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Everything posted by Jadeynn

  1. Jadeynn

    Council of Honor

    Welcome to dah new membahs! ahn congratulations warmonger Oriahtundra an' dah new veterans Zingo and Khanak!
  2. *tries to impersonate Baracko* oh nooooe!
  3. sorry, prolly be too late for me after tonights clan meeting. good luck though
  4. Belt of the Inquisition (blue item) Prayer of Healing V Obsidian Idol
  5. *thanks everyone for the help getting it* Umm.. Maube.. I'm a "her" remember?
  6. *bonks Guilo on the head* silly priest!
  7. Jadeynn

    Car wreck.

    Just like a man to be stubborn
  8. Jadeynn

    Car wreck.

    <3 my chiropractor! who I actually need to go see and keep putting off.. It wouldn't be a bad idea just to go and get your alignment checked out Bal. I still deal with the aftermath of whiplash from years ago and it really sux.. Not sure when last you saw a Chiropractor, but I know mine has swithched to using something called a "pro adjuster". It has this screen that shows a reading of your spine so the doc knows exactly which vertebra need to be ajusted. Then he uses this hand held device on those vertebra, it makes a lot of clicking noises, but it's very gentle. No more of that... "okay relax your neck" then a sudden twist, snap, crackle, pop to the neck.
  9. I'm not sure my opinion is worth much here, considering I'm still fairly new to raiding..but I vote to keep it DKP free. I do understand how frustrated Chrys feels though, and maybe as Maube suggested with the higher roll for the dedicated raiders or something similar should be implemented. It’s a tough one to call.. Should the vets be given preference because they’ve been there from the start? They certainly deserve it, but on the other hand, you have someone that came in to help fill a spot and that person did help down that boss, but because they haven’t been there with us before they don’t have the right to be awarded something that would be useful to them? I’ll be the first to admit if one of my healing spells dropped and say a shadow priest, who would rather play in shadow than heal in the raid rolled and won, yeah.. I’m going to be a tad bit upset. Now if a holy/disc spec priest had joined us, even though they had not been with us before and they won the roll... I may be a bit disappointed but *shrugs* they were there and deserved a shot at it. I know this probably wasn’t very helpful to you in making your decision Crik, and I certainly feel for ya in having to make it. Just know you have my support no matter what you decide and I want to thank you so much for leading this raid and doing it so well.
  10. Jadeynn


    *tight hugs* so glad to hear he will be okay Crik, like others said, we were all so worried for him and you last night.
  11. *beckons to Baracko* join us.. join us in dah AQ dun make meh use dah mind control.. I'll do it! *grins*
  12. You know I'm always around, can't say the same for you though.. haven't seen ya on in a couple days... must be workin those roguey skillz.. Wish I'd known.. I just sold a set of valor bracers a couple days ago..
  13. Greetings Spinecrusher Look forward to meeting you! Any friend of Odenn's... well.. just better stay the hell away from my Jubling!
  14. yep, that strat worked great! That's the best I've seen us take him down Once again, thanks a bunch Crik! *hugs*
  15. Jadeynn


    Have a wonderful and safe trip!
  16. Ser!!! when you coming over to WoW!?
  17. Jadeynn

    Car wreck.

    Ohhhh Noooo Bal! I'm sooo sorry! Glad to hear you weren't seriously hurt!! *comfort hugs*
  18. Jadeynn


    LOL It's up, for the time being anyway...
  19. ooOOoo...... *drools* Prayer of Mending - Rank 1 Requires Level 68 976 Mana30 yd range Instant cast Places a spell on the target that heals them for 702 to 858 the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to a nearby raid target. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 1 min after each jump. This spell can only be placed on one target at a time. that's freakin sweet! Shadow Word: Death - Rank 2 Requires Level 70 309 Mana30 yd range Instant cast6 sec cooldown A word of dark binding that inflicts 572 to 664 Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target. Owwwwwie! AoE demagic will be awesome!
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