff. I miss my friends. Focus. Channel energies *makes a striking motion* kidney-shot. Visualization is key in meditation. So much time. Time all alone has heightened the normally unused senses and degraded those most take for granted. Rhoach, Mentor to Haq, always emphasized the peripheral senses more than that of sight. Where am I? What time is it? No matter. Time alone has allowed for intense training in the ways of a rogue. Sneaking where most believe its not possible, use all forms of cover to my advantage. Sight is the easiest of senses to trick. Use this to my advantage. My thoughts wander lately. Perhaps it is time. Incorporate unorthodox reagents to gain advantage: fadeleaf to blind the enemy, flash powder to vanish in thin air. Tricks. I love them. Living off the land has made me stronger. …haq… hmm did I just think my name or hear it? … Haq… odd! That sounds like my life debt’ed furry friend of a druid, Harne. …HAQ, hear me, it is time to return, much is churning in the land of Azeroth, Maube is Chieftain now!, war-parties form, demons from the deep will soon be released, our clan needs you, I need you. Without your presence, I too have remained in meditation; in the druidic emerald dream. I have foreseen much Haq, yet the future is ever changing. Go now back to those who have always considered you friend and bring them honor before it is too late. At last you may find retribution on the enemies of the horde… How fortunate I am to have Harne, along with all my other friends. What! Maube is clan leader now! Interesting…this will be good, I know Volonazra was a good leader, but I know Maube well, and she will take us to new heights! War is brewing eh? Heh, my specialty, I feel more ready than ever. Fear me alliance! My absence will undoubtedly hurt my reputation with the generals…no matter, rank is meaningless, results are all that matter. Demons, among other threats approach the homeland as well eh? I’m sure I’ll be able to lend in a hand in that too, if not, Harne’s always got my back. I miss Rhoach and Slythe, they had my back. I hope I’ve kept my new friends despite my hiatus. I’ll cover their back. That’s where I strike, from behind for a clean quick kill with a small efficient agile weapon. Minimize attrition, I do what I can. Get ready Maube, im com’n back. What can I say, I do what I can. Breathe out.
  19. for someone who was not able to attend, this was a great read! thanks much Greeny!
  20. Woo'gah, welkom frens!
  21. no worries, the nocturnal harne/haq be there help this friday! yay
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