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Everything posted by Jadeynn

  1. *peers over Drellyn's shoulder wondering what he's writing...*
  2. The invitation was never intended to pull you away from where you are, afterall.. you're already with a great bunch of people! and we all understand your commitment and dedication to the Clan. We just wanted to let you all know we were here and would most gladly acept any alts you may have alliance side. The cookout on saturday was alot fun! Looking forward to more encounters (friendly of course ) in the near future!
  3. heh.. yeah.. not to mention those blasted totems But yes, we are all fighting the same foe outside the battlegrounds and it's about time we all tried standing together united!
  4. *bites lip to keep from saying no, Shaman*
  5. just going to do this once.. *bump*
  6. LOL contacts are listed in the first post =p OH! and please be sure to mention you are a T.H.E. member =)
  7. Greetings everyone! I just wanted to post here letting you all know that there are some of us T.H.E. members on the alliance side of Argent Dawn. Our Guild is "Sacred Circle" and we would welcome anyone that even just casually plays an alliance character to join us. We aren't that large in numbers just yet, but the members we have are very active and great people. We have a couple level 60's but the majority of us are mid to upper 40's. We are a Roleplaying guild of course! Which brings me to another reason for this post.. If you are ever in need of alliance members for RP purposes we would gladly take the role, and hope to have the same from Clan Skullcrushers. If you are interested please feel free to contact Drellyn (guild leader), Kariyn (myself), Demaria or Savryn. Feel free to visit our guild website. Sacred Circle guess I should also mention.. I'm Kytae, troll priest (19) in Clan Skullcrusher, though I'm not on all that much.
  8. haha! loved Brothers Tauren too! "Hey there lil fella"
  9. A friend recently shared this video with me, thought I would pass it along Though it's not graphic, it's not suitable for young ears. Enjoy! click me
  10. Jadeynn

    Guild Wars

    oopsy, that was me
  11. Jadeynn

    Maze Game

    ewww.. that scareded me!
  12. ugh! 3 thanksgiving dinners later... 2 of which were at my house.. I'm quite turkeyed out.. It's ham! HAM for christmas! Hope everyone that celebrates had a wonderful holiday!
  13. WOW! that's insane... cool, but insane! lol
  14. Happy Birthday Borg!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! Happy Birthday!
  15. me me me! can't wait to see it! won't be this weekend though... I hate crowds my 13 yr old is going to see it tonight with friends.
  16. OMG!! that's kinda sad in a way... lol
  17. Cancel the spankin' it wasn't his birthday.. he put his b-day in wrong the silly
  18. buy the water? never did that.... Just treated the tap water then added the salt... checked the levels ... added more salt... checked the levels.... added more water...*sigh* yeah.. changing some of the water weekly was a chore.
  19. Awww Damn! I missed spankin' Arkan'! well... anyway.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARKAN'!!
  20. Oooooo.. used to have a 150 gal saltwarter tank years ago, beautiful!! but such a pain to take care of
  21. you guys crack me up!!! oops.. got side tracked reading your replies.. I almost forgot to attack you two.. *pulls out her AK 47* BOOM! *runs of laughing* muahahahaha
  22. Is it wrong of me to enjoy seeing someone try to attack me and they end up commiting suicide? muahahaha
  23. Should be able to make it. ~Kytae
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