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Help people Buff.

Molox used 40 candles last night

Verissi used 40 Arcane Powders

Tazzak used 25 candles

When we ran out, I was forced to single Buff because others who forgot reagents or just were too lazy to do so...

Week after week I am noticing the same people burn through stacks and stacks of reagents (Druids are just Fubarred) and some people arent buffing.

AT LEAST say 'Groups 1, 3 and 5' are mine. Pick a group and keep them buffed. It really isnt fair to only have 4 of the people along doing all the buffing

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*buffs with Battle Shout*

I'm helping..! :/

If folks need buff .. things .. uh .. Reagents! Yeah, that's it. If folks need them, I can bring a few emergency ones each night. A handful of ankhs and thingers. Candles.

.. brain isn't working well today.

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By no means do I think this should be a requirement but i know I always have at least 2 stacks of Sacred Candles on me 'cause well, you just never know. I havn't done any 40 man raids yet but I can only imagine that once i start ruuning these things I'll probably be carrying around 3 or 4 stacks just in case, I know its a pain and they are expensive but I've always believed in being prepared for a not so good PUG or a few really bad pulls, like I said, ya never know.... I've always looked at it this way, tanks and DPSrs have high repair bills, I get high reagent bills, it all evens out in the end me thinks.

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Al, you pay enough in repair bills =p

And yeah Guilo... Last night Tazzy was not prepared to be buffing the entire raid =p I mean heck I play Maube =p But V knows I am forgetting a lot :) but it shouldnt fall through to a handfull of people =)

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My rule of thumb is to bring one arcane powder per member of the raid, meaning one stack of powder for 20-man and two stacks for 40. Honestly, that's a ton of powder to go through in a single raid...enough to buff a 40-man raid 8 times over. Sounds like a lot, but it doesn't go as far as you'd think and outside of a 5- or 10-man raid, no one person (or two, in 40-man) should be buffing the entire raid.

Some things to keep in mind when planning reagent purchasing are:

* Raid duration - each brilliance buff, for instance, is 60mins, so if you're in MC for four hours, that means you'll go through 4 times as many powder as a one hour raid if you handled the buffs yourself.

* Account for wipes - Never bring "just enough for a perfect run". Crap happens, so plan for it...

* Fudge factor - I blow at least 2-3 powders per week due to group shuffling after I buff or people that are out of range/zone, so it's best to account for some waste as well.

In context of MC, though, I can't say it strongly enough: bring reagents and do your part if you're a buffing class. There's no reason that so few of us should've gone through that many reagents even with the wipes if everyone was working together to keep the buffs going.

I also see tons of requests for rebuffs in every single raid. While the single-targets may escape us all sometimes and drop, it's easy to monitor the status and duration of your buffs with CT Raid and reapply them when timers are about up. I can walk anyone through configuring CT Raid to show their buff types and explain how to check the timers if needed, so please ask before the raid if you'd like to learn more about that. For the buff recipients, please please PLEASE don't wait until your buff is gone to ask for another...a heads-up at 5mins left would be great so we can plan for the mana usage. I don't know about other classes, but to throw out an Arcane Brilliance costs me over 3k mana, so this isn't something I can just tap and keep going...and even single target AI isn't "cheap" mana-wise...

Lastly, if we can all work together regarding buff work load, reagents, and watching our timers, everything goes much smoother and faster during the raid. I hate throwing up the "I'm oom" flag before a boss fight because I just buffed 7 groups...it's just a waste of time and would be unnecessary with a little bit of coordination.

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I always have a stack of powder on me, if youre not in my group don't AB me, I will always get my group. 9:10 times I go to buff and I have it already. I have felt since the beginnning that we are way too disorganized as mages. We should be designating group x to mage x, then there is no confusion, double buffing etc. And designate one mage to be the single buffer for post rez buffs. Same should go for priests and druid(s), well if we had more than one on a raid that is...

Last night I was buffing any group that didnt have a mage in it. If it did have a mage I left it up to said mage. We had 2 new mages on that raid and again there was no co-ordination of any kind. From now on I vote Verissi as Mage co-ordinater since Maube is raid leader, and if V isnt around I will step up as 3rd seed.

Edited by Chrysalia
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Ah yes... the infamous magespwn channel... of which only Verissi and I ever were in :) I gave up on that after V and i had some silly conversations in there all by our lonesome ::laughs::

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One thing I'd like to note as a non-buffer. Quite a few times, I see buffers throw out one of their group buffs when someone asks for a buff *usually after they died* It strikes me that this is also kinda wasteful of the reagents. It's probably less of a hassle to do it that way, but wouldn't it be better to take the time and save the candle or thorn or powder to cast the single-target buff when less than half of the group their in needs it?

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Depends on how distracted that person is.

I for one get hit with many many many tells during the course of the raid, and sometimes I hit the wrong button =p

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The priests and druids should communicate their assignments through the MCHealer channel...I never see that happening, and I am in it with Huato since I am a healer in the raids.

I also don't mind doing my part for the raid (well, once I get Zu there anyway). It's worth the cost to me in my eyes to help give the members of the raid an increased chance of success. :)

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I always check the remainder of the group before using a reagent. If most of them have single-targets or their group buff is wearing off within the next 10 minutes, I'll go ahead and hit the whole group at once (which usually prompts another round of buffs anyway). Otherwise, it's single-target. Side note: if someone dies, buff them as they rez...makes life so much easier than seeing "need paw, fort" in raid chat seconds before a pull (or during combat).

I'm not sure buffing assignments would really be beneficial enough...and still may burden some more than others if it's too strictly assigned (some groups tend to die more often, etc), but who knows. For me, it's not so much that I burn through so many reagents...it's that I see groups go unbuffed for over 5 minutes without anyone noticing...or seeing requests for a buff go unanswered until after I regain full mana AND handle ML duties. If we all have CT Raid, there's really no reason for any of this to happen since the buffs are plainly visible and the timers can be viewed. Basically, I'm just asking for buffing classes to be more watchful over their relative buff domains and be as proactive as possible. I watch *every* type of buff across the groups, personally...partially to cut down on the "group 5 needs fort...group 3 too...and 7" stuff, but also to make sure we as a raid have every advantage possible (plus, Maube can't watch everything herself :bunny:).

But, if you think more coordination would benefit you, then pick out a few groups, declare them as yours to buff, and we can go from there.

Other small tips for buffing:

* Buff after a fight, not before one. We always have time while picking up the dead or dealing with loot where most of us are just standing around. Use that time to check buff timers, spot-buff, etc rather than waiting for everyone to be ready for the next pull.

* Watch for dead people. Buffing them as they get up means they, and you, will be back at full health/mana with just one eating/drinking session rather than two....and allowing everyone to be ready to fight again sooner.

* Don't overextend yourself. I'm violating this usually and buff too quickly...leading to being entirely mana-deprived for several minutes. Be ready for surprises if at all possible and save a bit of mana Just In Case...never know when a Lava Surger's going to come plowing through while you're at 58 mana :bunny:

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ofcourse there were usually only 2 or 3 druids when i ran MC with Harne...but most the time i just said morgh you get the first four groups, ill get 5-8....and when there were more than 2 i just sent a tell to each druid with which group they are in charge of buffing...everyone of them replied ok, no problem.

Nobody likes to feel used / taken advantage of!

stuff like this happens, lil bit of mis'communication etc etc.. but itsa crusher'n'friends raid im sure it'll work out!

Also, it wasnt easy, but one time harne was the only druid and i had no reagents...i kept everyone buffed :bunny: course night in and night out that woulda sucked :bunny:

also in order to quickly determine who needed a paw or thorns or even my HoT heals i used CT raid options to show only buffs i could cast.

-Harne, warden of Haq-

P.S. How far did you guys get? did anyone get anytin kool? !!?!!?!:bunny:!!!!!!one111

Edited by Houli
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Huato has 6/8 of the Earthfury set.

Now to get Zuato geared up! :bunny:

I know once I start bring Zu the remaining two pieces of EF will drop that Hu needs. :bunny:

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